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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 38. 1. "Gone with the Wind" written after Margaret Mitchell quit her job as a reporter because of an ankle injury. A. written B. quit C. as D. of
1. "Gone with the Wind" writtenafter Margaret Mitchellquither jobasa reporter because ofan ankle injury. A. written B. quit C. as D. of 2. Those ofyou who signed upforDr Daniel's anthropology class should gettheirbooks as soonas possible. A. Those of B. for C. their D. as possible
1. "Gone with the Wind" writtenafter Margaret Mitchellquither jobasa reporter because ofan ankle injury. A. written B. quit C. as D. of 2. Those ofyou who signed upforDr Daniel's anthropology class should gettheirbooks as soonas possible. A. Those of B. for C. their D. as possible
3. A jellyfish, which isn'treallyafish, ithas no brain, nobones, and no face. A. isn't B. a C. it D. bones 4.Cottonused torankfirstbetweenAlabama's crops, but itrepresents onlya fraction of the agricultural production now. A. Cotton B. rank C. between D. represents only
3. A jellyfish, which isn'treallyafish, ithas no brain, nobones, and no face. A. isn't B. a C. it D. bones 4.Cottonused torankfirstbetweenAlabama's crops, but itrepresents onlya fraction of the agricultural production now. A. Cotton B. rank C. between D. represents only
5. In ancient times and throughout the Middle Ages, many people believedthatthe earthis motionless. A. many people B. believed C. the earth D. is 6. Thechangefrom daytonightresults the rotation ofthe Earth. A. change B. to C. results D. the Earth
5. In ancient times and throughout the Middle Ages, many people believedthatthe earthis motionless. A. many people B. believed C. the earth D. is 6. Thechangefrom daytonightresults the rotation ofthe Earth. A. change B. to C. results D. the Earth
7.BothYellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Wairakei, New Zealand, are geothermal areasfamous foritshot-springsystems. A. Both B. are geothermal areas C. its D. hot-spring 8. If a live sponge isbroken into pieces, each piecewould turninto a new spongelikethe original one. A. broken B. would turn C. like D. the original one
7.BothYellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Wairakei, New Zealand, are geothermal areasfamous foritshot-springsystems. A. Both B. are geothermal areas C. its D. hot-spring 8. If a live sponge isbroken into pieces, each piecewould turninto a new spongelikethe original one. A. broken B. would turn C. like D. the original one
9. If we were to consider all of the different kindsof motion in discussing the movement of anobject, it isvery confusing, because even an object at rest is moving as the earth turns. A. different kinds B. is C. very D. as 10.Thewoman at that desk over there will givingyou all the information youneed to fill out the form. A. The B. giving C. information you D. out
9. If we were to consider all of the different kindsof motion in discussing the movement of anobject, it isvery confusing, because even an object at rest is moving as the earth turns. A. different kinds B. is C. very D. as 10.Thewoman at that desk over there will givingyou all the information youneed to fill out the form. A. The B. giving C. information you D. out
11.Having chosethe topics fortheiressays, the studentswereinstructed to make eithera preliminary outline or a rough draft. A. Having chose B. their C. were D. either 12.Many grasshoppers canproducesoundsbyrubtheir hind legs against their wings. A. Many B. produce C. sounds D. rub
11.Having chosethe topics fortheiressays, the studentswereinstructed to make eithera preliminary outline or a rough draft. A. Having chose B. their C. were D. either 12.Many grasshoppers canproducesoundsbyrubtheir hind legs against their wings. A. Many B. produce C. sounds D. rub
13.A calorieisthe quantity of heatrequiredto riseone gallon of water one degree centigrade at one atmospheric pressure. A. A calorie B. is C. required D. to rise 14. American baseball teams, oncethe only contenders for the world championship, are now being challenged byeither Japanese teams and Venezuelan teams. A. once B. being C. by D. either
13.A calorieisthe quantity of heatrequiredto riseone gallon of water one degree centigrade at one atmospheric pressure. A. A calorie B. is C. required D. to rise 14. American baseball teams, oncethe only contenders for the world championship, are now being challenged byeither Japanese teams and Venezuelan teams. A. once B. being C. by D. either
