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Events following the Punic Wars. Italy destroyed by Hannibal. The poor sold their land to the rich. People’s lives destroyed so they move to the city. The birth of the “proletariat” – urban, landless, poor people. Rich buy slaves (1/3 of the population) Slave uprisings (Spartacus)
Events following the Punic Wars • Italy destroyed by Hannibal. • The poor sold their land to the rich. • People’s lives destroyed so they move to the city. • The birth of the “proletariat” – urban, landless, poor people. • Rich buy slaves (1/3 of the population) • Slave uprisings (Spartacus) • Rich take control of the government.
The Gracchi Brothers • Tiberius Gracchi, Tribune of the Assembly, tries to speak on behalf of the poorer people, the proletariat. He is executed by a group of Senators (patricians) 133BC. • His younger brother, Gaius, also tries to fix things, he is executed with 3,000 of his followers in 123BC.
Military Leaders Take Over • People not happy with the government, so the leaders of the military take over. • Marius – saved Rome from an invasion in 105BC. He used the army to seize power. • Sulla – Also took over using the army, by slaughtering his opponents.
Caesar comes to power in Rome • Sulla orders Caesar killed, Caesar escapes. • Caesar was an excellent speaker who understood the nature of politics. • Caesar threw parties for the patricians, such as Crassus the Rich (whom he borrowed money from). He got himself elected Provincial Governor of Spain. • He used this position to make himself wealthy by taxing the Spanish.
The First Triumverate, 60BC • Caesar, Crassus the Rich, and Pompey (a military general) join forces. • Caesar elected consul. • The ten years these three men ruled Rome. • Caesar served one year as consul, then appointed himself Provincial Governor of Gaul.
Caesar establishes the “Empire” • As Governor of Gaul, he conquers new land. • The Gallic Wars • He led his army across Europe, killing anyone who tried to stop him. • Caesar and his troops conquer most of Northern Europe. • The Roman Republic becomes known as the Roman Empire. • Caesar’s greatest contribution was conquering all the land in Europe in the name of Rome
Caesar returns to Rome • In 50BC, Crassus dies, so the Senate orders Caesar to come home to Rome. Pompey has now become his rival. • The Senate tells Caesar to return home without his troops, but he brought them anyway. • What does it mean to “cross the Rubicon”? • Southern limit of the area he commanded, point of no return, her deliberates but crosses • Caesar returns, conquers Rome, and Pompey runs away to Greece.
Caesar hunts down Pompey • 48BC, Caesar defeats Pompey in Greece and chases him down to Egypt. • Caesar tells the Egyptians, “I want his head on a platter.” • The Pharaoh captures Pompey, and the head is presented to Caesar, on a platter. • Caesar meets & becomes involved with Egyptian Queen Cleopatra • Veni, Vidi, Vici – I came, I saw, I conquered.
Caesar’s Government • 44BC, Caesar returns to Rome and is appointed dictator. • He grants citizenship to everyone in provinces. • Gave the poorer citizens more rights. • Unemployed men were hired rather than slaves. • Provided land for the poor. • Established the “Julian Calendar” • 365 days, leap year, July – his birthday, February – short because it’s unlucky.
The Ides of March • March 15th, 44 BC • Caesar walks to the Senate. • Brutus and Cassius, two members loyal to Pompey, assassinate Caesar. • They thought Caesar wanted to be King. • “Et tu, Brute” You too, Brutus?
Cleopatra • Famous queen of ancient Egypt. Known as beautiful, intelligent and self-confident. Well-known because of love affairs with two Roman rulers, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. • Born in 69 B.C. in Alexandria, Egypt. Not Egyptian but belonged to a Greek dynasty, that started with Ptolemy I. When her father Ptolemy XII died she became ruler together with her elder brother. Some of her brother’s friends, however, drove her out of Egypt. • When Julius Caesar came to the country he helped her regain the throne. She ruled again, this time with her younger brother. • Caesar and Cleopatra fell in love and they had a son together, Caesarion. Cleopatra went with Caesar to Rome, becoming his mistress, and lived in his villa for some time.
Cleopatra • Cleopatra returns to Egypt in 44BC (when Caesar dies). • Historians believe that she killed her younger brother in order to be the only ruler of Egypt. • After Caesar's death two men struggled for power in Rome: Mark Antony and Octavian. Mark Antony felt very much attracted attracted to Cleopatra and the Egyptian queen helped him in his battle against Octavian. They fall in love & she bears him three children. • Octavian went to war against Antony, who united his navy with Cleopatra's. They lose Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. the couple fled to Alexandria. • Antony committed suicide by stabbing himself with a sword. A short time later Cleopatra let a snake bite her and she also died. • With Cleopatra’s death Greek rule came to an end and the country became a Roman province.
Julius Caesar and Rome Today’s Objective: I can identify and explain the role Caesar played in Roman history and politics. Why did Caesar use crayons? He wanted to Mark Antony How was Rome divided in half? By a pair of Caesars
Memory & Vocabulary Recognition • How many songs does your iPod contain? • How many of the songs can you name? • Of those songs, how many of those can you name the artist? The genre? (country, rock, pop, rap, etc.)
3 wheels on a trike, 3 leaders Government led by three individuals. 1. Triumvirate Patricians rhymes with Magicians; fancy, impressive Upper class, nobility, wealthy land owners 2. Patricians Working, lower class; merchants, famers 3. Plebeians Plebian, pleading, please, asking, wanting, needing, to make a plea “Proles” Latin for offspring. Landless, lowest class of citizens in ancient Rome. Only asset was their offspring. 4. Proletariat
Julius Caesar and Rome Today’s Objective: I can identify and explain the role Caesar played in Roman history and politics. http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/OTc5NTUzMDIx
Put these in order. • Antony and Cleopatra are defeated. • Brutus and Cassius kill Caesar. • Caesar defeats Pompey. • Caesar conquers Gaul. • Octavian rules Rome • The First Triumverate is formed. 5 4 3 2 6 1