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Tracking Online Document Usage from Your Catalog

Tracking Online Document Usage from Your Catalog. Using statistics to demonstrate the value of government publications. Susan Kendall, Coordinator for Collection Development And Government Publications San Jos é State University, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library

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Tracking Online Document Usage from Your Catalog

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  1. Tracking Online Document Usage from Your Catalog Using statistics to demonstrate the value of government publications Susan Kendall, Coordinator for Collection Development And Government Publications San José State University, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library Email: susan.kendall@sjsu.edu Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  2. Reasons for tracking usages • Usage shows how government publications support students’ & faculty’s research. • Statistics can become a part of the assessment & evaluation done during accreditation visits. • Data can show how government publications can inform the public in news-worthy events. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  3. 1. Usage shows how government publications support students’ & faculty’s research. In April, 2010, we had students in Health Sciences researching breast cancer. Several government publications were accessed. Here are two of our most requested government publications that month: Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  4. 2. Statistics can become a part of the assessment & evaluation done during accreditation visits. At San José State, the library was asked for a 5 year review to present to the University Faculty Senate. Statistics from e-Government Publications were an important part of the report. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  5. 3. Data can show how government publications can inform the public in news-worthy events. Recent reports on the safety of bottled water and their plastic containers led to a GAO study being one of our top accessed e-government publications in April, 2010. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  6. Accessing eGovPubs 2005-2009 Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  7. Steps to producing our statistics report The following slides are from a presentation given at the NASIG conference May 20, 2005 by Susan Kendall and Celia Bakke Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  8. Government Publications Architecture Client Programming languages: COLDFUSION, HTML, CSS Database: Miscrosoft SQL Database (MS SQL DB) stat_govPub_(month).txt (text file) Front-end Back-end Stores data:- bibNum stat_govpub.htm parameters receive: -bibNum -vendor url insert into extract data using cfhttp * • Collects data: • bibNum • suDoc # • class • title Gov_Pub DB • Stores data: • bibNum • suDoc# • class • title MS SQL DB Server insert into Redirect to vendor website *Extract data using cfhttp to initiate a one-way request from information from a remote server (the library catalog) http://mill1.sjlibrary.org/search/.bibNum/.bibNum/1,1,1,B/marc~bibNum Lyna Nguyen

  9. Government Publications Architecture Admin. Programming languages: COLDFUSION, HTML, CSSDatabase: Miscrosoft SQL Database (MS SQL DB) stat_govPub_(month).txt (text file) Front-end Back-end Stores hit data:- bibNum stat_govPub.htm -login/logoff -view by month & year -sort by: a-z, suDocs, highest hits-search by bibNum, suDocs#, title read file extract data user submits • Retrieves/Groups/Counts data: • count • bibNum • suDoc # • class • title Gov_Pub DB • Data from DB: • bibNum • suDoc# • class • title MS SQL DB Server display to web browser query data connect to db Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010 Lyna Nguyen

  10. Steps to Modifying the Bibliographic Record • Identify the Bibliographic Record • One of our most accessed records this Spring Semester: TITLE: Miss Atom Bomb Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  11. Identify the Bibliographic Record Number B35936691 – Bibliographic Record Number 856 field

  12. Then add the bibliographic record number to the prefix The prefix is: http://univ-intranet.sjlibrary.org/scripts/database_statistics/stat_govpub.htm?id=35936691 Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  13. Find the URL for the record The 856 field will have the URL address http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS101060 SJSU Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  14. Then add tracking information 856 40 |uhttp://www.sjlibrary.org/scripts/ stat_govpub.htm?id=35936691&path =http:// purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS101060|xSJSU Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  15. Overall Database changes: • Search records in the database using Review Files • Initial search strategies: • 856 has “GPO” (Bibliographic records search) • Since most of these records have a “purl”, records are grouped into one review of batch changes. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  16. Next step: • Use a script/macro to copy the bibliographic record number for each record • Add the prefix to the URL. • Also consider using a “do loop” in the script to perform batch changes • Majority of records can be batch processed with the script Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  17. Time required for initial run • 37,000 bibliographic records / 50,000 entries • 2 weeks to run initial database change • Many records had non standard URLs attached Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  18. On-going monthly maintenance • Search for records to be changed after downloading monthly Marcive records • Use script to do an automatic search • Scan the records to check URLs • Run a script/macro to batch change the records Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  19. On-going monthly maintenance and time consideration • Total staff time: less than 10 minutes • Total Machine time: less than 2 hours Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  20. Program can sort by the number of “hits” Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  21. Program can sort by Title: Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  22. Program can sort by SuDocs Number

