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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 2. 1.The preferring of many Western cultures for maintaining a physical distance of at least three feet during social interaction is well documented in anthropological studies. A. preferring B. many C. maintaining D. at least
1.The preferring of many Western cultures for maintaining a physical distance of at leastthree feet during social interaction is well documented in anthropological studies. A. preferring B. many C. maintaining D. at least 2. Few synthetic vitamins and minerals in pill supplements are absorbed so efficiently bythebody thatare those occurring naturally in foods. A. by the body B. that are C. occurring D. in foods
1.The preferring of many Western cultures for maintaining a physical distance of at leastthree feet during social interaction is well documented in anthropological studies. A. preferring B. many C. maintaining D. at least 2. Few synthetic vitamins and minerals in pill supplements are absorbed so efficiently bythebody thatare those occurring naturally in foods. A. by the body B. that are C. occurring D. in foods
3. Fission tracking is a new artifact dating method who promises to haveimportant archeological applications in the future. A. is B. dating C. who D. to have 4. Contemporary poet James Merrill writes autobiographical verse that buildingon remembrances of his childhood. A. Contemporary B. writes C. building on D. his
3. Fission tracking is a new artifact dating method who promises to haveimportant archeological applications in the future. A. is B. dating C. who D. to have 4. Contemporary poet James Merrill writes autobiographical verse that buildingon remembrances of his childhood. A. Contemporary B. writes C. building on D. his
5. Becauseof their beautiful coloration, palomino horses does often chosen as show horses for parades. A. Because of B. beautiful C. does D. as 6. Unlikemost liquids, which contract when they solidify, water expands by nine percentage when it freezes. A. Unlike most B. solidify C. by D. percentage
5. Becauseof their beautiful coloration, palomino horses does often chosen as show horses for parades. A. Because of B. beautiful C. does D. as 6. Unlikemost liquids, which contract when they solidify, water expands by nine percentage when it freezes. A. Unlike most B. solidify C. by D. percentage
7. Formakeitsnest, the yellow-headed blackbird weaves a small cup and fastens it to reeds above water. A. For make B. its C. weaves D. it 8. Mormon leaderrigham Young was too brilliant and strong-willed that he was abletoorganizethemost remarkable religious migration in the annals ofAmerican history. A. too B. able to organize C. the D. of
7. Formakeitsnest, the yellow-headed blackbird weaves a small cup and fastens it to reeds above water. A. For make B. its C. weaves D. it 8. Mormon leaderrigham Young was too brilliant and strong-willed that he was abletoorganizethemost remarkable religious migration in the annals ofAmerican history. A. too B. able to organize C. the D. of
9. Organisms and their cells live bymaintainingaconstantexchangeofelemental,ions, minerals, and gases. A. by maintaining B. constant C. of elemental D. gases 10. The discoveringof quarks, minuteparticles of matter, has ledtoa new age in particle physics. A. discovering B. minute C. led to D. physics
9. Organisms and their cells live bymaintainingaconstantexchangeofelemental,ions, minerals, and gases. A. by maintaining B. constant C. of elemental D. gases 10. The discoveringof quarks, minuteparticles of matter, has ledtoa new age in particle physics. A. discovering B. minute C. led to D. physics
11. Inaccordancethewishesofmost of his electorate, President Franklin D. Roosevelt postponedenteringthe Second World War untilDecember 11,1941. A. In accordance the B. most of his electorate C. postponed entering D. until 12. Nutritional adequacy is hard to achieve on a low-calorie diet even a small person should not try to get by onfewer than twelve hundreds calories per day. A. Nutritional B. to achieve C. get by on D. hundreds
11. Inaccordancethewishesofmost of his electorate, President Franklin D. Roosevelt postponedenteringthe Second World War untilDecember 11,1941. A. In accordance the B. most of his electorate C. postponed entering D. until 12. Nutritional adequacy is hard to achieve on a low-calorie diet even a small person should not try to get by onfewer than twelve hundreds calories per day. A. Nutritional B. to achieve C. get by on D. hundreds
13. Ethno linguists study language as it relates to society, culture, and human behaving. A. study B. it C. culture D. behaving 14. The rocks of the ambries period of prehistorywere formed500 to 600 million yearago. A. of prehistory B. were formed C. year D. ago
13. Ethno linguists study language as it relates to society, culture, and human behaving. A. study B. it C. culture D. behaving 14. The rocks of the ambries period of prehistorywere formed500 to 600 million yearago. A. of prehistory B. were formed C. year D. ago
15. Thanksgiving, a uniquelyNorth American holiday, Is celebratedin the United States on the fourThursday in November. A. uniquely B. is celebrated C. four D. in 16. The rate of stomach cancer is lowest in countries where people don't eatprocessed meat products than in nations where such foods are consumed. A. lowest B. where C. don't eat D. are consumed