15. From 1785 to 1790, thecapitalof the U.Swill belocatedin New York City. A. the B. capital C. will be D. located 16. This table is not sturdy enoughto supporta television, andthat oneprobably isn't neither. A. not sturdy enough B. to support C. that one D. neither
15. From 1785 to 1790, thecapitalof the U.Swill belocatedin New York City. A. the B. capital C. will be D. located 16. This table is not sturdy enoughto supporta television, andthat oneprobably isn't neither. A. not sturdy enough B. to support C. that one D. neither
17.Sheepmust have matein fallsincethe youngare bornin early spring every year. A. Sheep B. must have mate C. since D. are born 18. The scholarship board selected Bill because ofhis research into theeffectsof vitamins, many of which can be seen ininternational journals. A. because of B. effects C. many D. international journals
17.Sheepmust have matein fallsincethe youngare bornin early spring every year. A. Sheep B. must have mate C. since D. are born 18. The scholarship board selected Bill because ofhis research into theeffectsof vitamins, many of which can be seen ininternational journals. A. because of B. effects C. many D. international journals
19. Nobody had knownbeforethepresentation that Sue and her sisterwill receivetheawards for outstanding scholarship. A. had known B. the C. will receive D. the 20. In a federal form of governmentlikethat of the United States, poweris dividedbetweenthe legislative, executive, and judicial branches. A. like B. that of the United States C. is divided D. between
19. Nobody had knownbeforethepresentation that Sue and her sisterwill receivetheawards for outstanding scholarship. A. had known B. the C. will receive D. the 20. In a federal form of governmentlikethat of the United States, poweris dividedbetweenthe legislative, executive, and judicial branches. A. like B. that of the United States C. is divided D. between
21. Death Valleyis 130 mileslengthandno morethan14 miles wide. A. is B. length C. no more D. than 22. Theaverage adult gettwotofivecoldseach year. A. The B. get C. to D. colds
21. Death Valleyis 130 mileslengthandno morethan14 miles wide. A. is B. length C. no more D. than 22. Theaverage adult gettwotofivecoldseach year. A. The B. get C. to D. colds
23.Alikeother forms of energy, natural gasmay be usedto heathomes, cook food, and even run automobiles. A. Alike B. may be used C. to heat D. run 24. Residents in somecities can call an electrical inspector to have the wiring in their house ischecked. A. cities B. an C. to have D. is checked
23.Alikeother forms of energy, natural gasmay be usedto heathomes, cook food, and even run automobiles. A. Alike B. may be used C. to heat D. run 24. Residents in somecities can call an electrical inspector to have the wiring in their house ischecked. A. cities B. an C. to have D. is checked
25. The Chinese were first and large ethnic group to work on the construction of the transcontinental railroad system. A. The Chinese B. large C. to work D. of 26. In the stock market, the fluctuations in Standard and Poor's 500 Index does not always conform to Dow Jones Averages. A. In B. does C. always D. to
25. The Chinese were first and large ethnic group to work on the construction of the transcontinental railroad system. A. The Chinese B. large C. to work D. of 26. In the stock market, the fluctuations in Standard and Poor's 500 Index does not always conform to Dow Jones Averages. A. In B. does C. always D. to
27. Mary Harris Jones,knownas "Mother Jones," wasa prominentfigure in thelabor movement at theturningof the century. A. known B. a prominent C. labor movement D. turning 28. Everyonedoesnot knowthatwords like chicory, cumin, crocus and saffronall cometo we from the Sumerians in Mesopotamia in 3000 BC. A. does B. that C. all come D. to we
27. Mary Harris Jones,knownas "Mother Jones," wasa prominentfigure in thelabor movement at theturningof the century. A. known B. a prominent C. labor movement D. turning 28. Everyonedoesnot knowthatwords like chicory, cumin, crocus and saffronall cometo we from the Sumerians in Mesopotamia in 3000 BC. A. does B. that C. all come D. to we
29. The Bill of Right was addedto the Constitutionspecificallyto guarantee certaintheindividualrights. A. was added B. specifically C. the D. rights 30.It is believedthatby 1990 immunotherapyhave succeededincuringa number of serious illnesses. A. It is believed B. by 1990 C. have succeeded D. curing
29. The Bill of Right was addedto the Constitutionspecificallyto guarantee certaintheindividualrights. A. was added B. specifically C. the D. rights 30.It is believedthatby 1990 immunotherapyhave succeededincuringa number of serious illnesses. A. It is believed B. by 1990 C. have succeeded D. curing