  23. What I’ve learned from our usage statistics project: • Our e-govpubs continued to be accessed via the catalog. • The catalog is still a viable point for accessing information. • With our statistics, we have made a case for the Chancellor’s Office to consider funding the Marcive program “Documents without Shelves” for all 23 CSU libraries. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  24. I would like to acknowledge the work done by: Shirley Hwang, Lyna Nguyen, Celia Bakke and April Gilbert from SJSU University Library Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  25. Tracking Online Document Usage From Your Catalog Christopher C. Brown University of Denver, Penrose Library cbrown@du.edu Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  26. Documents’ Electronic Environment • 97% of current GPO catalog records contain links to online content • Library ILS systems provide circulation stats for books, but have no ability to provide stats for online clickthroughs • Library directors increasingly believe depository collections are not used, because we cannot provide them the most relevant stats Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  27. Statistics we now know • Documents Received • Circulation Statistics (from our ILS reports) • GPO PURL Referral Statistics (see http://www.fdlp.gov/component/docman/cat_view/178-collection-management/249-purl-referrals for individual library statistics; see also http://fdlp.gov/collections/building-collections/618-purl-referrals-reporting for discussion of recent issues) Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  28. Statistics we don’t know • Visits to online docs URLs by our users – we are clueless! • How many times URLs are visited by our users • What titles are visited by our users • What agencies are most popular with our users • We don’t know the whole picture Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  29. Objective • To track online government document clickthroughs when accessed via the online catalog • Not possible to capture every use of government info by our users • But is possible to capture all clickthroughs via the OPAC Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  30. Why we need URL statistics • Justify our depository status to administrators • Assist with item selections • GPO cannot provide them • URL maintenance • “Knowing where they’re going” is always helpful Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  31. Why Statistics are Difficult to Gather • Not all government URLs are PURLed • In 2004 I counted over 1,400 servers hosting government documents to which our catalog pointed. We can’t expect 1,400 sites to provide us statistics. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  32. URLs at University of Denver • Nearly 600,000 documents URLs in our catalog • Many of these not in CGP • “Aggressively” added URLs Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  33. URL Addition Projects at DU Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  34. How the Clickthrough Works • URL click sends user to a database • Database records URL, date, time • Database instantly refers user to URL Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  35. The URL Prefix is Appended before the URL/PURL Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  36. Stats are Logged, and User is Redirected to Desired URL Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  37. An Access Database is Used to Manage the Project Stats Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  38. Click-through to Catalog

  39. URL Testing Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  40. Benefits of Clickthrough Project • We can provide meaningful stats to the library director • We can see high-use and low-use areas • We can tell if users benefit from our special projects • We can do reactive URL maintenance • We can see turnaways and other problem Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  41. 1. Providing Meaningful Stats Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  42. 1. Providing Meaningful Stats • Older Docs Content Gets Visits Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  43. 1. Providing Meaningful Stats Comparison of Online Access with Physical Circulation of Documents Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  44. 2. High-Use Areas by Agency Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  45. 2. High-Use Areas by SuDocs Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  46. Clickthroughs in Relation to Number of Records Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  47. 3. Special Project Usage Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  48. 4. URL Maintenance • Proactive approach • Works well with fewer URLs • Is a nice luxury, if time allows • Reactive approach • Fix broken links, since you know when they are used • Don’t worry about broken links that nobody clicks Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

  49. 4. Reactive URL Maintenance • Two approaches: Proactive approach • My approach: Reactive approach – with nearly half-a-million docs URLs in our OPAC, we can’t afford to be proactive. Six State Virtual Government Information Conference  August 11-13 and 16-17, 2010

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