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Learn about Verilog structural modules, primitive functions, and hierarchical design with nested modules. Practice defining, instantiating, and simulating circuits for logic design.
Unit 3 Introduction to Logic Design with Verilog Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
The purpose of using hardware description languages (HDLs) • Describe the functionality of a circuit with texts • Simulate the functionality with the texts • Synthesize the texts into circuits • Logic, timing and power minimizations • Verify for functionality, timing and fault coverage of the circuits • Transform the design between different technologies • Document the designs • Serve as a medium for integrating intellectual property (IP) from a variety of sources Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Verilog primitives and design encapsulation • Primitives are the most basic functional objects that can be used to compose a design • There are 26 predefined functional models of common combinational logic gates called Primitives: • N-input: and, nand, or, nor, xor and xnor • and (OUT, IN1,…,INN); nand (OUT, IN1,…,INN); … Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
or (OUT, IN1,…,INN); nor (OUT, IN1,…,INN); … Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
N-output: buf (OUT1,…, OUTN, IN); • N-output: not (OUT1,…, OUTN, IN); Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
N-output: buf, not, bufif0, bufif1, notif0, notif1 Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Verilog structural module • A module is declared by writing text describes its functionality, its ports to/form the environment and its timing and other attributes of a design • A Verilog statement ends with ‘;’, except for endmodule • A port’s mode may be • unidirectional (input, output) or • bidirectional (inout) module <module name> ( <list of ports> ); input <width> <input port name>; output <width> <output port name>; <variable declarations> ‘;;;;;; <statements> endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Verilog structural models • Verilog is case sensitive • Use nested module instantiations to create a top-down design hierarchy module Add_full_0_delay(sum, cout, a, b, cin); // declaration of ports input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; wire w1,w2,w3; Add_half_0_delay M1(w1,w2,a,b); Add_half_0_delay M2(sum,w3,cin,w1); or (cout,w2,w3); endmodule module Add_half_0_delay(sum, cout, a, b); // declaration of ports input a, b; output sum, cout; xor (sum,a,b); and (cout,a,b); endmodule Instantiation Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Top-Down design and nested modules • A vector encloses a contiguous range of bit, e.g. sum[3:0] • The leftmost index in the bit range is the most significant bit • Modeling a 4-bit ripple carry adder module Add_rca_4_0_delay(sum, cout, a, b, cin); output[3:0] sum; output cout; input[3:0] a, b; input cin; wire cin2, cin3, cin4; Add_full_0_delay M1(sum[0], cin2, a[0], b[0], cin ); Add_full_0_delay M2(sum[1], cin3, a[1], b[1], cin2 ); Add_full_0_delay M3(sum[2], cin4, a[2], b[2], cin3 ); Add_full_0_delay M4(sum[3], cout, a[3], b[3], cin4 ); endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Top-Down design and nested modules (continued) • Modeling a 16-bit ripple carry adder module Add_rca_16_0_delay(sum, cout, a, b, cin); output[15:0] sum; output cout; input[15:0] a, b; input cin; wire cin4, cin8, cin12; Add_full_0_delay M1(sum[3:0], cin4, a[3:0], b[3:0], cin ); Add_full_0_delay M2(sum[7:4], cin8, a[7:4], b[7:4], cin4 ); Add_full_0_delay M3(sum[11:8], cin4, a[11:8], b[11:8], cin8 ); Add_full_0_delay M4(sum[15:12], cout, a[15:12], b[15:12], cin12 ); endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Top-Down design and nested modules (continued) • Modeling a 2-bit comparator module compare_2_str(AgtB, AltB, AeqB, A, B); output AgtB, AltB, AeqB; input[1:0] A, B; wire[6:0] w; nor (AgtB, AltB, AeqB); or (AltB, w[0], w[1], w[2]); and (AeqB, w[3], w[4]); and (w[0], w[5], B[1]); and (w[1], w[6], B[0]); and (w[2], w[4], w[6], B[0]); not (w[5], A[1]); not (w[6], A[0]); xnor (w[3], A[1], B[1]); xnor (w[4], A[0], B[0]); endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Top-Down design and nested modules (continued) • Modeling a 4-bit comparator module compare_4_str(AgtB, AltB, AeqB, A, B); output AgtB, AltB, AeqB; input[3:0] A, B; wire w1, w2; compare_2_str M1(AgtB_M1, AltB_M1, AeqB_M1, A[3:2], B[3:2]); compare_2_str M0(AgtB_M0, AltB_M0, AeqB_M0, A[1:0], B[1:0]); or (AgtB, AgtB_M1, w1); and (w1, AeqB_M1, AgtB_M0); and (AeqB, AeqB_M1, AeqB_M0); or (AltB, AltB_M1, w0); xnor (w0, AeqB_M1, AeqB_M0); endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Logic Test Bench • Simulating a hall adder with procedural statements • A single-pass behavior Module