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Join us in Palermo, Italy from Oct 30th to Nov 1st, 2013 for a training on social, economic, and cultural rights in the EuroMed region. Explore current human rights challenges and learn how to promote human rights for all.
Introduction • Greetings from the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) Leadership. • We are really humbled to have been invited to participate in this Training on Human Rights in the EuroMed Region and would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the organisers.
Introduction (…1) • The regionwe are lookingattoday is a veryrich and diverse regionweredifferentnationalities live together. • The demographicdividethat is in the EuromedRegion is also a sign of itsparticularity. Moreover, the EU and the South & East Mediterranean Countries are interlinkedwhenwe look attheireconomies.
Introduction (…2) • For the purpose of our Training Course, I would like us to look at three main challenges related to: • - Rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa; • - Rights of people trapped in the Sinaï Desert; • - Rights of persons in the move in the EuroMed Region.
Rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa • One of the challenges I would like to point out are rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa; • It is true that most of the countries involved: Morocco, Lybia, Tunisia, Egypt have bilateral agreements with EU countries concerning their own people. However, as we speak about social, economic and cultural rights in the region
Rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa (Cont…1) it is important to look at the rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa. Does the International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightscovertheirrights? • In the framework of bilateralagreementsbetweensome EU countries and Northern African countries, detentioncenterswerebuild to receiveAsylum Seekers in the back yard of Europe.
Rights of Migrants and Refugees in transit in North Africa (Cont…2) • In 2012 there were 22 detention centers in Lybia filled with desperate people. The treatment that was reserved to them is inhumane. • With the crisis in Lybia their case became worse. Some were deported and others were left in the desert to find their own way.
Rights of people trapped in the Sinaï Desert Border between Egypt and Israël
Rights of people trapped in the Sinaï Desert(…1) • For manyyears the world has been indifferent to the cries and pleas of migrants seeking a better future and trapped in the SinaiRegion. • The worst violations of Human, Social, Economic and Cultural Rightsrangingfrom torture, rape to hugerandsom to bepaid by familymembers have been experienced by desperate migrants and Asylum Seekers in the SinaiRegion.
Some of the Testimonies of Migrants Trapped in the Sinaï Desert(…2) • « "I paid $3,000 to the smuggler Abdullah to transfer me to Israel. He then demanded an additional $10,000 and tortured me – hooking up the metal chains to the electricity until I fainted. I went through torture like this for two and a half months, until my relatives from the USA, Europe, Saudi Arabia and Sudan managed to collect the additional $10,000." Testimoniescollected by Agenzia Habeshia
Some of the Testimonies of Migrants Trapped in the Sinaï Desert(… 3) • "We, the men in the group, tried to protect the young women from the smugglers who wanted to rape them. They took us, put our legs and hands in chains and raped us as a punishment.“ • Information received does also speak about traffic of organs in the region. Testimoniescollected by Agenzia Habeshia
Rights of persons on the move in the Region(…1) • This is a crucial topic in the EuroMed Region; • What happened in Lampedusa on October 3rd, 2013 while the world was gathered in New York for the High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development and in Malta on October 15th is the demonstration of the EU inability to fulfill its Treaties’ objectives and to set up a
Rights of persons on the move in the Region(…2) common policy in the field of Asylum and Immigration. • The people who lost their lives were from Somali, Eritreans and Syrians. They were fleeing without no doubt for their lives and seeking protection that EU Member States were obliged to grant them according to International Agreements and EU law. Question? Why were they denied protection?
Sharing responsibility to protectrefugees and vulnerable groups of persons • Some countries in the region are mostexposed to illegal migration thanothers. Responsibilityshouldbesharedsothatvulnerable groups (women, children, elderly) and refugees are protected. • A common migration policyshouldbedefined and based on conditions and procedures for entering the EU with respect to labour migration.
What are the alternatives available? • What are the alternatives available when we know that access to education, health care, protection… are challenges on both sides of the Mediterranean? • Real EU foreign policy aiming at avoiding or solving conflicts (Expl of Mali, Syria…); • Channels of legal migration should remain open to avoid people turning to traffickers;
What are the alternatives available? (Cont…1) • Asylumseekingprocess to begin in the country of origin… • The current EU externalpolicy (Mobility and Development) shouldgive the opportunity to go beyong short-term visas. • How do we ensure that the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of people are respected as stipulated in Articles 7 and 11of the ICESCR?
What are the alternatives available? (Cont…1) • In my humble opinion, it is the infringement of those rights that put people on the move. • There is also the necessity of addressing these rights and needs of vulnerable groups; • The importance of gender equality for economic, social and cultural development; and the need to work on migration issues within the framework of the ICESCR, as migrant’s and refugees’ economic and social rights are a shared concern for both shores of the Mediterranean is therefore crucial.
Conclusion • The world has become a global village were people will continue to move. With the aging of its population, Europe will need in a couple of years to come more migrants to work and build its economy. • Unless there are clear policies based on the rights of people on the move, the EuroMed Region will continue to experience tragedies. • Investing in peaceful conflict resolutions may lead to the reduction of influx of refugees and migrants.
Conclusion (Cont…) • Are we going to continue building fences and working on the militarisation of our borders? Or should we give a human face to Migration and respect the rights of people to education, health care, protection... ? • The Mobility Partnership is a useful tool but the major component such as visa for employment should be added to it.