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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 36. 1. It was  her , Elizabeth I, not her father , King Henry ,  who led England into the Age of Empire.  A. her    B. her father    C. who    D. led  

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  2. 1. It was her, ElizabethI, nother father, King Henry, wholedEngland into the Age of Empire.  A. her   B. her father   C. who   D. led   2. The function of pain isto warn the individual of dangersohecan take action to avoid more serious damage.  A. to warn   B. so   C. he   D. serious 

  3. 1. It was her, ElizabethI, nother father, King Henry, wholedEngland into the Age of Empire. A. her   B. her father   C. who   D. led   2. The function of pain isto warn the individual of dangersohecan take action to avoid more serious damage.  A. to warn  B. so   C. he   D. serious 

  4. 3. The winter storm that racedthroughthe area for the lasttwodaymoved east today.  A. that raced   B. through   C. the last   D. day   4. Perhaps washis own lack ofproper schoolingthatledHorace Mann to struggle for the important reforms in education.  A. Perhaps was   B. proper schooling   C. led   D. education  

  5. 3. The winter storm that racedthroughthe area for the lasttwodaymoved east today.  A. that raced   B. through   C. the last  D. day   4. Perhaps washis own lack ofproper schoolingthatledHorace Mann to struggle for the important reforms in education. A. Perhaps was   B. proper schooling   C. led   D. education  

  6. 5. The 3,500-foot George Washington Bridge spanstheHudson River to link New York City also New Jersey.  A. spans   B. the   C. link   D. also  6. Every scientist knowsthat gravity is the force thatmaintainsthe earth and the planets in its orbits around the sun.  A. knows   B. that   C. maintains   D. its 

  7. 5. The 3,500-foot George Washington Bridge spanstheHudson River to link New York City also New Jersey.  A. spans   B. the   C. link  D. also  6. Every scientist knowsthat gravity is the force thatmaintainsthe earth and the planets in its orbits around the sun.  A. knows   B. that   C. maintains  D. its 

  8. 7. The plants that theybelongto the family of fernsarequite varied in their size and structure.  A. they   B. belong   C. are   D. their   8. As themarathonrunner reached the half-way mark he being hot and was soakedwithperspiration stopped torub himself downwith a towel.  A. marathon   B. was soaked   C. with   D. rub himself down  

  9. 7. The plants that theybelongto the family of fernsarequite varied in their size and structure. A. they   B. belong   C. are   D. their   8. As themarathonrunner reached the half-way mark he being hot and was soakedwithperspiration stopped torub himself downwith a towel.  A. marathon  B. was soaked   C. with   D. rub himself down  

  10. 9. Columbus Day is celebratedonthetwelveof Octoberbecauseon that day in 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the America.  A. is celebrated   B. on   C. twelve   D. because   10. The harder he tried, theworsthedancedbefore thelargeaudience.  A. tried   B. worst   C. danced   D. large  

  11. 9. Columbus Day is celebratedonthetwelveof Octoberbecauseon that day in 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the America.  A. is celebrated   B. on  C. twelve   D. because   10. The harder he tried, theworsthedancedbefore thelargeaudience.  A. tried  B. worst   C. danced   D. large  

  12. 11. Although a number of police officers was guardingthe priceless treasuresin the museum, the director worried that someone would try to steal them.  A. was guarding   B. treasures   C. would try   D. to steal   12. The use of the Computerin Medicineis a new courseforsenior medical studentswho ifthey study andpasswill get a special diploma.   A. in Medicine    B. for   C. who if   D. pass  

  13. 11. Although a number of police officers was guardingthe priceless treasuresin the museum, the director worried that someone would try to steal them. A. was guarding   B. treasures   C. would try   D. to steal   12. The use of the Computerin Medicineis a new courseforsenior medical studentswho ifthey study andpasswill get a special diploma.   A. in Medicine    B. for   C. who if  D. pass  

  14. 13. Since it was so difficult for American Indiansto negotiate a peace treaty or declare warin their native language, they used a universalunderstood form of sign language.  A. so difficult   B. to negotiate   C. in their native language   D. universal   14. When they have beenfrightened, as, for example, by an electrical storm, dairy cows may refuse giving milk.  A. have been   B. frightened   C. by   D. giving 

  15. 13. Since it was so difficult for American Indiansto negotiate a peace treaty or declare warin their native language, they used a universalunderstood form of sign language.  A. so difficult   B. to negotiate   C. in their native language  D. universal   14. When they have beenfrightened, as, for example, by an electrical storm, dairy cows may refuse giving milk.  A. have been   B. frightened   C. by  D. giving 

