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What are the basic principles of successful Public Speaking?

What are the basic principles of successful Public Speaking?. Processes and Principles. The Speech Communication Process. MESSAGE. Your Responsibilities as Speakers (book). Make sure that your goals are ethically sound. Fully prepare for each speech. Be honest in what you say. plagiarism

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What are the basic principles of successful Public Speaking?

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  1. What are the basic principles of successful Public Speaking? Processes and Principles

  2. The Speech Communication Process MESSAGE

  3. Your Responsibilities as Speakers (book) • Make sure that your goals are ethically sound. • Fully prepare for each speech. • Be honest in what you say. • plagiarism • Avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language.

  4. What you said about Speakers • “a person needs confidence in themselves to be a good public speaker” • “the speaker needs to know the topic well—or be an expert at it” • “they need to believe in what they’re talking about.” • “need to appear confident (even if you aren’t)” • “communicate trust and authority” • “passionate and sincere” • “genuine”

  5. Question • Business people report spending the most time engaged in which type of communication activity? A. Making speeches and presentations. B. Writing or dictating letters and emails. C. Reading. D. Listening to advisors, employees, customers and competitors.

  6. How Business People Spend Communication Time [Bovee and Thill Business Communication Today]

  7. Your Responsibilities as Listeners/Audience • We take on ethical obligations as listeners • Be courteous and attentive during the speech • Listeners should avoid prejudging the speaker. • Listeners should maintain the free and open expression of ideas. • In this class our responsibilities include talking/writing to speakers after their presentations.

  8. What you said about audiences • “The person needs to know the audience. Connecting with them is key and understanding them helps with that.” • “needs to know their audience (age, level of learning, etc.)” • “the demographics they are reaching” • “how to interest a lot of rowdy people”

  9. The Rest of the Speech Communication Model • Message: the meanings we share: verbal and non-verbal • Share the topic • “What is my body saying that I am not aware of?” • Channel—what carries the message to the listener: Air? T.V.? Radio? P.A.? • Feedback—this makes communication transactional • “needs to know what they are doing well or not so well.” • “judge audience involvement and understanding”

  10. The Rest of the Speech Communication Model • Situation—the immediate event and surroundings • “facilities/location” • “speech context and what is expected in giving the speech” • “environment and possible distractions” • Interference—anything external or internal that blocks or clouds the message (or feedback) • “I want to know how to speak clearly & not have anything that gets in the way of the idea I am trying to get across” • Culture—the larger culture within which the situation takes place • “I want to learn to adapt to different audiences”

  11. The Speech Communication Process Situation & Culture MES SAGE CHAN NEL Situation & Culture Situation & Culture FEED BACK Interference Situation & Culture

  12. What do you need to know to be a successful public speaker?

  13. Invention • “How to think of a topic and talk for a long period of time” • “The speaker needs to know enough about the subject that they are speaking about so they can am authoritative knowledgeable presentation” • “How to expand a topic” • “Deep understanding of subject matter” • “proper research techniques”; “what sources are good sources”

  14. Arrangement • “learn good ways to organize presentations” • “How to become more organized” • “how to outline a speech” • “is there an order of things to talk about?”

  15. Style • “a decent vocabulary and grammar” • “how to use humor” • “does spelling count?” • “how to share what I am feeling” • “organizing intelligent thoughts into intelligent words”

  16. Delivery • “confidence, loud, exciting voice, good body language, • “good eye contact vs. creepy eye contact” • “control of the breath” • “Speed at which to speak” • “proper vocal tones and speaking clarity” • “pronunciation” • “how to use hand gestures properly” • “good posture”; “body language” • “use visual aids better”

  17. Memory • “I want to learn how to not start of good then forget something and freeze up.” • “memorization” • “how to make yourself calm and not lose your train of thought” • “find a way to mentally keep track” • “how to not need a word for word script” • “how to avoid too many notecards!”

  18. The Five Rhetorical Canons • Invention—the material, ideas, content • Arrangement—the structure and organization • Style—word choice and expression • Delivery—verbal and non-verbal • Memory—how to prepare and remember to share what you prepared

  19. Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Speakers Exercise

  20. On Friday Go to Lab sections over in Pearson I’ll see you back here in lecture a week from Friday.

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