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Equipping modern-day Daniels for the secular lion's den<br>by Andrew Mayfield<br>22 July 2018
Christian based mission in the workplace Equipping modern day Daniels for the secular lion’s den …. Andrew Mayfield 22 July 2018
Introduction prayer “ May the words of my mouth …. and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD ”
PETER PURDOM’S SESSION IN JUNE COVERED …. Biblical contexts on work …. Which start in “the beginning … “ Genesis You get to contribute God values all work … paid, volunteer, stay at home …. Of whatever type “Who sits at home every day relaxing doing exactly what they want ? “ THIS SESSION LOOKS AT THE … Practical issues of work based Christian mission centred on thinking This is not about Christianity in a bubble ….. It is about impact in the gritty real world Val’s concept …. Purdom/Mayfield talks are pilot sessions ….. To finesse & take to the 1000 service & think about what help we as “experienced” people can offer to our younger people in “gritty work”
Agenda Agenda Background What leadership qualities do workers value ? It is tough taking your Christianity to work The London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC) Some models for Christians at work Summary Contribution Icon ….
I have been blessed with a varied career ……. Giving wide perspectives on work …..
I have done dirty jobs …. and clean jobs …..
Have driven ships …. …. & driven too many desks …
…. But in Dec 2015 following an Alpha course at St John’s ….. Loading a ship with tea chests in the days before containerisation I woke up and smelled the coffee (or tea) I am NOT a Christian leader … I am a business leader trying to be Christian ! & came to faith with the help of Caroline Mara, Andrew Attwood and the Alpha team in 2015 Let’s crack on with the workplace mission challenge …..
UK ANGLICAN CHURCH ATTENDANCE IS DECLINING QUICKLY England figures as a % of the total population 1980 11.8% 1990 9.6% 2000 7.6% 2010 6.3% 2015 5.0% Why do you think attendance is falling ? 2033 ?????
UK ANGLICAN CHURCH ATTENDANCE IS DECLINING QUICKLY England figures as a % of the total population 1980 11.8% Drivers for falling attendance …. 1990 9.6% Secular = Consumerism & materialism ? 2000 7.6% Social media = The new “opiate of the masses” (Karl Marx) 2010 6.3% But also 2015 5.0% Faith as a personal matter, inward reflection, not a matter for work 2033 ????? THE CHURCH NEEDS A SERIOUS RETHINK ON HOW TO APPROACH ITS MISSION ACTIVITIES …..
WE HAVE A HUGE MISSION OPPORTUNITY BASED AROUND THE WORKPLACE …. 98% of Christians are not envisioned or equipped for mission in 95% of their waking lives … In a week there are 168 hours of which 48 sleeping hours leaving 110 waking hours Of which 40+ working hours leaving 50 hours living Faith time 10 hours church, praying, care etc Local churches do excellent work with toddler, youth groups, elderly, healing on the streets etc But imagine if Christians could be using part of their work time for mission …. THIS IS NOT A NEW PHENOMENON ….
TOWARDS THE CONVERSION OF ENGLAND published 1945 “We are convinced that England will never be converted until the laity use the opportunities for evangelism daily afforded by their various professions, crafts and occupations …. “ So in 2018 How can we frame what workplace mission might look like ? & What are some of the tools and techniques we can deploy ?
BEFORE WE LOOK AT SOME MODELS OF WORK BASED MISSION …. Understanding what makes people motivated at work TODAY will help frame mission ……… Aside from salary … which tends to drive younger people with growing commitments … Research shows that the following broad factors drive work based happiness/motivation : Autonomy Job security Challenging but do-able work Team work, belonging to a team or a group Sense of achievement / accomplishment Working environment enabling people to get into a focused “flow” mindset SO HOW DOES LEADERSHIP PLAY A ROLE IN THIS ….
WHAT DOES GOOD LEADERSHIP LOOK LIKE ? 5000 “followers” in the UK workforce said when they were asked …. Good leaders have …. An ability to manage and engage people … listen, involve, trust, appreciate, have fun , they care Personal make up as … honest, open, unselfish, focused, respectful A different way of thinking … visionary, bend the rules in the best interest of people SO WHO DO WE KNOW WHO HAS THESE LEADERSHIP CHARACTERISTICS …. TODAY ?
