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Engaging “Passive Learners”. Jason O’ Shell, B.A., Page County High School Brandon K. Schultz, Ed.D., NCSP, James Madison University. Agenda. Academic Motivation ‘Passive Learners’ Targeting Motivation? Typical targets for intervention Theoretical intervention models
Engaging “Passive Learners” Jason O’ Shell, B.A., Page County High School Brandon K. Schultz, Ed.D., NCSP, James Madison University
Agenda • Academic Motivation • ‘Passive Learners’ • Targeting Motivation? • Typical targets for intervention • Theoretical intervention models • Real-World (Feasible) Applications Our Goal: Explain the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to improve student motivation
What Causes ADHD?(Nigg, 2006) • The causes are unclear, but research strongly suggests a biological link • Some environmental toxins (e.g. lead) may be associated with ADHD, but only explain a small portion of cases • Brain imaging techniques have found significant differences in specific parts of the brain for ADHD and peers • EEG scans have been shown to differ between ADHD and peers
Academic Motivation • Motivation has been defined as “…desires, needs, and interests that energize the organism and direct it toward a goal”(Santrock, 1987, p. 662) • Motivation related to achievement has been examined in many ways • From this growing literature, some useful concepts have emerged…
Academic Motivation(Covington, 2000; Olivier & Steenkamp, 2004) • Early theorists suggested there are two components of motivation: • These drives oftentimes conflict, and a student’s classroom behavior depends on the balance or imbalance of the two Motivation Hope for Success Fear of Failure
Later theorists divided fear of failure into two subcomponents: Positive Fear of Failure – anxiety that improves performance Negative Fear of Failure – anxiety that impedes performance Academic Motivation(Hermans, as cited in Olivier & Steenkamp, 2004) Performance Low Anxiety High Anxiety
“Passive Learners”(Barron, Evans, Baranik, Serpell, & Buvinger, 2006) • What is the motivation profile of an adolescent with ADHD and/or related learning difficulties? • Tend to have a long history of failure experiences, which reduces hopes for future successes • “I’m never going to be a good student” • Tend to be motivated by fear (avoiding failure) rather than hope for success • “I just don’t want to look totally stupid”
“Passive Learners”(Olivier & Steenkamp, 2004) • Performance goal orientation – • Poor self-regulation • Poor frustration tolerance (e.g., find shorter shortcuts) • External locus of control • Low self-esteem • High reward thresholds
PriorReadingAchievement 146 Elementary Students,70% with ADHD(Volpe et al., 2006) Measured byStandardized Test Scores StudySkills ADHD Motivation CurrentReadingAchievement Engage-ment SocialSkills
Targeting Motivation? • How do we improve motivation? • Traditionally, we use reward systems (e.g., token economies), most often with younger children in highly structured settings • In theory, providing extrinsic rewards (e.g., points, special activities) eventually leads to intrinsic motivation—when it is done correctly
Targeting Motivation? • But what about middle and high school? Is it too late to influence an adolescent’s intrinsic motivation? • Can we strengthen desire or interest? • The research to date seems to have focused on extrinsic influences on motivation, and not so much on intrinsic factors (Piana & Volpe, 2008)
PriorReadingAchievement Typical Targets for Intervention(Piana & Volpe, 2008) LearningStrategies Medication / Behavior Mod. StudySkills ADHD Motivation CurrentReadingAchievement Engage-ment Class Participation SocialSkills
Real-World Applications • What are the best ways to address passive learning styles and performance goal orientations? • Classroom environment • Cooperative learning? • Motivation to complete assignments • Building interest & providing feedback • Conveying concepts effectively • Structuring writing assignments
Targeting Passive Learners joshell@pagecounty.k12.va.us
Targeting Passive Learners • An inviting classroom • Motivating to read • Using concepts/vocabulary • Clarifying & organizing writing
Classroom environment • Seating & technology • Order & interaction • What works? • Sights & sounds • Pique curiosity • Most things work
Motivating to read • Balancing consequences & rewards • Expectations & choices • Checking progress • Frequency • Simple pleasures
Using concepts/vocabulary • Copy the notes? • Give the notes? • What about vocabulary?
Main idea Topic sentence Thesis S + D+ 3R TAG Support an opinion Discuss a topic State a position = CONFUSION Clarifying & organizing writing
References Barron, K. E., Evans, S. W., Baranik, L. E., Serpell, Z. N., & Buvinger, E. (2006). Achievement goals of students with ADHD. Learning Disability Quarterly, 29, 137-158. Covington, M. V. (2000). Goal theory, motivation, and school achievement: An integrative review. Annual Reviews of Psychology, 51, 171-200. Olivier, M. A., & Steenkamp, D. S. (2004). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Underlying deficits in achievement motivation. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 26, 47-63. Piana, M., & Volpe, R. (2008). ADHD and motivation: Relevant research and meaningful strategies. Presentation at 40th annual National Association of School Psychologists Conference: Resilience: Building Strength for Life, New Orleans, LA. Santrock, J. W. (1987). Adolescence: An introduction (3rd Ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Brown. Volpe, R. J., DuPaul, G. J., DiPerna, J. C., Jitendra, A. K., Lutz, G., Tresco, K., et al. (2006). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and scholastic achievement: A model of mediation via academic enablers. School Psychology Review, 35, 47-61.