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Household Survey Results 2008 Key Findings – South Kilburn

Household Survey Results 2008 Key Findings – South Kilburn. South Kilburn Partnership May 2009. 2008 Household Survey Population profile Community and NDC Key areas Headline findings and recommendations. Introduction - 1.

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Household Survey Results 2008 Key Findings – South Kilburn

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  1. Household Survey Results 2008Key Findings – South Kilburn South Kilburn Partnership May 2009

  2. 2008 Household Survey • Population profile • Community and NDC • Key areas • Headline findings and recommendations

  3. Introduction - 1 • This document presents results for South Kilburn New Deal for Communities (SKNDC) partnership for the 2008 Household Survey. • The Household Survey is conducted by Ipsos MORI and commissioned by the predecessor of the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) and Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University. Its purpose is to gather data on the experiences and perceptions of residents who live in NDC areas, focusing on the following: • Housing • Quality of life in area • Community • Crime • Household demographic information • Work • Education • Health • Finance • The survey shows change between survey waves in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 and comparisons with the NDC aggregate. National comparisons are included where available.

  4. Introduction - 2 • It should be noted that SKNDC was renamed as South Kilburn Partnership in December 2008. However, as the survey was conducted in 2008, for the purposes of this document it shall consistently be referred to as South Kilburn New Deal for Communities, or SKNDC. • 2008 results are based on 400 interviews conducted face-to-face in the home among residents between May-October 2008. 2002, 2004 and 2006 results are based on 501, 497 and 402interviews conducted between July-October 2002, June-November 2004, May-October 2006 respectively. Sample sizes of this magnitude have a very high level of statistical reliability and are generally reflective of overall perceptions. • As the survey is designed to track changes over time, as many follow-up interviews as possible with NDC residents who has been contacted in previous survey waves were conducted. Interviews with respondents at the address where the original respondent had moved or died were also conducted (52% of respondents). The remainder of the interviews were conducted with residents from newly-drawn sample of addresses. • NDC aggregate results are based on interviews conducted across all 39 NDC areas; 19,574 in 2002, 19,633 in 2004, 15,792 in 2006 and 15,840 in 2008.

  5. Introduction - 3 • Please note that the NDC aggregate results are provisional and have not yet been confirmed by DCLG, so are highly confidential and not contained in this document. These will be shown on the website as soon as they have been confirmed. • Data are weighted to correct for multiple dwellings or households at addresses. Data based on individual responses are also weighted to reflect the number of adults aged 16+ in each household and by gender and age profiles for each area based on updated census information. • The source for national comparisons are shown as footnotes. Note that many of these should be viewed as indicative, given slight differences in how questions are asked, differences in timing and fieldwork approaches. • For questions based on all respondents, differences of more than 7 or 8 percentage points are required between the 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008 figures for SKNDC to be sure they represent actual changes and are not due to chance. Similarly, differences of 8 percentage points are required between findings for SKNDC and the NDC aggregate/national to be sure they represent actual differences. • Only residents aged 16+ were interviewed as part of the survey.

  6. Population Profile – summary • South Kilburn is more populous, diverse and younger than ever: • Population increased from 7,011 in 2001 to between 7,184 to 7,748 – a possible rise of 10% on the 2001 Census • Three-quarters are under 45 years of age and 23% are under 16 • Increase in residents from black and ethnic minority groups to 68% • Increase in residents who do not speak English as their first language to 46% • Highly transient population - 20% of residents moved to the area less than 2 years ago • No change in proportion of lone parent family households (17%)

  7. Ethnicity Change 02-08+% 2008 2002 2004 2006 % Black and Minority Ethnic groups South Kilburn National 2001 Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 501 (2002), 497 (2004), 402 (2006), 400 (2008); National: Census 2001 data for England

  8. Ethnic breakdown and religion African Most common African groups Somali 5% Nigerian 3% Eritrean 2% White British Black Caribbean Other white Mixed (any) Other Asian Other ethnic White Irish Religion Christian 65% Muslim 21% Hindu 2% Buddhist 1% No religion 7% Indian Pakistani Other black Refused Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 400 (2008)

  9. Language Change 02-08+% 2008 2002 2004 2006 % English NOT first language South Kilburn Figures for % of those that do not speak English as first language are likely to be higher National 2002 National 2004 National 2006 National 2008 Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 501 (2002), 497 (2004), 402 (2006), 400 (2008); National: Ipsos MORI Omnibus2002 (2,068 adults aged 16+), 2004 (2,032 adults aged 16+), 2006 (1,989 adults aged 16+), 2008 (2,032 adults aged 16+)

  10. First language SKB7 Earlier you said that English is not your first language. What is your first language at home? Base: All who do not speak English as their first language: South Kilburn 168 (2008)