  16. 15. Oceans of the world exertsstrong influencesonthe weatheroverthe Earth'ssurface.  A. exerts   B. on   C. over   D. surface  16. In order to survive, trees rely tothe amount ofannual rainfall they receive, as wellas the seasonal distribution of the rain.  A. rely to   B. of   C. as well   D. seasonal distribution 

  17. 15. Oceans of the world exertsstrong influencesonthe weatheroverthe Earth'ssurface. A. exerts   B. on   C. over   D. surface  16. In order to survive, trees rely tothe amount ofannual rainfall they receive, as wellas the seasonal distribution of the rain. A. rely to   B. of   C. as well   D. seasonal distribution 

  18. 17. He promised he comeontime but heforgotabout the heavy traffic at that timeof the morning.  A. he come   B. on   C. forgot   D. at that time   18. Wood is still extensively used in constructioneventhough the deterioration causing by weathering is one factor against its use.  A. in construction   B. even  C. causing   D. against its use 

  19. 17. He promised he comeontime but heforgotabout the heavy traffic at that timeof the morning. A. he come   B. on   C. forgot   D. at that time   18. Wood is still extensively used in constructioneventhough the deterioration causing by weathering is one factor against its use.  A. in construction   B. even   C. causing   D. against its use 

  20. 19. Anincreasingnumberofofficeworksuse computer programs as daily routine.  A. increasing   B. of   C. works   D. daily   20.A watermoleculeconsists oftwo hydrogenatomsandhadone oxygen atom.  A. A water   B. consists of   C. atoms   D. had 

  21. 19. Anincreasingnumberofofficeworksuse computer programs as daily routine.  A. increasing   B. of  C. works   D. daily   20.A watermoleculeconsists oftwo hydrogenatomsandhadone oxygen atom.  A. A water   B. consists of   C. atoms  D. had 

  22. 21.Beforethe invention ofthe printing press, bookshave beenall printedbyhand.  A. Before   B. the printing   C. have been   D. by   22. Drug addiction hasresultedofmanydestroyedcareers, andexpulsionsfrom school or college.  A. has   B. of   C. destroyed   D. expulsions 

  23. 21.Beforethe invention ofthe printing press, bookshave beenall printedbyhand.  A. Before   B. the printing  C. have been   D. by   22. Drug addiction hasresultedofmanydestroyedcareers, andexpulsionsfrom school or college.  A. has  B. of   C. destroyed   D. expulsions 

  24. 23. Lava, rock fragments, andgaseousmayallerupt from a volcano.  A. rock   B. gaseous   C. all   D. erupt   24. Nowherehe couldfind a good placeto study, sohereturnedto his dorm.  A. he could   B. to study   C. so   D. returned 

  25. 23. Lava, rock fragments, andgaseousmayallerupt from a volcano.  A. rock  B. gaseous   C. all   D. erupt   24. Nowherehe couldfind a good placeto study, sohereturnedto his dorm. A. he could   B. to study   C. so   D. returned 

  26. 25. Public health experts say that themoney one spendsavoidingillness is lessthan the cost to be sick.  A. the   B. avoiding   C. less   D. to be   26. The International Red Cross,whichhas helpedso many nations, won the Nobel Peace Prize three times fortheir effortsto reducehuman suffering.  A. which   B. has helped   C. their efforts   D. human suffering 

  27. 25. Public health experts say that themoney one spendsavoidingillness is lessthan the cost to be sick.  A. the   B. avoiding   C. less  D. to be   26. The International Red Cross,whichhas helpedso many nations, won the Nobel Peace Prize three times fortheir effortsto reducehuman suffering.  A. which   B. has helped  C. their efforts   D. human suffering 

  28. 27. Sharks differ fromother fishin that their skeletonsare madeof cartilageinsteadbone.  A. differ from   B. other fish   C. are made   D. instead   28.Most ofthe magnesiumused inthe United Statescomes from thesea water.  A. Most of   B. the magnesium   C. the United States   D. the  

  29. 27. Sharks differ fromother fishin that their skeletonsare madeof cartilageinsteadbone.  A. differ from   B. other fish   C. are made  D. instead   28.Most ofthe magnesiumused inthe United Statescomes from thesea water.  A. Most of   B. the magnesium   C. the United States  D. the  

  30. 29. The medical problems of parents andtheirchildren tend to beverysimilar tobecause ofthe hereditary nature of many diseases.  A. their   B. to be   C. similar to   D. because of   30. The novels of Kurt Vonnegut presentadesperately comic awareofhuman nature.  A. present   B. desperately   C. aware   D. human nature

  31. 29. The medical problems of parents andtheirchildren tend to beverysimilar tobecause ofthe hereditary nature of many diseases.  A. their   B. to be  C. similar to   D. because of   30. The novels of Kurt Vonnegut presentadesperately comic awareofhuman nature.  A. present   B. desperately  C. aware   D. human nature

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