t_Add_half( ); wire sum, cout; reg a,b; Add_half_0_delay M1(sum, cout, a, b); initial begin #10 a=0; b=0; #10 b=1; #10 a=1; #10 b=0; end endmodule Procedural assignment: e.g. B=0 module Add_half_0_delay(sum, cout, a, b); // declaration of ports input a, b; output sum, cout; xor (sum,a,b); and (cout,a,b); endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Verilog structural and behavioral modeling • Structural modeling connects primitive gates and/or functional units to create a special functionality just as parts are connected on a chip or a circuit board • And, or, xor … • Truth table • Designer don’t not perform their gate-level implementation directly. Instead, they write behavioral models • Behavioral modeling encourages designers to • rapidly create a behavioral prototype • verify its functionality • Use a synthesis tool to optimize and map the design into a selected physical technology Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral modeling provides flexibility to model portions of a design with different levels of abstraction • Continuous assignment for combinational logics • A tri-state functional output assign yout = enable ? ~ (x1 & x2)|(x3 & x4 & x5) : 1’bz; • Anandgate assign q = b ~& a; • assign AgtB =A1&(~B1)|A0&(~B1)&(~B0)|A1&A0&(~B0); • A full adder • assign sum= a0^a1^a2; • assign carry=(a0&a1)|(a1&a2)|(a0&a2); • Propagationdelay can be associated with a continuous assignment • wire #1 yout = ~(y1|y2); Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Latches and level-sensitive circuits • Modeling with continuous assignment • assign q = set ~q qbar; • assign qbar = rst ~& q; • Modeling with a more abstract level • q_out = enable ? data_in : q_out; • A latch with reset • q_out = !resetn ? 0 : enable ? data_in : q_out; • Continuous assignment are limited to modeling level-sensitive behavior • How to model edge-sensitive functionality Use cyclic behavior of procedure statements Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Cyclic behavior (do not expire) • Are abstract do not use hardware to specify signal values • Are used to model both level-sensitive and edge-sensitive (synchronous) behavior (e.g. flip-flops) module df_syn_reset (q, q_bar, data, set, reset, clk); output q, q_bar; input data, set, reset, clk; reg q assign q_bar = ~q; always @ (posedge clk) begin //D-FF with synchronous set./reset if (reset == 0) q <= 0; else if (set ==0) q <=1; else q <= data end endmodule Continuous statements Always declares a cyclic behavior Procedural statements Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
A behavioral model for D-FF with asynchronous set/reset module df_syn_reset (q, q_bar, data, set, reset, clk); output q, q_bar; input data, set, reset, clk; reg q assign q_bar = ~q; always @ (negedge set or negedge reset posedge clk) begin if (reset == 0) q <= 0; else if (set ==0) q <=1; else q <= data end endmodule Edge sensitive event-control expression Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
A comparison between continuous and procedural assignments module compare_2_CA(AltB, AgtB, AeqB, A1, A0, B1, B0); input A1, A0, B1, B0; output AltB, AgtB, AeqB; assign AgtB = ({A1, A0} > {B1, B0}); assign AltB = ({A1, A0} < {B1, B0}); assign AeqB = ({A1, A0} == {B1, B0}); endmodule module compare_2_RTL(AltB, AgtB, AeqB, A1, A0, B1, B0); input A1, A0, B1, B0; output AltB, AgtB, AeqB; reg AltB, AgtB, AeqB; always@ (A0 or A1 or B0 or B1) begin AgtB= (A>B); AltB = (A<B); AeqB = (A==B); end endmodule Level sensitive event-control expression Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Data dependence among sequential procedural statements module shiftreg_PA(A, E, clk, rst); input E, clk, rst; output A; reg A, B, C, D; always@ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if rst begin A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0; end else begin A = B; B = C; C = D; D = E; end endmodule module shiftreg_PA(A, E, clk, rst); input E, clk, rst; output A; reg A, B, C, D; always@ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if rst begin A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0; end else begin D = E; C = D; B = C; A = B; end endmodule Statements execute sequentially, but at the same time step A = E Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
The statements that follow a procedural assignment are blocked from executing until the statement with the procedural assignment completes execution blocked assignment • Concurrent procedural assignments • Also called non-blocking assignments • Made with <= • Execute concurrently,rather sequentially module shiftreg_NB(E, A, clk, rst); input E, clk, rst; output A; reg A, B, C, D; always@ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if rst begin A=0, B=0, C=0, D=0; end else begin D <= E; C <= D; B <= C; A <= B; end endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
