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CAFE SG 23 November Brussels

CAFE SG 23 November Brussels. Draft recommendation on guidance for developing and reporting national programmes under the NECD On behalf of WG Implementation Andreas Barkman European Environment Agency. Objectives of this presentation.

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CAFE SG 23 November Brussels

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  1. CAFE SG 23 November Brussels Draft recommendation on guidance for developing and reporting national programmes under the NECD On behalf of WG Implementation Andreas Barkman European Environment Agency

  2. Objectives of this presentation • Present content of firstdraftrecommendations from the Working group on implementation on: Guidance for developing and reporting National Programmes under NECD • Focus on what would be reported to the Commission

  3. Background - general 2006 is an important year: • NEC revision • Modelling and consultations for the NEC revision finalized. Proposed revised NEC tabled • Kyoto implementation • New projections and underlying assumptions available during under National Allocation Plans under the EU ETS • Assigned amounts defined …..Path towards Kyoto for most MS more or less defined

  4. Background - National Programmes • Reporting on National Programmes in 2002/3 proved to be: • Not timely • Not complete • Not consistent • Not comparable …..generally poor… • Possible reasons include: • First reporting • Not enough guidance to MS in NEC directive

  5. It it therefore clear that… • Official reporting by MS of national programmes and projections end of 2006 will be important to better understand MS views on their prospects to reach their NEC ceilings. Particularly given potentially new information emerging second half of 2006 • Better guidance on national programmes will be be needed

  6. Guidance will bring a number of benefits: • National Programmes that fully complywith the requirements of the NECD • Greater harmonisation of reporting requirements • Reducing the administrative burden • Facilitating consistency, comparability etc. • Facilitating mutual learning • Higher quality projections enabling identification of any required additional policies and measures

  7. Overall guidance structure • General guidance of how to develop national programme • Guidance of what and how to reporting to the Commission

  8. General outline of national programmes reported by Member States (MS) to the Commission • Executive Summary • Political and administrative procedure of adoption of national programme • Policies and measures • Emission inventories and projections • Geographical distribution of emissions • Evaluation and monitoring of the national programme

  9. Executive Summary • Shall be included • Shall highlight whether NEC ceilings will be met? • Shall be no more than maximum 10 pages • Courtesy translation in English is strongly recommended

  10. MS shall report on political and administrative procedure of adoption of national programme and shall include: • Basic description of the procedure for preparation and adoption; • Regulatory status of the national programme; • Authorities that have been involved in the development of the programme; • Consultation(s) that undertaken with stakeholders; • Co-ordination with other national plans, programmes and reporting requirements (GHG MM, LRTAP, LCP etc)

  11. Policies and measures (PAMs) • MS shall review and list important NEC and non NEC specific PAMs for each main aggregate sector. • PAMs should be presented by relevant aggregated sectors similar to reporting under the GHG MM: The following sectors should be considered: • Energy sector (without transport) • Transport • Industrial processes • Solvent and other product use • Agriculture • Waste

  12. MS shall report information about PAMs: • Name and brief description of policy or measure; • Objective of the policy or measure. • Which NECD pollutant(s) affected; • Type of policy instrument; • Status of implementation of the policy or measure • Responsible bodies for implementing the policy or measure • Aggregated quantitative estimate of the impact of PAMs on emissions of each NECD pollutant in 2010. • The impacts of this measure on greenhouse gas emissions Common format shall be used in tabular form

  13. Emission inventories and projections - general • MS shall report historic emissions and projections • Reporting of emissions data shall be in a common spreadsheet format • A methodology section shall be included in main report describing methods, assumptions data sources used. Thorough description of QA/QC procedures and uncertainties based on EMEP/CORINAIR Guidebook and IPPC guidance

  14. Emission inventories and projections • MS shall use full NFR format for reporting including relevant memo items • MS should report emissions data from 1980 onwards if available • MS shall at minimum report data from latest year availableand the data for the base year for projections • MS shall ensure time series are consistent and back-calculated in line with UNECE guidelines

  15. Emission inventories and projections • MS shall report projections for 2010 for all NECD pollutants • Reporting should be made on aggregated source sectors similar to reporting under the GHG MM and reported policies and measures • MS shall include a ‘With measures projections’ (cf. GHG MM) • MS shall report an ‘With additional measures’ projection (cf. GHG MM) if the NECD ceiling is projected to be exceed or within 10% of ceiling • MS shall ensure that PAMS underpinning projections shall be consistent with PAMs reported separately for main source sectors

  16. Emission inventories and projections • MS shall reportdocumented activity data and key socio-economic assumptions and model parameters underpinning projections • MS shall ensuretransparency and consistency by building on the GHG MM reporting requirements - on mandatory and recommended parameters • Differences in key assumptions between what is reported under NECD and GHG MM should be explained as far as possible …but timing issues 31/12 2006 vs. 15/3 2007

  17. Emission inventories and projections • Member States are encouraged to report on sensitivities in their projections: high, medium, low scenarios

  18. Example of projections with existing and additional measure NECD target

  19. Geographical distribution of emissions • Article 6(2) of the NECD requires Member States to indicate in their national programmes if any significant changes in the geographical distribution of emissions are anticipated in 2010. If no changes are anticipated then this should be specified in the national programme.

  20. Evaluation and monitoring of the national programme • MS are recommended to include a list of the indicators used for monitoring the progress of the programme. • The list should indicate for each indicator to which part of the programme. For each indicator, the initial value and an indication of the envisaged development over time in the years up to 2010 could be included in the report. • The list could be given in tabular form.

  21. Thanks for listening! andreas.barkman@eea.eu.int

  22. Scope of national programmes • Pollutants: SO2, NOx, VOC & NH3 • Timescales: Present to 2010 • Sources: All sources excluding international shipping and aviation outside of the LTO cycle • Sectoral Scope: Historic emissions and for 2010 should be reported for the source sector categories set out in the nomenclature for reporting (NFR). Projections to be reported on aggregate source sectors

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