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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 29. 1. The children's television program called "Sesame Street" was seeing in 84 countries in 1989. A. The children's B. called C. seeing D. in
1.The children'stelevision programcalled "Sesame Street" wasseeingin 84 countries in 1989. A. The children's B. called C. seeing D. in 2. Today's jobseekers are confrontedwithsuch questionas "Are you computer literate?" and "Can youset up a data base?" A. job B. confronted C. such question D. set up
1.The children'stelevision programcalled "Sesame Street" wasseeingin 84 countries in 1989. A. The children's B. called C. seeing D. in 2. Today's jobseekers are confrontedwithsuch questionas "Are you computer literate?" and "Can youset up a data base?" A. job B. confronted C. such question D. set up
3. A galaxy,wheremay include billionsofstars, isheld together bygravitational attraction. A. where B. of C. is D. by 4. People with exceptionallyhigh intelligence quotients may not be the bestemployees since they become boredof their work unless the job is constantly changing. A. exceptionally B. the best C. bored of D. changing
3. A galaxy,wheremay include billionsofstars, isheld together bygravitational attraction. A. where B. of C. is D. by 4. People with exceptionallyhigh intelligence quotients may not be the bestemployees since they become boredof their work unless the job is constantly changing. A. exceptionally B. the best C. bored of D. changing
5.One ofhistory's most spectacularexecutionswere that of Damiens, theunsuccessfulassassin of Louis XV of France. A. One of B. most spectacular C. were D. unsuccessful 6. Mrs. Anderson bought last week a new sports car; however, shehas yet to learnhow to operatethe manual gearshift. A. last week a new sports car B. however C. has yet to learn D. how to operate
5.One ofhistory's most spectacularexecutionswere that of Damiens, theunsuccessfulassassin of Louis XV of France. A. One of B. most spectacular C. were D. unsuccessful 6. Mrs. Anderson bought last week a new sports car; however, shehas yet to learnhow to operatethe manual gearshift. A. last week a new sports car B. however C. has yet to learn D. how to operate
7. As thenumeralofolder peopleincreases, services forthe elderlywill soon represent one of the fastest-growing areas of employment. A. numeral B. older people C. the elderly D. areas 8. The disposable camera, a single-use camerapreloaded withprint film, has appearedin the late 1980s, and has become very popular. A. a B. preloaded with C. has appeared D. has become
7. As thenumeralofolder peopleincreases, services forthe elderlywill soon represent one of the fastest-growing areas of employment. A. numeral B. older people C. the elderly D. areas 8. The disposable camera, a single-use camerapreloaded withprint film, has appearedin the late 1980s, and has become very popular. A. a B. preloaded with C. has appeared D. has become
9. When the ball struck him in the face, the playerwas collapsedbuthis teammates carried onplaying. A. in the face B. was collapsed C. but D. carried on 10. Nutritionists recommendthat foodsfrom each of the four basic groups be eatenon a regularly daily basis. A. recommend B. from each of C. eaten D. regularly
9. When the ball struck him in the face, the playerwas collapsedbuthis teammates carried onplaying. A. in the face B. was collapsed C. but D. carried on 10. Nutritionists recommendthat foodsfrom each of the four basic groups be eatenon a regularly daily basis. A. recommend B. from each of C. eaten D. regularly
11. Psychologists at the University of Kansas has studiedtheeffectsof thecolorof a roomon people's behavior. A. has studied B. effects C. color D. on people's 12. Each of the Intelsat satellites remainin afixedposition from which they relay radio signals to more thanseventyearth stations. A. remain B. fixed C. more than D. earth stations
11. Psychologists at the University of Kansas has studiedtheeffectsof thecolorof a roomon people's behavior. A. has studied B. effects C. color D. on people's 12. Each of the Intelsat satellites remainin afixedposition from which they relay radio signals to more thanseventyearth stations. A. remain B. fixed C. more than D. earth stations
13.WhereasEarthhasone moon, the planetcall Mars has two small ones. A. Whereas B. has C. call D. ones 14. The prices of homes areashigh in urban areas thatmostyoung people cannot afford to buy them. A. are B. as C. most D. them
13.WhereasEarthhasone moon, the planetcall Mars has two small ones. A. Whereas B. has C. call D. ones 14. The prices of homes areashigh in urban areas thatmostyoung people cannot afford to buy them. A. are B. as C. most D. them
15. Shehasdecided to takea sameclasses as you next, semesterhopingyou will help her. A. has B. a same C. next D. hoping 16. In Englandas early asthetwelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football. A. In England B. as early as C. twelfth century D. to play