  11. Community & NDC - summary • Knowledge of the NDC and its work has declined, but levels of trust have increased: • 2/3 of residents have heard of the NDC and over half think the NDC has improved the area as a place to live • 1/4 say they have been involved in NDC activities in the last two years • Around 20% feel they have the ability to influence decisions that affect the area and the same proportion have been involved in voluntary organisations. It is believed these may be linked • Levels of trust in South Kilburn NDC has increased significantly since its establishment, as have levels of trust in Brent Council • South Kilburn is perceived as a place where neighbours look out for each other by just under half of its residents

  12. NDC - improved area QCO10 And how much, if at all, do you think the activities of South Kilburn NDC have improved this area as a place to live? 2002 2004 2006 2008 Change 02-08+% % great deal/fair amount South Kilburn Base: All heard of NDC: South Kilburn 296 (2002), 372 (2004), 321 (2006), 275 (2008)

  13. Involvement in local area Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 400 (2008)

  14. Trust in local organisations – summary QCO11 How much trust would you say you have in each of the following organisations? 79% Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 400 (2008)

  15. Key areas • Home and area • Crime and safety • Work and income • Health • Education and training

  16. Key areas • Home and area • 3/4 satisfied with their accommodation and the area. • 50% want to move from their property, and a small proportion of these want to move from the South Kilburn area. • Just 14% of residents think the area has recently become much or slightly worse to live, but a significant minority perceive teenagers hanging around on the street (38%) and drug dealing and use (34%) to be problems. • Crime and safety • Fear of crime and concern for safety has declined to very low levels. Just 9% fear crime ‘a great deal’ in the area and 14% feel very unsafe walking alone in/around the area after dark. • Fear levels of crime is still much higher than the frequency that such incidents take place.

  17. Key areas • Work and income • The proportion of those who are in paid work, unemployed, living in a workless household or receiving benefits have remained in line with previous years and the NDC average. However, employment rates and receipt of benefits have both declined slightly. • Household income remains low. The most common income band for South Kilburn households is £100-199 per week. 48% of households’ weekly income is below £300. • Health • Increase in residents who report their health has been ‘good’ in the past year to 56% • Satisfaction levels with family doctors or GPs are very high at 89%, and three-quarters find it easy to access them.

  18. Key areas • Education & training • The proportion of residents who have no qualifications has remained stable; 32% of all respondents and 25% of respondents of working age. QED2 Do you think you need to improve any of the following skills? Base: All respondents: South Kilburn 400 (2008)

  19. Headline findings & recommendations • DIVERSE is substantially increasing – 68% BME, 46% ENFL Provides a challenge to SKP in meeting a vast variety of need. • HIGHLY TRANSIENT – 20% population change every 2 years May impact on knowledge of SKP. Need for consistent and strong outreach & communication with residents. • YOUNG PEOPLE NOT CONSULTED – within Household Survey Given significant young population, SKP must continue to capture the perceptions of this group in other ways. • ¾ residents SATISFIED WITH ACCOMODATION & South Kilburn area. However half would still like to MOVE from their current property. SKP to continue to drive forward opportunities for the housing Master Plan and keep residents updated.

  20. Headline findings & recommendations • Over a third of residents perceive both ‘teenagers hanging around’ and drug dealing to be serious problems. SKP role in addressing these problems whilst challenging perceptions of young people. Key priority for our local services. • Fear of crime rates largely outweigh chances of being a victim. However, residents do fear those crimes which occur most frequently. SKP role to continue to increase safety of residents and their property for certain crime types, whilst challenging fear and perceptions through PR & success info. • Employment levels have declined slightly but may well decline further. Conversely receipt of benefits has also declined. Given current economic climate SKP could consider arrangements to support residents back into employment in due course, whilst assisting residents to access entitlements where appropriate.

  21. Headline findings & recommendations • 10% of residents do not use finance systems such as bank, post office or credit card accounts. SKP may wish to find ways to increase numbers able to access financial advice and banking in so doing promoting financial inclusiveness. • Of those in work, only 11% used a job centre/job market or training & employment agency office. Positive number of direct applicants. However potential for employment organisations – JC+, BI2W, Community Careers – to focus on those that may find it difficult to submit direct applications. • Over a third of residents have no qualifications, whilst 43% would like to improve their skills level particularly in literacy & numeracy. Potential for SKP to promote and source opportunities for upskilling of residents, to improve career prospects and ensure residents are ‘job ready’ for the economic upturn.

  22. Contact details If you require more information please contact: Jennifer Kelly Project Manager South Kilburn Partnership Tel. 020 7328 1199 Email j.kelly@skpartnership.net

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