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Presentations for this week's planning meeting include emergency kit, beam-line activities, execution planning, electrical procedures, safety aspects, access constraints, lift and monte-charge maintenance, and shift work period in BA3.
SPS LS2Planning meeting (No.22)17/04/19 J.MEIGNAN EN-ACE-OSS 17/04/2019
Presentations this week • Emergency kit presentation – Simon/Ramon • Beam-line activities - Antonio • Planning execution BA1 to BA6 • A.O.B J.MEIGNAN
ElectricalProcedures • Mise hors tension partielle du SPS lors des YETS, EYETS et LS https://edms.cern.ch/document/2058234/0.1 Under Approval • Demande de « SEPARATION DU RESEAU » par le Facility coordinateur https://edms.cern.ch/document/2049809/1Released • De-cabling – SPS5 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2https://edms.cern.ch/document/1983418/1.0Released • De-cabling – SPS3 lock-out procedure for De-Cabling during LS2https://edms.cern.ch/document/1991126/1.0Released • De-cabling – Identification, labelling and disconnection procedure for obsolete cables SPS1 and SPS3 during LS2 https://edms.cern.ch/document/2052872/1.0Released It is the responsibility of the Equipment owner to consign any equipment that they will be working on. Do not assume something is consigned. Check first. J.MEIGNAN
Safety aspects: EROS team J.MEIGNAN
Safety aspects: EROS team Commentaires et questions • Conditions d’utilisation des portes installées par le Génie Civil en ECX5 • Travail le samedi – Justification / Planning / Autorisation J.MEIGNAN
SPS fire safety loop The current proposal from EN-CV given the LS2 works schedule for the SPS involves: • SPS water loop not operational from 15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019 • SPS water loop with no pressure (pumps off), water remains in the loop except for BA1 • Hot-works are foreseen in BA3 and BA6 • Sprinkler replacement is foreseen in BA6 at that moment • All other BAs do not foresee hot works FB and HSE-OHS-XP strives to avoid impact in scheduled activities and to minimize compensatory measures while bearing an acceptable residual risk. Art Arnalich and Olivier Deschamps agree that the SPS water loop is ACCEPTABLE under the following conditions: • Service down is restricted to 2 weeks (15/4/2019 to 30/4/2019) • Hot works are only carried out in BA3 and BA6. • A visit from a HSE fire expert and FB member is mandatory before starting the hot works to validate general fire safety conditions. • Daily clearance from “superviseurchantier” is mandatory before starting hot works. • Intensive presence of “superviseurchantier” before, during and after hot works. • Sprinkler system is only dismantled in BA6. • In BA3 and BA6 and BA5, a 10m3 water tank is installed by FB at surface level close to the access shaft. • In BA6, the conditions expressed by HSE to dismantle the sprinkler system are respected: hose layout in the stairs, extra extinguishers, trained crews, alarm means. • In all shafts, FB tractors and trolleys with firefighting equipment are operational and located in the bottom of the shafts J.MEIGNAN
Access constraints • BA1 will be blocked for AUG system maintenance (moving from BA1 to BM1). • No access in point 1, underground AND surface, from 06/05/19 to 10/05/19 J.MEIGNAN
Lift & Monte-charge maintenance April J.MEIGNAN
Shift work period in BA3 • The period that will require shift work will begin when EN-EL move the de-cabling campaign into LSS3. • This is currently scheduled for Monday the 6th May. (Week 19) • EN-EL will complete the de-cabling campaign on Friday the 28th June. (Week 26) • As soon as the de-cabling campaign is complete, EN-EL will spend the next 2 weeks pulling Fibre Optic ducts. • 1st July until 12th July (Weeks 27 and 28) • The shift work period will end when EN-EL have completed the pulling of Fibre Optic ducts. • This is currently scheduled for Friday the 12th July. (Week 28) • The 2 shift periods will be as follows: • Morning Shift: 06:00 to 15:00 • Afternoon Shift: 15:00 to 23:00 • While the 2-shift period is taking place, EN-EL will work during the morning shift and EN-CV & BE-RF will work during the afternoon shift. • The shift period works only applies to works taking place in the TA and LSS3. Other areas such as the arcs and surface are not affected. J.MEIGNAN
EN-CV works in LSS3- Analyse plomb demandée. Des halfens sont utilisés par des tuyaux absents de la maquette. Perçage voute est nécessaire. • Nos travaux dans LSS3 sont prévus du 01 Avril au 19 Juillet. • Nous avons remarqué des problèmes d’intégration dans LSS3- ( il y a des tuyaux non représentés et qu’il faut conserver, des échelles à câbles dans les murs etc). • Nous allons aussi revoir l’intégration de la caverne pour placer les tuyaux de manière plus cohérente. Nous n’avons pas vérifié LSS3 + pour l’instant. • Nous devons resoumettre à l’intégration une maquette pour LSS3-. Idem pour la caverne. • Par ailleurs, la zone de travail dans LSS3 n’est pas OK pour que RAM POWER vienne y travailler. • Il y a donc un retard prévisible de minimum 2 semaines sur ce chantier. C’est à prendre en compte dès maintenant. Merci. Alexandre Inutilisé. A enlever. Demande à Nuvia faite LAST MEETING J.MEIGNAN
