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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Ohhhh! Ahhhh! That will be the sound of tourists when they see a scarlet macaw, but that’s only because there one of most butful animals in the world! There are a billon and one facts about scarlet macaws and lucky for you I’ll tell you a few! So read on to go on a African safari.

  2. Color before your eyes The scarlet macaw has vary bright and butaful feathers. Like some of there feather colors are red, purple, yellow, green and blue. Unlike humans macaws only have 3 toes also there back feathers are water proof. There beaks are strong and they can grow up to 3 feet! so countune reading to start going into the rain forest.

  3. Next to the king Scarlet macaws can cling on branches and sing with there family all they want in places like Africa, south amicra and Mexico because that’s their habit. But macaws are endanger because people are shooting them. So read on to find out how they doge those buttles.

  4. Light as a Feather Strong as Mattel Birds fly in a weird motion. But birds where built to fly. There bodies are light but there wings are strong. They go behind the bird down, mittle, and up. there wings are not huge but a good size. I think macaws are the best flyers!!!

  5. conclusion WOW! That was a lot of writing but it totally paid off. I hope you know more about scarlet macaws now, and I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. Thank you scarlet macaws!!!

  6. Fun facts • Macaws can fly up to 35 MPH • You can buy them at $900 to $2000 • Macaws can live up to 75 years old • Scarlet macaws are the national birds of Honduras

  7. Resources Kids sandago zoo. Org The animal spot. Org Cougar mouton zoo. Org Buzzle.com Info Ohio. Org What is a bird By: Robert sinedden Destination, rain forest By: jonathan gupper

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