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EDU 597 – Elluminate 2. Pre-Lesson Activities (Optional). There are a number of organizations in technology education that are “authoritative” voices in this field. Take some time to browse some of their web sites: http://www.amtec.ca
Pre-Lesson Activities (Optional) • There are a number of organizations in technology education that are “authoritative” voices in this field. Take some time to browse some of their web sites: • http://www.amtec.ca • http://www.teachers.ab.ca/Professional+Development/Specialist+Councils/Council+Directory/Educational+Technology+Council.htm • www.aace.org • www.iste.org • http://www.aect.org/ • http://rtec.org/ • http://www.techlearning.com/ • There are also a number of teacher focused journals that may help you towards your goal of being a “technology leader” • http://www.thejournal.com/ • http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/
Advanced Organizer • 30 minutes – Features of Elluminate • 30 minutes – Mock Lesson (in orange) • 10 minutes – Debrief
Features of Elluminate • All the little buttons and what they do from a teaching perspective.
Mock Lesson • Pre-Lesson Activity • Advance Organizer • Introduction • Instruction/ Demo • Group or Individual Work • Summary
Pre-Lesson Activity Example • Brain Teaser - Auction Action Nina and her mom helped organize the auction fundraiser to help pay for the 8th grade musical. Seven local stores each donated a gift certificate to be redeemed for merchandise. The gift certificates will be auctioned off at the big event. The Athlete's Alley, Bay State Basement, CD Corner, Don's Deli, Elk's Software, Fancy Footwear Shop, and the Gorgeous Candy Boutique have all participated. The gift certificates are each in multiples of $5. There is a $100 range in the value of the gift certificates, which start at $25. The mean value of all seven gift certificates is $80, and the median and the mode are both $70. • The certificate from The Athlete's Alley is worth the most, and the one from Gorgeous Candy is worth the least. • The total value of the gift certificates from CD Corner, Don's Deli, and the Fancy Footwear Shop is $270, but the Fancy Footwear certificate is worth $50 more than the one from Don's Deli. The CD Corner gift certificate is equivalent to the mean for this group of 3. • What is the value of the gift certificate from each store? • From: http://www.eduplace.com/math/brain/7-060.html
The Education Leadership Toolkit for Technology and Change • The following web site was put together to promote technology leadership in the US.http://www.nsba.org/sbot/toolkit/
Student Discussion (15 minutes) • Thinking of the 7 main toolkit topics (listed below), rank them in order of how well your group feels that our provincial government is addressing each of these issues. Write these rankings on the whiteboard in your breakout room. • How are your own school districts working towards compensating for any weaknesses in what the provincial government is doing? • Finally, as a group, come up with three specific recommendations for the provincial government that you feel would most improve the state of technology education in our province (let’s all assume “more funding” is on everyone’s list, so you don’t have to bother putting it down). • Planning • Policy • Curriculum and Assessment • Community Involvement • Facility Planning • Funding • Professional and Leadership Development
Debrief • What did your group rank as first for what the province is doing well? • What did your group rank as last? • What three recommendations did your group come up with for the provincial government?
Conclusion • Any thoughts to share on lesson. • Any instructions for next lesson.
Impressions? • What do you think of Elluminate as a teaching tool? • Would you be willing to teach with it? • What challenges would you face compared to regular “face-to-face” teaching?
Elluminate and Classroom Management • What features do you see that allow you to “manage” the classroom. • Do you like/ agree with how the program was set up for classroom management? • Does it fit your style of teaching? • What do you think can be done to improve this software from a teaching perspective?
Conclusion • Any thoughts from Harvey? • Any instructions for tomorrow. • Have a great night!!!