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Advancing effective teaching practices of future faculty

Advancing effective teaching practices of future faculty. Charita Ray-Blakely. Hypothesis.

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Advancing effective teaching practices of future faculty

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  1. Advancing effective teaching practices of future faculty Charita Ray-Blakely

  2. Hypothesis • With regard to the advancement of effective teaching practices, teaching focused future faculty preparation programs (FFPP’s) (e.g. the GTA) can produce more adequately prepared and socialized future faculty if a more self-determined motivation type is developed by FFPP participants, through the satisfaction of innate psychological needs.

  3. Self Determination Theory (SDT) • SDT is a theory of motivation that focuses on type of motivation vs. amount. • It asserts that certain psychological needs exist within every person and that in meeting a specific need, a certain type of motivation is produced. • SDT suggests that people are motivated to act or behave in the satisfaction of one or all (three) of these psychological needs.

  4. Innate Psychological Needs • Competence – a felt sense of confidence or a feeling of effectiveness when one is given an opportunity to exhibit aptitude. • Relatedness – the desire to feel connected to others; a sense of belongingness. • Autonomy – a self endorsement of one’s own actions. Integration of reasons for behavior.

  5. SDT’s Types of Motivation

  6. Research Question #1 • What is the range of types of motivation as defined by Self Determination Theory, observed by graduate student participants at TAMU and CU, who have completed a FFPP designed to improve teaching skills in higher education?

  7. Methods/Findings • The Academic Motivation Scale (AMS): a 28-item survey that measures motivation type utilizing a seven point scale. • N = 41 (TAMU=29 & CU=12) • Motivation type most representative of the group: the Extrinsic-Identified motivation type with a mean score of 5.3.

  8. Motivation Type There are 3 significantly different Levels of Motivation Type.

  9. Type of Motivation and Socialization • An autonomous orientation develops as a result of all three needs being satisfied. The controlled orientation develops as a result of the competence and relatedness needs being somewhat satisfied while at the same time, the satisfaction of the need for autonomy is neglected. • More autonomous orientations=enhanced socialization process.

  10. The Socialization Process • A process by which an individual achieves his identity within the group. The end product is the incorporation of group values and norms into the individual’s self-image. (Bragg, 1976) • Two dimensions essential to the development of and commitment to a role (e.g. future faculty): • Curricular – acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to perform a role. • Normative – acquiring the personality or disposition of a role. • Integration (autonomous orientation) fosters incorporation!

  11. Implications for CIRTL • CIRTL is concerned with what controls participants signing up for and completing its FFPP’s. • CIRTL is concerned with program design and effectivness. • This study suggests that motivation type controls if and how much people participate in FFPP’s as a result of the interaction between the satisfaction of needs, motivation type, and socialization. • This study will give CIRTL Network Institutions insight into program design to advance CIRTL’s goal(s).

  12. Research Question #2 • In reference to innate psychological needs, as described by SDT, and program characteristics, why did graduate students participate in and complete a future faculty preparation program? • A. Do the characteristics of the GTA FFPP @ TAMU attend to the satisfaction of the innate psychological need for competence? • B. Do the characteristics of the GTA FFPP @ TAMU attend to the satisfaction of the innate psychological need for relatedness? • C. Do the characteristics of the GTA FFPP@ TAMU attend to the satisfaction of the innate psychological need for autonomy?

  13. Research Question #2 (con’t) • Purpose: To determine whether provisions for the satisfaction of innate psychological needs are present within the GTA @ TAMU. • Method: Focus group interviews • Preliminary Findings: program elements designed to satisfy the needs for competence and relatedness are present however; program elements designed to satisfy the need for autonomy appear absent.

  14. Commentsand/orQuestions

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