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The 6 Main Causes of Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries can be caused by a variety of factors, including slips and falls, overexertion, repetitive motion, machinery accidents, exposure to harmful substances, and workplace violence. To prevent these incidents, it's essential to enroll in safety training programs that teach you the skills and knowledge necessary to stay safe on the job. https://hazwoper-osha.com/blog-post/the-fundamentals-of-workplace-injuries-an-essential-read

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The 6 Main Causes of Workplace Injuries

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  1. The6Main Causes of Workplace Injuries

  2. Excessive Exertion Theseinjuriesoccurwhenapersonappliestoomuch forcewhilehandlingor carryingobjects.These injuriesmaybe causedby liftingor carryingheavy loads,repetitivemotions,discomfitingpostures,and inadequaterestbreaks.

  3. Hitbyan Object Suchinjuriesoccurwhenworkers are struckbymoving vehiclesor tools;or when they collidewith immovableheavyequipment,as well asworking inareaswhere objects mayfallfromahigherlevel (forexample,scaffolding).

  4. Falls,Slips,&Trips It is not necessary that a person only gets injured when falling from an elevated surface, such as a ladder or scaffold. Workplace injuries alsooccurbyslippingorfalling onthesamelevelduetoa wetfloor,unevenwalking path, or an area with insufficientlighting.

  5. Accidents may occur outside of the traditional roadway system,such as ataconstructionsite,an industrialfacility, orprivateproperty. Theseincidentsare notonlycaused by vehicles, but alsoother heavyequipment, driveror operatorerror, malfunctioningof machinery,hazardous conditions,unsuitableweatherconditions,andnon- compliance withsafetyregulations orlawenforcement. Non-Roadside Incidents

  6. RoadsideAccidents Roadway accidentsoccuronpublicroads, such ashighways,streets,and intersections;andcan involvecars,trucks,motorcycles,bicycles,and pedestrians.Distracted,impaired,or reckless driving,unsatisfactoryroadconditions,traffic congestion,andmechanicalfailureare common causesof suchincidents.Workers involvedintransportationjobs aremostoften exposedto suchhazards.However,anyperson, workinginanyjob inanyindustryisatrisk becauseroadsareusedtotravelto the workplaceand back. ThisPhotoby UnknownAuthor islicensedunderCCBY-SA

  7. Caughtin,or CompressedbyanObjector Equipment Examplesofinjuries Crush Injuries - Whenabodypart iscaught between two heavy objects, suchasaperson's handbeing caughtin a machine. Fractures - When a bone is broken because of the forceof equipment or objects within which a link is stuck. Amputations- Whenabodypart is chopped off by machinery or equipment. Lacerations- When a person's skin is cut by equipment,tools, orobjects.

  8. How to Reduce Workplace Injuries?

  9. SafetyTraining Onetriedandtestedmethod toreduce workplaceinjuriesand accidentsisto provideworkerswithmandatedonline trainingandon-the-jobtraining. OSHAspecifiestrainingforemployees to understandhazardswhen exposed to variousjob rolesandtasks.These rangefrom 2-hoursafetytraining coursesto 40-hour courses.

  10. Enroll in Safety TrainingToday! https://hazwoper-osha.com/online-courses

  11. YourSafety Training Partner ofChoice

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