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Scaffolding Hazards and Safety Measures

When teaching employees who use scaffolds, it's crucial to understand the risks involved and the safety precautions that can be taken. Lean more check out the document.

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Scaffolding Hazards and Safety Measures

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  1. ScaffoldingHazardsand Safety Measures FourMajorTypesofScaffoldingHazards

  2. WhyIsScaffoldingSafetyImportant Scaffoldingsafetyiscrucialbecause workingonscaffoldsinvolvesworkingatheights, whichposesvariousrisksforworkers.

  3. OSHAreportsthat approximately 2.3 million individuals, which is roughly 65 percent of construction workers, work on scaffolds. Preventing scaffold-relatedaccidents amongtheseworkerscould avert 4,500 injuries and 50 fatalities annually. OSHA.(n.d.).Scaffolding.Website.[PDF].https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/notes.pdf

  4. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reportedthatbetween2003and2004,upto 4,500 individuals working on scaffolds were injured, and more than 60 were killed each year. Mostofthese accidents resultedfrom falls fromscaffolds, beingstruck byfalling objects, or scaffolding collapses caused by inadequate planking.

  5. FourMajorTypesofScaffoldingHazards Let’sfindoutthe4 mainhazardsthatthoseindividualsworkingonscaffoldsmay face.

  6. FallingfromScaffolds SafetyMeasures: 🞘 Wearingappropriatefallprotectiongear 🞘 Installing guardrails, mid-rails, and top rails in both suspendedandsupportedscaffolds onallopensides 🞘 Notworkingonscaffolds covered withsnowand ice

  7. StruckbyFalling Objects SafetyMeasures: 🞘UsingPPEsuchashardhats 🞘 Installing toe-boardsorscreenssothat materialsandobjectsdonotslideoff thescaffoldingplatform 🞘Erectingdebrisnets,catchplatforms,or canopies to stop or redirect the falling objects 🞘Ensuringthathandtoolsandother objectsarekeptawayfromtheedgeof thescaffold

  8. Electrocution SafetyMeasures: 🞘 Maintaining distances between a scaffold and insulated powerlinesasrecommendedbyOSHAStandards 🞘FollowingOSHArecommendationswhendoingwelding and other types of electrical work on different types of scaffolding 🞘WearingPPEsuchasrubbergloves

  9. Scaffolding Collapses SafetyMeasures: 🞘 FollowingOSHA’sScaffoldingSafety Standardrecommendationsandguidelines relatedtobuildingscaffolds,using scaffolds,anddismantlingscaffolds 🞘Ensuringthescaffoldisdesignedbya qualifiedperson 🞘Ensuringthescaffoldisinspectedbya competentpersondailybeforework begins

  10. ScaffoldingHazardsandSafetyMeasures READFULLARTICLE:https://hazwoper-osha.com/blog-post/scaffolding-hazards-and-safety-measures

  11. EnrollinSafetyTraining Today! https://hazwoper-osha.com/online-courses

  12. 1-866-429-6742(Toll-Free) ContactUs info@HAZWOPER-OSHA.com https://hazwoper-osha.com/

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