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GRADE 9 SCIENCE SNC 1D1. MRS. MAUTI. Expected Student Behaviour. The following guidelines are based on the concept that the classroom is a place where everyone should have the opportunity to learn in a comfortable, orderly and safe environment. ON ARRIVING TO CLASS:

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  2. Expected Student Behaviour The following guidelines are based on the concept that the classroom is a place where everyone should have the opportunity to learn in a comfortable, orderly and safe environment. ON ARRIVING TO CLASS: • Be on time, in complete uniform. There are consequences for habitual lateness. • Have with you for every class, your notebook (3-ringed binder & paper), textbook and supplies. • Go straight to your assigned seat, open your books and be ready for class.

  3. Expected Student Behaviour DURING A LESSON: • In a normal classroom situation, ONLY ONE PERSON (usually the teacher) SHOULD BE TALKING. Please show respect and listen to others. DO NOT shout out answers or requests. RAISE YOUR HAND AND WAIT TO BE CALLED ON. • Pay attention and take careful notes as directed. • STAY in your seat unless you have been given permission to leave it.

  4. Expected Student Behaviour DURING A LAB ACTIVITY: • LISTEN CAREFULLY AS THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN. • Work quietly and efficiently with your partner(s), and remain in your assigned work space except when obtaining experiment materials. • Follow the procedure carefully, write down appropriate observations. • CLEAN and return all equipment to its PROPER location. • Leave your work area and all equipment clean.

  5. Expected Student Behaviour AT ALL TIMES: • FOOD and DRINKS (only water in a sealed plastic bottle) are NOT permitted in the classroom. • OUTDOOR clothing must be left in your locker. • Trips to WASHROOM and LOCKERS should be made during lunch and travel time, unless there is an exceptional circumstance. • Inappropriate language is NOT acceptable in the classroom. • I-pods, cell phones etc. ARE NOT TO BE USED IN THE CLASS.

  6. Expected Student Behaviour AT THE BELL: • Upon hearing the bell, you MAY begin to pack up your personal belongings. • Remain in your seat UNTIL DISMISSED. AFTER CLASS: • Complete ALL assigned work and lab reports. • Make arrangements to see the teacher if you are having difficulties. • Re-read your notes and assigned text material nightly.

  7. SNC 1D1What are we doing? 4 UNITS • Chemistry: Atoms, Elements, and Compounds • Physics:The Characteristics of Electricity • Biology:Sustainable Ecosystems • Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe

  8. SNC 1D1How am I being graded? 4 Categories • Knowledge/Understanding:35% • Thinking:30% • Communication:15% • Application:20%

  9. SNC 1D1How am I being graded? Term Work: 70% • Quizzes, Tests, Lab activities, Assignments Summative Evaluation: 30% • Final Exam

  10. Extended Name Tags Your favorite place on earth A goal that you have for the future NAME and NICKNAME The quality you value most in people A person who taught you something important The year you went on a big trip

  11. Extended Name Tags • In your triads, you each have 1 minute to share one of your corners • Take two more minutes and try to find something you have in common with the other two students in your triad • Share something special you learned about someone in your triad A goal that you have for the future

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