EN-CV works in LSS3- • The old (old) pipes were removed (still 10m more to remove. Not especially in conflict with other pipes now but it will be easier to remove it now, without the machine) • The team is preparing the supports of the new pipes in surface • Start of the installation in the LSS3: Week 17 • On going: update of the integration. • On site integration validated with S. Mehanneche • Update of the 3D model • “coupe type” proposed by RAM POWER (see next slide) J.MEIGNAN
EN-CV works in LSS3- Actual situation Future situation J.MEIGNAN
SPS4 Sprinklers tests • Two lines : Line1- LSS, Line2 –TA&SHAFT • First line tested and validated • Second line to be tested before end of April, following the same procedure. • Sprinkler expected to be operational from 02/05/19 J.MEIGNAN
Hydrocarbons + WC cleaning in SPS • Campaign finished today, RAS. • Drain inspection performed in SPS1 • Alejandro, comments? J.MEIGNAN
New Access systems at TAG41 / TT40 • Unfortunately The access systems of TAG42 & TT40(ECX4) are connected. So we cannot isolate one without isolating the other. • As a result both access systems are closed. • The commissioning of the new entire TT40 (ex- ECX4) is planned for the end of May 2019… but the access point itself shall be operational by end of April. J.MEIGNAN
New Access systems at TAG41 / TT40 • If you require to access any of the areas on the other side of these doors, please contact me and we can arrange for a “gardien” to be present. • If your activity is NOT an emergency, we need to schedule it in order to ask for a security guard for a period • If it is an emergency, I noticed an issue yesterday: only one person (D.VAXELAIRE) has the key to open the access door (YDPV01,TAG41 = TAG41). Is it possible to give this key to the CSA also? J.MEIGNAN
Earthworks at SPS 4 & SPS 6 Civil works at SPS 4 to be executed from week 17 to week 22. Works include 3 concrete trenches + 1 normal In red circles the areas that FAMY will deploy No co-activities with TE-EPC in any area BM4 TE-EPC trafo pit BA4 Civil works at SPS 6 to be executed from week 23 to week 25 and from week 30 to week 32. Works include 2 main normal trenches. In red circles the areas that FAMY will deploy In blue rectangle the area that TE-EPC needs for maintenance activities only for week 24 (4 trafos, 1 day per trafo, no machinery needed by TE-EPC) BM6 BA6 J.MEIGNAN
IMPACTS Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!! • Correct intervention period: DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK!!!!!!! • (LS2-SPS-2018/2020) • Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!! • I am not psychic!!! • If you clone an IMPACT: • Check the dates are correct • Check the location is correct • Check the description is correct (not just the title) • Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!! • If you have already completed your IMPACT them please check that the dates in IMPACT match that of your planning and are also correct in the master schedule planning. • If they are not then please contact me so that we can rectify the problem. • IMPACTs should be for specific tasks and not just a general IMPACT valid from the start of the shutdown until the end • Only write an IMPACT for upcoming works (within the next couple of months) J.MEIGNAN
How to open the SPS planning https://cern.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects-Accelerator-Complex-Schedules/Projects.aspx * You will need the latest version of Microsoft Project installed on your computer Click here J.MEIGNAN
General Schedule https://edms.cern.ch/document/1892837/2.1 J.MEIGNAN
IMPACT Statistics - (LS2-SPS-2018/2020) • Number of IMPACTS “Waiting for Approval” Last meeting:54Today:44 • Number of IMPACTS “Approved” Last meeting:48Today:30 • Number of IMPACTS “In Progress” Last meeting:127Today:143 • Number of IMPACTs “Late” Last meeting:110Today:107 • Number of IMPACTs “Closed” Last meeting:308Today:366 • Total Number of IMPACTsLast meeting:647Today:843 J.MEIGNAN
IS37 • Please check your IS37: • If your works are finished, ask for a change of the dates in the correspondent IS37. • We found IS37 still opened while the works were finished 2 weeks ago J.MEIGNAN
SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 17th April 2019 In Work / New version: 14 Under Approval: 4 Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 17th April 2019 Approved but not Released: 16 Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 17th April 2019 Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 17th April 2019 Released: 26 Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
SPS ECRs for LS2: status on 17th April 2019 61 Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
SRRs and ECRs: reminder Tips • All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs: • SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”) • ECR: Engineering Change Request • Templates available on: • https://quality.web.cern.ch/templates-requests • To be sent to the SPS configuration manager: • Sonia.Bartolome@cern.ch or • ecr-configuration@cern.ch The process of approval takes time and that this year the IEFC committees are less frequent (since the beginning of the year only the one last week; the next one will be in April). Moreover, Fred Galleazzi should be contacted well in advance in order for him to make the studies and prepare the differential drawings. Extraction from Track-it – 17th April 2019
A.O.B What's wrong with this picture? • One bag open • Trashes not in the bins… • Please respect the rules written here • When you bring something from the surface in its packaging, don’t put it in these bins (considered as “potentially radioactive”) J.MEIGNAN