Who has those leadership characteristics today And every day …. Jesus Christ
Research shows that business leaders who perform brilliantly have Ambitions for the organisation …. not for themselves Humility Quite calm and determination Building a greater organisation that will outlast them Unwavering resolve Accept the blame So there should be a link between ….. Good business performance and the Christian ethos BUT JUST HOW TOUGH IS IT TO BE A CHRISTIAN AT WORK TODAY ? ……
IT’S TOUGH BEING A CHRISTIAN AT WORK …. LET ALONE THINKING ABOUT WORK BASED MISSION Who is the most demanding boss you have ever worked for ? Possible perceptions of Christians in the workplace …. GOOD Trusted employees ? Sensitive souls ? Good moral values ? Soft/gentle ? OR … BAD Judgemental, critical, “holier than thou”, soap box But …. If in leadership positions …. Will they take the tough decisions ? Will they achieve results ? Can we promote Christians at work or are they a luxury … ? SO DO WE CAMOUFLAGE OR HIDE OUR CHRISTIANITY AT WORK ? THIS IS REALLY TOUGH ……
IF YOU ARE A YOUNG CHRISTIAN PERSON ENTERING WORK OR AN ASPIRING CHRISTIAN 30/40’S MANAGER How do you react to workplace pressures on ethics and morals whilst reacting to 1) A boss who might be anti Christian 2) The need to provide for a family 3) “Toeing the line” FORTUNATELY THE THINKING ON THIS IS MOVING FORWARD …..
CHRISTIANITY AT WORK …. & INTRODUCING THE LONDON INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIANITY (LICC) Faced with declining church attendance and increased secular pressures … Recognition of the importance of work based mission/evangelism is building momentum eg The growth of LICC ……….. Executive tool box course , General Synod, Gloucester Bishop Bishop Christopher’s ………. Bishop’s Missional Business Community (James Holden) Justin Welby ………. Ex senior oil industry executive HAS RESEARCHED, DEVELOPED , PILOTED AND LAUNCHED A NUMBER OF MODELS & TECHNIQUES FOR WORK BASED MISSION ….
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION 1) Ephesians 6 11:17 The armour of God 2) LICC 6 M model 3) Rear view mirror model 4) 5 dimensions of workplace relationships 5) Talk to 3 people TAKING THESE IN TURN …
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION (2) LICC 6 M MODEL ….. Or a job description for business leaders who are also Christians 1) Model Godly character 2) Make good work 3) Minister grace and love 4) Mould culture 5) Mouthpiece for truth and justice 6) Messenger of the gospel Where did the Christian executives on the LICC course I attended …. Score themselves on this model ?
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION (2) LICC 6 M MODEL SCORES FROM c40 EXECS ON LICC COURSE 1) Model Godly character 17% 2) Make good work 14% 3) Minister grace and love 31% 4) Mould culture 22% 5) Mouthpiece for truth and justice 11% 6) Messenger of the gospel 6% We weren’t doing much evangelism !
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION (3) REAR VIEW MIRROR MODEL Ignatius “prayer of examen “ c500 years ago Daily journal template 15 minutes of “STIR” per day How I spent the day ? 1) Stillness Significant conversations ? 2) Thankfulness What I noticed about God ? 3) Inspiration Noticed about myself ? REFLECTIVE EYES TO SEE 4) Review & reflect Habits to develop/stop ? WHAT GOD HAS DONE Plans/prayers for tomorrow
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION (4) 5 DIMENSIONS OF WORKPLACE RELATIONSHIPS …. MICHAEL SCHLUTER 1) Directness of contact 2) Continuity of relationship 3) Commonality of purpose 4) Multi plexity …. Context from outside work 5) Parity of power YOU HAVE TO HAVE A STRONG RELATIONSHIP WITH PEOPLE BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN BROACH FAITH
SOME MODELS FOR CHRISTIANITY AND WORK BASED MISSION (5) TALK INDIVIDUALLY TO 3 PEOPLE AT WORK …. Needs a strong relationship Find out what is important to them What do you think they believe about God ? What is the conversation you can build on to broach faith ? How can you bless this person practically ? Pray for guidance Ask the 5 “Why’s” to get to the root cause of a person’s views on faith FIND THAT OPPORTUNITY TO OPEN UP A CONVERSATION BASED ON YOUR PERSONAL TESTIMONY & JOURNEY TO FAITH … ASK THEM TO CONSIDER GOING ON AN ALPHA COURSE ?
SUMMARY 1) Falling church attendance 2) Secular pressures 3) We spend a lot of time at work where we could be influencing people 5) JESUS AVAILABLE IN THE BEST CALL CENTRE 1) Ephesians 6 11:17 The armour of God EVER 2) LICC 6 M model 4) We have models for influence 3) Rear view mirror model 4) Workplace relationships 5) Talk to 3 people
SUMMARY 1) Ephesians 6 11:17 The armour of God 2) LICC 6 M model 3) Rear view mirror model The models 4) Workplace relationships 5) Talk to 3 people A) How can the models for work based mission be applied universally in life ? B) How can “retired people ” …. (no such thing) use their experience to mentor & guide younger Daniels at work in the secular Lions’ den ?