To prevent any interaction between assignments and eliminates dependences on their relative order • Modeling logic that includes edge-driven register transfers non-blocking assignments • Modeling combinational logic with blocked assignments Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Register transfer level (RTL) v.s. algorithm-based models • Dataflow models for synchronous machines • Algorithm-basedmodeling module compare_2_RTL(AltB, AgtB, AeqB, A, B); input[1:0] A, B; output AltB, AgtB, AeqB; reg AltB, AgtB, AeqB; always@ (A or B) begin AgtB= (A>B); AltB = (A<B); AeqB = (A==B); end endmodule module compare_2_algo(AltB, AgtB, AeqB, A, B); input A, B; output AltB, AgtB, AeqB; reg AltB, AgtB, AeqB; always@ (A or B) begin AltB=0; AgtB =0; AeqB=0; if (A==B) AeqB=1; else if (A > B); AgtB =1; else AltB = 1; end endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Comparison between RTL and algorithm modeling • The assignments in a dataflow (RTL) model execute concurrently and operate on explicitly declared registers in the context of a specified architecture • The statements in an algorithmic model execute sequentially, without explicit architecture • Note!! Not all algorithms can be implemented in hardware Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Multiplexers module Mux_4_32 (mux_out, D3, D2, D1, D0, select, enable); output [31:0] mux_out; input [31:0] D3, D2, D1, D0; input [1:0] select; input enable; reg [31:0] mux_int; assign mux_out = enable ? Mux_int: 32’bz; always @ (D3 or D2 or D1 or D0 or select) case (select) 0: mux_int = D0; 1: mux_int = D1; 2: mux_int = D2; 3: mux_int = D3; default: mux_int = 32’bx; endcase endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Alternative behavioral modeling using if - else module Mux_4_32 (mux_out, D3, D2, D1, D0, select, enable); output [31:0] mux_out; input [31:0] D3, D2, D1, D0; input [1:0] select; input enable; reg [31:0] mux_int; assign mux_out = enable ? Mux_int: 32’bz; always @ (D3 or D2 or D1 or D0 or select) if (select == 0) mux_int = D0; else if (select == 1) mux_int = D1; else if (select == 2) mux_int = D2; else if (select == 3) mux_int = D3; else mux_int = 32’bx; endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Encoders module encoder (code, data); output [2:0] code; input [7:0] data; reg [2:0] code; always @ (data) if (data == 8’b00000001) code = 0; else if (data == 8’b00000010) code = 1; elseif (data == 8’b00000100) code = 2; elseif (data == 8’b00001000) code = 3; else if (data == 8’b00010000) code = 4; else if (data == 8’b00100000) code = 5; else if (data == 8’b01000000) code = 6; else if (data == 8’b10000000) code = 7; else code = 3’bx; endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Alternative behavioral modeling of Encoders module encoder (code, data); output [2:0] code; input [7:0] data; reg [2:0] code; always @ (data) case (data) 8’b00000001 : code = 0; 8’b00000010 : code = 1; 8’b00000100 : code = 2; 8’b00001000 : code = 3; 8’b00010000 : code = 4; 8’b00100000 : code = 5; 8’b01000000 : code = 6; 8’b10000000 : code = 7; default : code = 3’bx; endcase endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Priority Encoders module priority_encoder (code, valid_data, data); output [2:0] code; output valid_data; input [7:0] data; reg [2:0] code; assign valid_data = |data; always @ (data) casex (data) 8’b1xxxxxxx : code = 7; 8’b01xxxxxx : code = 6; 8’b001xxxxx : code = 5; 8’b0001xxxx : code = 4; 8’b00001xxx : code = 3; 8’b000001xx : code = 2; 8’b0000001x : code = 1; 8’b00000001 : code = 0; default : code = 3’bx; endcase endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Decoders module decoder (data, code); output [7:0] data; input [2:0] code; reg [7:0] data; always @ (code) case (code) 0: data =8’b00000001; 1: data =8’b00000010; 2: data =8’b00000100; 3: data =8’b00001000; 4: data =8’b00010000; 5: data =8’b00100000; 6: data =8’b01000000; 7: data =8’b10000000; default : data = 8’bx; endcase endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Counters module up_down_counter (Count, Data_in, Load, Count_up, Count_on, CLK, RstN); output [2:0] Count; input Load, Count_up, Count_on, CLK, RstN; input [2:0] Data_in; reg [2:0] Count; always @ (posedge CLK or negedge RstN) if (RstN == 0) Count = 3’b0; else if (Load == 1) Count = Data_in; else if (Count_on == 1) begin if (Count_up == 1) Count = Count + 1; else Count = Count - 1; end endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU
Behavioral models of Shift Registers module shift_reg4 (Data_out, Data_in, CLK, RstN); output Data_out; input Data_in, CLK, RstN; reg [3:0] data_reg; assign Data_out = data_reg[0]; always @ (posedge CLK or negedge RstN) begin if (RstN == 0) data_reg <= 4’b0; else data_reg <= {Data_in,data_reg[3:1]}; end endmodule Department of Communication Engineering, NCTU