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Detailed summary of EuCARD SC meeting covering coordination, communication, support studies, high-field model development, and key tasks progress. Plans for future collaboration and advancements.
WP7 HFM F. Kircher (CEA Saclay) and Gijs de Rijk (CERN) EuCARD SC meeting Frascati, 4th and 5th November 2009 1
Executive summary • Task 1: Coordination and communication Global organization set up. Tasks 3 and 5 delayed until Sept. 1st 09 • Task 2: Support studies Thermal models: set up. Effects of radiation: still to be set up (meeting on 2nd December) • Task 3: High field model Some activities started during the summer 09 (working groups, conductor, preliminary magnetic design) • Task 4: Very high field dipole insert Comparison of conductors, protection and magnetic design have started • Task 5: High Tc superconductor link Officially started on Sept. 1st 09. Activity organized and planned • Task 6: Short period helical SC undulator Modeling work, trial windings and insulation research have started 2
Task 1: Coordination and communication (1) After the kick-off in February, two collaboration meetings were held at Saclay in June and at CERN in September to set up the global and task organization. This is now almost completed. It was agreed that, mainly because of LHC machine repair, and of the CEA Nb3Sn quadrupole program, tasks 3 and 5 would officially start on September 1st 09. In addition to the technical discussions, the following points have been set up: • WP7 steering committee • WP7 web site • EDMS site for documentation • Publication board • Proposal for the External Scientific Advisory Committee (7 members) 3
Task 1: Coordination and communication (2) External Scientific advisory committee HFM-EuCARD WP Steering Committee Task 1 Coordination CERN, CEA Saclay Publication board Task 2 Support studies Wroclaw, CEA Saclay, CERN (heat removal, insulation, irradiation) Task 5 High Tc SC link CERN, industrials (HTS links) Task 6 Short period helical SC undulator STFC (DL, RAL) (11.5 mm period, Nb3Sn) Task 3 High field model CEA Saclay, CERN, Wroclaw (13 T dipole, 1.5 m long, 100 mm Ø) Task 4 Very high field dipole insert INPG/CNRS, CEA Saclay, … (solenoid and dipole HTS inserts) 4
Task 1: Coordination and communication (3) Plans for next semester: • Assist task 2 in setting the irradiation sub-task: meeting at CERN on 2nd December • Held third collaboration meeting in March at Wroclaw U. • Call a session of the External Scientific Advisory Committee during the first quarter of 2010 5
Task 2: Support studies (1) The past major activity was the definition of the scientific program. Two main sub-tasks, with subdivisions for each: • Thermal models and design: * experimental characterization of the insulation materials: already done in the frame of the NED program * determination of the heat deposition in the magnet due to beam losses: will be a subject of the December irradiation workshop * dipole thermal model and optimization: a workshop was organized at CERN on 30 th of Sept. and 1st of Oct. to review the competences of the various labs involved (Wroclaw U, CERN, Saclay) and give the directions of future theoretical and experimental studies. A more concrete and detailed program is expected after this workshop 6
Task 2: Support studies (2) • Radiation studies for insulation and impregnation: The objectives of this sub-task is the mechanical and electrical certification of the insulating materials submitted to high irradiation doses because of the beam losses. This goes through several steps: * determination of the insulating materials * determination of the radiation spectrum * definition of the samples and of the tests to be done * selection of the institution capable to perform the irradiations * irradiated sample tests and analysis Although some proposals have been made, no real coordinated action has started. A workshop will be organized at CERN on December 2nd, with the goal to set up this sub-task. Synergies with recently started irradiation studies on superconductors will be exploited. 7
Task 3: High field model (1) • Objectives: Design, build and test a 1.5 m long, 100 mm aperture dipole with a design field of 13 T, using Nb3Sn high current Rutherford cables. Agreement to officially start the task on September 1st 09. Nevertheless, some preliminary work was done before this date: * creation of 3 working groups: magnet specification, pre-design and cable, which will be operational in the 4th quarter of 09 * compilation of documentation * basic design of the superconductor and writing part of the specification * writing part of the furnace (for Nb3Sn heat treatment) specification and start of supplier search 8
Task 3: High field model (2) • start of 2D magnetic conceptual design: Cos θand block coil designs 9
Task 3: High field model (3) Plans for next semester: • Launch dedicated regular meetings for the task and for each working group • Compare the 2 layouts (electromagnetic and mechanic in 2D and 3D) • Send order for 3 test lengths of strand. The conductor is on the critical path • Send order for furnace • Have session of the External Scientific Advisory Committee to review the design choices 10
Task 4: Very high field dipole insert (1) Objectives: • Design and realization of a high temperature superconductor (HTS) very high field dipole insert (6-7 T), which can be installed inside the 13 T Nb3Sn dipole of task 3 (test of the two dipoles together is not part of the present EuCARD contract) Work already done: • Comparison of the properties of the two most promising HTS conductor types: Bi-2212 round wire and YbaCuO coated conductor. • Request offers (3) to order samples of conductors of both types, and send orders • Start the protection study, which is a real issue for these conductors 11
Task 4: Very high field dipole insert (2) • Start the design of a cryostat to test the solenoidal insert at field up to 20 T and variable temperature • Start the preliminary insert magnetic design 12
Task 4: Very high field dipole insert (3) • The production of a 7 T magnetic flux density inside a 100 mm diameter bore is a real challenge, which requires current densities measured only on short lengths of conductors Plans for next semester: • Characterize Bi2212 and YbaCuO samples • Prepare the final choice of HTS (summer 2010) • Design of the solenoids • Further pre-design of the dipole insert and study of interfaces with the main dipole 13
Task 5: High Tc superconducting link This task has also officially started on Sept. 1st 2009. Nevertheless some work has already been done: • Organization and planning of the activity • Redistribution of the tasks among the participants to compensate for the withdrawal of DESY laboratory. A proposal is being finalized • Conceptual design of a multi-conductor cable (multi-circuits coaxial or multiple single-circuit coaxial) Plans for next semester: • Prepare the specification for the link • Made comparative study of the potential HTS usable (YBCO, BSCCO and MgB2), following by a specification of the conductor’s performances 14
Task 6: Short period helical superconducting undulator Objectives: Fabricate and test a short helical undulator prototype wound with Nb3Sn wire Within STFC, RAL has now joined DL to work on this task. Work already done: • Magnetic modelling work • Winding and potting trials with a dummy conductor • Research on wire (rectangular, from a strand around Ø 0.6 mm) and suitable insulation (about 70μm, and compatible with heat treatment) Plans for next semester: • Continue the focus on winding trials and the wire insulation 15
Conclusions • Global organization of the WP Almost fully set-up, still some scientific points to be more precisely defined (Task 2) • Technical progress Tasks 1,4 and 6 within the official planning. Start of tasks 2 and 5 have been officially delayed by 5 months (April 09 to September 09). No more delay expected now Task 2 is the most difficult to set up • Technical challenges As usual, as the studies are progressing, the challenges are appearing more precisely, specially in tasks 3 (forces, construction), 4 (conductor, forces, protection) and 6 (conductor, insulation) 16