15. Shehasdecided to takea sameclasses as you next, semesterhopingyou will help her. A. has B. a same C. next D. hoping 16. In Englandas early asthetwelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football. A. In England B. as early as C. twelfth century D. to play
17. Nancy said thatshewenttothe supermarketbefore cominghome. A. that B. went C. to D. before coming 18. Before his death in 1943, in an effort to encourageless dependence on one crop by the South, George Washington Carver is responsible for developing hundreds of industrial uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes. A. in 1943 B. less dependence C. is D. uses
17. Nancy said thatshewenttothe supermarketbefore cominghome. A. that B. went C. to D. before coming 18. Before his death in 1943, in an effort to encourageless dependence on one crop by the South, George Washington Carver is responsible for developing hundreds of industrial uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes. A. in 1943 B. less dependence C. is D. uses
19.To receivea degree from an American university, one must take many courses besidethose in one's major field. A. To receive B. beside C. those D. one's 20. In Ground Control Approach, the air traffic controllerinformsthe pilot how faris the planefromthe touchdown point. A. the air traffic controller B. informs C. is the plane D. the touchdown point
19.To receivea degree from an American university, one must take many courses besidethose in one's major field. A. To receive B. beside C. those D. one's 20. In Ground Control Approach, the air traffic controllerinformsthe pilot how faris the planefromthe touchdown point. A. the air traffic controller B. informs C. is the plane D. the touchdown point
21. By the turn ofthe century, most of the inventionsthatwere tobring in all the comforts of modern living have already beenthought of. A. By the turn of B. that C. were to D. have already been 22. Richard Gattling, an inventionbest known for the development of the Gattling Gun, actuallyputmost ofhis effort into improvingagriculturalmethods. A. invention B. actually C. most of D. agricultural
21. By the turn ofthe century, most of the inventionsthatwere tobring in all the comforts of modern living have already beenthought of. A. By the turn of B. that C. were to D. have already been 22. Richard Gattling, an inventionbest known for the development of the Gattling Gun, actuallyputmost ofhis effort into improvingagriculturalmethods. A. invention B. actually C. most of D. agricultural
23. The greaternumber of dentists insmallesttowns shows either that dentists don't like bigcities or there are now more dentists. A. The greater B. smallest C. big cities D. more 24. Many birds will, in the normal course of their migrations,flyingmore than three thousand milesto reachtheir winter homes. A. their B. flying C. more than three thousand miles D. to reach
23. The greaternumber of dentists insmallesttowns shows either that dentists don't like bigcities or there are now more dentists. A. The greater B. smallest C. big cities D. more 24. Many birds will, in the normal course of their migrations,flyingmore than three thousand milesto reachtheir winter homes. A. their B. flying C. more than three thousand miles D. to reach
25. Heartburn canbest beunderstood as a symptomcausing byacid refluxdueto a weak lower esophageal sphincter. A. best be B. causing by C. due D. weak 26. Although Barney Clark lived only a few monthswith the artificial heart, doctors were able to learn a great deal from him having used it. A. a few months B. to learn C. him D. used
25. Heartburn canbest beunderstood as a symptomcausing byacid refluxdueto a weak lower esophageal sphincter. A. best be B. causing by C. due D. weak 26. Although Barney Clark lived only a few monthswith the artificial heart, doctors were able to learn a great deal from him having used it. A. a few months B. to learn C. him D. used
27. In most statesinsurance agentsmust passan examinationto be licensedwhen theywill complete their training. A. most states B. must pass C. to be licensed D. will complete 28. Drug abusehavebecomeone ofAmerica's mostserious social problems. A. have B. one of C. most D. problems
27. In most statesinsurance agentsmust passan examinationto be licensedwhen theywill complete their training. A. most states B. must pass C. to be licensed D. will complete 28. Drug abusehavebecomeone ofAmerica's mostserious social problems. A. have B. one of C. most D. problems
29. Nora hardly nevermissesanopportunityto playinthe tennis tournaments. A. never B. an C. to play D. in 30. After Dr. Werner Arber discoveredrestriction enzymes, Drs. Daniel Nathan, Hamilton Smith, andhimwere awarded the Nobel prize for their research in that field. A. discovered B. him C. were awarded D. their
29. Nora hardly nevermissesanopportunityto playinthe tennis tournaments. A. never B. an C. to play D. in 30. After Dr. Werner Arber discoveredrestriction enzymes, Drs. Daniel Nathan, Hamilton Smith, andhimwere awarded the Nobel prize for their research in that field. A. discovered B. him C. were awarded D. their