A.O.B What's wrong with these pictures? • No barriers from one side • Rubalise from the other side • Pictures taken last Friday afternoon… • Rigid barriers + signs are MANDATORY (Who? Why? When? Phone) J.MEIGNAN
A.O.B What's wrong with these pictures? • No demolition works can start before the bins are available on surface • Recommendations written in the VICs MUST be followed J.MEIGNAN
Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO https://indico.cern.ch/category/9263/ Link to the SPS planning https://cern.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects-Accelerator-Complex-Schedules/Projects.aspx Next General Planning meeting 15/05/2019 30-7-010 J.MEIGNAN
External Visitors • If you have any external personnel needing to access the SPS for visits before starting works then you need to read the following document: "Etapes à suivre pour organiser des visites professionnelles dans les installations du CERN" by CHRISTELLE GAIGNANT • Link: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1281098/4.1 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
LIU Project LHC injection lines TI2 and TI8 (see LHC coordination) • New collimators TCDIs • New beam loss monitors • New vacuum valves LS2 activitiesSPS Fire Safety Project New PPS Project • New UA9 cristal and goniometer pair Consolidations Maintenance Upgrade • Change all the electrostatic septum ZS(LSS2) • Add a vacuum valve(sector 210) Reconfiguration of LSS1 (LSS1, BA1) • New beam loss monitors • New upgraded scraper • Replace one injection kicker MKP • Reconfiguration of the enlarged quadrupoles(11610, 11710, 11810) • 200 MHz RF power upgrade(LSS3, BA3, BAF3) • 200 MHz low level RF upgrade • Consolidation of BB3 cooling plant • New modern static var compensator (BEQ1) New access systems • New personnal access devices PAD • New material access Devices MAD • New emergency exite doors • aC coating (QF SSS, MBB 5+ 6-, LSS drifts all) • New flanges for the impedance reduction • New beam loss monitors • Replacement MOPOS electronics(Sextants 1,2,3,4,5,6) Fire Safety Fire compartments Fires safety systems Manual fire fithing systems Automatic fixed fire fihting systems Extraction protection devices: • Replacement of TPSC4 (LSS4) • Replacement of TPSG6 (LSS6) • New emergency lighting systems • New safety cable tray • Consolidation of the B-train • WIC and BIS deployment • Refurbishment of the lift (BA3, BA6) • Electricalsub-station consolidation(BA1,2,4,6) Reconfiguration of LSS5(ECA5, ECX5, LSS5) • New Beam Dump • New beam loss monitors • Replace beam gas ionisation profile monitor (BGI) • Replace the synchrotron light monitor (BSRT) • New kicker magnet with vertical deflection for dumping MKDV (and generator) • Reconfiguration of the enlarged quadrupoles(51610, 51810) • De-cabling Project • New rotational Wire Scanners BWSRE • (LSS4, LSS5) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
Master Schedule (Version 1.3) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
Master Schedule (Version 1.3)IST Period for SPS /!\ Shutdown Period does not mean work/access possible • Start of the cleaning campaign in July • Global New Access System Tests • Etc… SPS • 6 weeks of Individual System Tests (access restriction) List of known tests that need to start before the IST period: • New 200 MHz RF System from June 2020 • New Beam Dump System and reliability run to be defined No works/installations scheduled later than June 2020 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
The Coordination team • David Mcfarlane • SPS Facility Coordinator • Overall planning and coordination • Julie Coupard • Deputy SPS Facility Coordinator • Deputy overall planning and coordination • Jonathan Pascal Meignan • Planning and coordination of the LIU beam dump installation at BA5 and reconfiguration of BA1. • Antonio Grande Mallavia • Planning and coordination of all beamline affected activities. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
The Coordination team • Franck Bais • TSO • Onsite supervision • Romuald Bihery • Onsite supervision • Cedric Halbert • Space management of the surface areas of the SPS points during LS2. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
EROS Team and Organization SPS Emmanuel Paulat Emmanuel.Paulat@cern.ch Telephone: 00 41 75 411 38 70 Points: 3, 4, 5 and 7 Backup John Robert Etheridge John Robert Etheridge John.etheridge@cern.ch Telephone: 00 41 75 411 46 47 Points 1, 2 and 6 Backup Emmanuel Paulat Cyrille Patrick Bedel Cyrille.Patrick.Bedel@cern.ch Telephone: 00 41 75 411 08 04 Back Up for John Robert Etheridge and Emmanuel Paulat EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
Procedure to request Project Online Professional Licenses • Who? CERN users who need professional access to EN/ACE coordination schedules for CERN accelerator complex • How? https://cern.service-now.com/service-portal/article.do?n=KB0005844 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane
On-line course "controlled area refresher" needed to access SPS or NA target area • In order to keep your access to SPS (all access points) in 2019, you must complete, preferably before the end of January 2019, the online course “Controlled area – refresher” on lms.cern.ch: • https://lms.cern.ch/ekp/servlet/ekp?CID=EKP000040626&TX=FORMAT1 • In case you have not yet done the pre-requisites below, you will have to do these online courses first: COMPLETE THIS COURSE A.S.A.P!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane