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Whole Building Energy Use Benchmarking Jordan Sager, LEED AP, CEM UCSB Utility & Energy Services

Whole Building Energy Use Benchmarking Jordan Sager, LEED AP, CEM UCSB Utility & Energy Services. UC Building Energy Benchmarks by Campus Lab/Complex Space. UC Building Energy Benchmarks by Campus Housing Non-complex Space.

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Whole Building Energy Use Benchmarking Jordan Sager, LEED AP, CEM UCSB Utility & Energy Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Whole Building Energy Use Benchmarking Jordan Sager, LEED AP, CEM UCSB Utility & Energy Services

  2. UC Building Energy Benchmarks by Campus Lab/Complex Space

  3. UC Building Energy Benchmarks by Campus Housing Non-complex Space

  4. UC Building Energy Benchmarks by Campus Academic / Administrative Non-complex Space

  5. UCSB 2013 Benchmarks in Relation to UC Benchmarks and Targets

  6. Heating Basis of Design: gas-fired condensing boiler plant Energy Conservation Measures: • Ventilation heat recovery from bldg exhaust • Passive solar heat optimization during heating season • Minimization of reheat in labs through application of chilled beams and dynamic reset of ventilation supply temp.

  7. Cooling Basis of Design: UCSB chilled water loop (.065kW/ton) Energy Conservation Measures: • Specification of low SHGC glazing • External shading • Thermal mass (incl. phase change materials) • Active chilled beams in lab spaces • Operable windows in office and administration areas

  8. Ventilation Energy Conservation Measures: • Demand-controlled ventilation • VAV fume hoods • Air quality sensing in wet labs • Natural ventilation in offices, admin areas, seminar rooms

  9. Envelope Thermal Properties

  10. Lighting Power Density and Occupancy Values

  11. Equipment Power Densities Based on ASHRAE assumed EPDs.

  12. Equipment Power Densities Based on metered 120/208v receptacle power demand data from existing laboratories on the UCSB campus.

  13. Power Monitoring - John Bowers Laboratory, UCSB Engineering Science Building


  15. http://energy.ucsb.edu jordan.sager@pf.ucsb.edu

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