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Uvod U Iformacione Sisteme SerbianBlockbuster

Uvod U Iformacione Sisteme SerbianBlockbuster. Dimitrijevi ć Ninoslav 12053. Uradjeni materijali:. Login Provera Login Registracija Biranje Filmova Izmena Podataka. Login. <BASEFONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="White"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Logovanje</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY>

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Uvod U Iformacione Sisteme SerbianBlockbuster

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  1. Uvod U Iformacione SistemeSerbianBlockbuster Dimitrijević Ninoslav 12053

  2. Uradjeni materijali: • Login • Provera Login • Registracija • Biranje Filmova • Izmena Podataka

  3. Login <BASEFONT FACE="Times New Roman" COLOR="White"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Logovanje</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <center> Ulogujte se <br><br> Unesite korisnicko ime i sifru da biste se ulogovali <br> <FORM ACTION="ProveraLogin.asp" METHOD="POST"> <center> Korisnicko ime: <br> <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="korime" VALUE="" SIZE="40"> <br>

  4. Sifra: <br> <INPUT TYPE="Password" NAME="sifra" SIZE="40"> <br> <INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Login" NAME="Submit1"> <INPUT TYPE="RESET" NAME="Reset1"></center> </FORM> </center> </BODY></HTML>

  5. Provera Login <!--#include file="Konekcija.asp"--> <% Dim strUserName, strPassword strUserName = Request("korime") strPassword = Request("sifra") Dim rstKorisnik set cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection") set cm=server.createobject("ADODB.command") cn.Open strProvider cm.ActiveConnection=cn set rst = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") strQuery= "SELECT * FROM osoba WHERE username='" & strUserName & "' " & "AND" & " password='" & strPassword & "';" 'Set rstKorisnik=objConnection.Execute(strSQL)

  6. rst.Open strQuery,strProvider ON ERROR RESUME NEXT IF rst.EOF THEN Response.Write "Ne postoji korisnik sa unetim korisnickim imenom i sifrom. Pokusajte ponovo" ELSE Response.Write "Postoji korisnik u bazi podataka" & "<BR>" Response.Write rst("ime") & rst("prezime") 'Postoji korisnik u bazi podataka 'Korisnik je ulogovan 'Sledeca naredba se koristi za redirekciju 'Response.Redirect "ImeStrane.asp?Param1=" & rst("jmbg") end ifrst.Closecn.Close%>

  7. Registracija <!--#include file="Konekcija.asp"--> <% 'Ubacivanje novog korisnika u bazu podataka Dim strUserID strUserID = Request("ID_Korisnik") Dim rsKorisnik set cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection") set cm=server.createobject("ADODB.command") cn.Open strProvider cm.ActiveConnection=cn rsKorisnik.Open "Korisnici_video_kluba", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable set rsKorisnik = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")

  8. rsKorisnik.AddNew rsKorisnik("ID_Korisnik") = Request.Form("ID_Korisnik") rsKorisnik("Prezime_Ime") = Request.Form("ImePrezime") rsKorisnik("Broj licne karte") = Request.Form("BrojLK") rsKorisnik("adresa") = Request.Form("Adresa") rsKorisnik("mesto") = Request.Form("Grad") rsKorisnik("telefon") = Request.Form("brtel") rsKorisnik("e-mail") = Request.Form("EM") rsKorisnik("username") = Request.Form("korime") rsKorisnik("password") = Request.Form("sifra") rsKorisnik("Dat_rodj") = Request.Form("datumR") rsKorisnik("Dat_upisa") = Request.Form("datumU") rsKorisnik("Dat_clanarine") = Request.Form("datumC") rsKorisnik.UpdatersKorisnik.Closecn.Close%>

  9. Biranje filmova <!--#include file="Konekcija.asp"--> <% 'Biranje filmova Dim formatID formatID = Request("format") Dim zanrID zanrID = Request("zanr") Dim trazifilmID trazifilmID = Request("trazifilm") Dim rsKorisnik set cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection") set cm=server.createobject("ADODB.command") cn.Open strProvider cm.ActiveConnection=cn rsKorisnik.Open "Korisnici_video_kluba", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable set rsKorisnik = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") rsKorisnik.Close cn.Close %>

  10. Izmena Podataka <!--#include file="Konekcija.asp"--> <% 'Prvo treba da se pronadje korisnik na osnovu ID-a Dim strUserID strUserID = Request("jmbg") Dim rsKorisnik set cn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection") set cm=server.createobject("ADODB.command") cn.Open strProvider cm.ActiveConnection=cn rsKorisnik.Open "osoba", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

  11. set rsKorisnik = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") rsKorisnik.Filter = "jmbg = " & strUserID rsKorisnik("Ime") = Request.Form("tekst1") rsKorisnik("Prezime") = Request.Form("tekst2") rsKorisnik("UserName") = Request.Form("tekst3") rsKorisnik("Password") = Request.Form("tekst4") rsKorisnik.UpdatersKorisnik.Closecn.Close%>

  12. Doprinos su dali: • Dimitrijević Ninoslav 12053 • Pukšec Vladimir 12015 • Milutinović Ana 12019 • Nacković Milena 12130 • Bojana Milikić 12071

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