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Child beauty pageants

Child beauty pageants. By: Lindsey McDaniels. history. Industry began in 1960’s Little Miss America pageants began to take place, and the pageants became a routine at carnivals and fairs. After the death of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, enrollment in child beauty pageants dropped drastically .

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Child beauty pageants

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  1. Child beauty pageants By: Lindsey McDaniels

  2. history • Industry began in 1960’s • Little Miss America pageants began to take place, and the pageants became a routine at carnivals and fairs. • After the death of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, enrollment in child beauty pageants dropped drastically. • Now enrollment is at an all-time high.

  3. Current • Beauty pageants are now a multi-million dollar industry. • Beauty pageant participants range from under one year to about 20 years old. • About a quarter of a million children participate in child beauty pageants each year. • Each episode of Toddlers and Tiaras carries about 1.2 million viewers.

  4. Parent’s choice • While watching Toddlers and Tiaras it is prevalent that most children do not wish to participate. Some parents are even shown dragging their children onto the stage. • Karen Kataline was forced into child beauty pageants at age 3. She claimed to do anything she could to get out of the pageants. Her attitude ended up making her 285 lbs at the age of 16.

  5. Affects Girls’ perspectives of women in society • Critics claim that because of parents’ attitudes about vanity, contestants are taught that beauty and publicity are the only things attributing to their self worth. • Rebecca Eder, an expert on the development of self-concept in young children, states that "an early emphasis on appearance and body image may distort a little girl's view of herself and lead to eating disorders and related behavior." • Many believe that pageants force children to believe they must not only be beautiful, but the most beautiful.

  6. Harmful to children’s bodies and minds • 32% of children ages 10 to 15 are concerned about their bodies. • Amongst the high glitz pageants, contestants use spray tanning, tanning beds, fake eyelashes, hair pieces, flippers, fake nails, butt glue and makeup. • 60% of girls aging 8 to 12 years old thought they’d be happier if they were skinnier.

  7. solution • Ban child beauty pageants (Ranging from the ages of under 1 to 12 years old). • Disaster will continue without assistance. • Banning beauty pageants will promote morals and values while saving children from the harmful atmosphere of pageants.

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