15. Thanksgiving, a uniquelyNorth American holiday, Is celebratedin the United States on the fourThursday in November. A. uniquely B. is celebrated C. four D. in 16. The rate of stomach cancer is lowest in countries where people don't eatprocessed meat products than in nations where such foods are consumed. A. lowest B. where C. don't eat D. are consumed
17. Glucose is different from fructose in itsstructural formula, butthe molecular formula for thesetwo sugars is the similar. A. in its B. but C. these D. similar 18. The high temperatures createdby fire are necessary for to split opentheseed-bearingcones of lodge pole pines. A. created B. for to split C. open D. seed-bearing
17. Glucose is different from fructose in itsstructural formula, butthe molecular formula for thesetwo sugars is the similar. A. in its B. but C. these D. similar 18. The high temperatures createdby fire are necessary for to split opentheseed-bearingcones of lodge pole pines. A. created B. for to split C. open D. seed-bearing
19. In Western culture, muchattentionbeen givento the subject of social class conflict, whichmaycauserevolution. A. much B. been given C. which D. may cause 20. The incidence of whichis now referred to as cry volcanism, or ice volcanoes, is quite high on the surface of Triton, one of themoons of Neptune. A. of which B. referred C. is D. one of the
19. In Western culture, muchattentionbeen givento the subject of social class conflict, whichmaycauserevolution. A. much B. been given C. which D. may cause 20. The incidence of whichis now referred to as cry volcanism, or ice volcanoes, is quite high on the surface of Triton, one of themoons of Neptune. A. of which B. referred C. is D. one of the
21. Water and petroleum are the only two liquids what occur in large quantities in nature. A. only B. what C. large D. in 22. Architect Louis Sullivan commanded the respect of his contemporaries for his work on thedesignedofthe first American skyscrapers. A. commanded B. his C. designed D. the first
21. Water and petroleum are the only two liquids what occur in large quantities in nature. A. only B. what C. large D. in 22. Architect Louis Sullivan commanded the respect of his contemporaries for his work on thedesignedofthe first American skyscrapers. A. commanded B. his C. designed D. the first
23. During the 1850s, the Spanish colony of uba was of interestto Southerners, who felt they needed it for it increasing political and economic power. A. During B. of interest C. who D. for it 24. Works wrote by Vladimir Nabokov often contain heroes and heroines whohave livedin many places. A. wrote B. often C. who D. have lived
23. During the 1850s, the Spanish colony of uba was of interestto Southerners, who felt they needed it for it increasing political and economic power. A. During B. of interest C. who D. for it 24. Works wrote by Vladimir Nabokov often contain heroes and heroines whohave livedin many places. A. wrote B. often C. who D. have lived
25. Asquare is a geometricshape which is as long as istall and which hasfour right angles. A. a B. geometric C. as is D. has 26. Howeverunavoidable the evil War may have been, it was more devastating alsoexhausting thanany European war between1815 and 1914. A. However B. also C. than D. between
25. Asquare is a geometricshape which is as long as istall and which hasfour right angles. A. a B. geometric C. as is D. has 26. Howeverunavoidable the evil War may have been, it was more devastating alsoexhausting thanany European war between1815 and 1914. A. However B. also C. than D. between
27. Allowingchildren to help plan and prepare family meals provides enjoyable learningexperiences that later encouragingthem to eat the foods they have prepared. A. Allowing B. learning C. encouraging D. have prepared 28. Native American beaded designs are often characterized bygeometric shaped and bright colors. A. beaded B. characterized by C. shaped D. bright
27. Allowingchildren to help plan and prepare family meals provides enjoyable learningexperiences that later encouragingthem to eat the foods they have prepared. A. Allowing B. learning C. encouraging D. have prepared 28. Native American beaded designs are often characterized bygeometric shaped and bright colors. A. beaded B. characterized by C. shaped D. bright
29. The colonists who first settled in New England did sobecausethey felt there was none social justice in their homeland of England. A. who B. did so C. because D. none 30. The tiny nucleusof an atomis held together by forces powerfulcapable of unleashing great energy. A. tiny nucleus B. an atom C. forces powerful D. of unleashing
29. The colonists who first settled in New England did sobecausethey felt there was none social justice in their homeland of England. A. who B. did so C. because D. none 30. The tiny nucleusof an atomis held together by forces powerfulcapable of unleashing great energy. A. tiny nucleus B. an atom C. forces powerful D. of unleashing
31. Research and recommendingconcerning the dangers of smoking are beginning to have an impact on the tobacco industry in the United States. A. recommending B. concerning C. smoking D. industry 32. Scholars of historical change feelsthat the velocity of history hasbeengreatly accelerated by the onward rush of science and technology during the twentieth century. A. feels B. that C. has been D. during
31. Research and recommendingconcerning the dangers of smoking are beginning to have an impact on the tobacco industry in the United States. A. recommending B. concerning C. smoking D. industry 32. Scholars of historical change feelsthat the velocity of history hasbeengreatly accelerated by the onward rush of science and technology during the twentieth century. A. feels B. that C. has been D. during