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Filotec USPs

Filotec USPs. FILOTEC - general features. Functional , technically oriented design Modular conception 78 different enclosure variants available in the standard product portfolio Variants with integrated cooling fins and mounting brackets

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Filotec USPs

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  1. Filotec USPs BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  2. FILOTEC - generalfeatures • Functional, technicallyoriented design • Modular conception • 78 different enclosurevariantsavailable in thestandardproductportfolio • Variantswithintegratedcoolingfinsandmountingbrackets • Customer- andapplicationspecificadaptionsavailable via BOPLA´smanufacturingservices BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  3. FILOTEC – external design features Large-scalefontpanelsandsurfacesprovide lots ofmountingspaceforconnectors, cableglandsoperatingelements, etc. The technical design discretelyperfectlyblends in anyapplication. Outside ribbingensures an improvedheatdissipationevenwithoutusingheatsinks. • Fullaluminiumbody: • High mechanicalstrength • Degreeofprotection IP40 • EMC shielding BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  4. FILOTEC – the modular concept The recessed, recatngularmountingareais suitableforcostefficientrectangularmembranekeypadsanddecorativefoilswhich do not requirespecialstampingtools. Rectangular, flat surfacesensurepreciseandcost-efficientmachining. Conventionalscrews – nospecialtoolsrequiredforassembly. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  5. FILOTEC – the modular concept Identical front andrearpanelsas well asidenticalupperandlowerprofileshelptostreamlinelogisticsandtokeep stock-levelslow. Just in case… The simple frontpanelsmaybereproducedeasilywithnoneedforspecialisedtooling. The split-profileenclosureconceptensuresconvenientaccesstothemounted PCBs duringassemblyandmaintenance. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  6. FILOTEC – the modular concept An optional profilewithintegratedheat sink keeps sensitive electronic components cool without additional time andeffort. An optional profilewithintegrated wall mountingbracketssimplifiesinstallation. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  7. FILOTEC – Internal mountingspace Optimum utilisationofthemountingspaceandthussmalleroveralldimensionsofthe electronic device. Suitableforcostefficientrectangular PCBs withnoneedforcomplicatedand expensive machining. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  8. BOCUBE – Fields ofapplication • FILOTEC • Is suitableforuse in „typical“ BOS-Ecolineand ALUBOS applications. • While BOS-Ecolineand ALUBOS aremainlyused in handheldapplicationsandthusfeature an ergonomic design, FILOTEC focusses on a functionalandreliable „packaging“ oftheelectronics. • Pleasenotethat due tothesplit-profileenclosureconceptthedegreeofprotectionmay notbeincreaseduptohigherlevels – IP 40 isthemaximum. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

  9. Thankyouverymuch for yourkindattention. BOPLA Product Marketing - M. Bünte

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