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The Joints of the Bones of Trunk and Skull 躯干骨和颅骨的连结. Ⅰ . The Joints of the Bones of Trunk (Ⅰ). The Articulations of the Vertebral Column( 脊柱的连结 ).
Ⅰ.The Joints of the Bones of Trunk (Ⅰ). The Articulations of the Vertebral Column(脊柱的连结)
The 24 pieces of vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx articulate with one another by ligaments, intervertebral discs and joints to form the vertebral column(脊柱).
7 cervical vertebrae 12 thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 5 sacral vertebrae 4 coccygeal vertebrae
颈椎(7) 胸椎(12) 腰椎(5) 骶骨 尾骨
1. The joints of the vertebral bodies The joints between adjacent vertebral bodies include the intervertebral discs(椎间盘), the anterior longitudinal
ligament(前纵韧带) and posterior longitudinal ligament (后纵韧带). The intervertebral disc is a symphysis between vertebral bodies.
posterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带 intervertebral discs 椎间盘 Vertebral body Intervertebral foramen anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔 posterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带 intervertebral discs 椎间盘 Vertebral body anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
Each intervertebral disc consists of the annulus fibrosus(纤维软骨环) and the nucleus pulposus(髓核).
ligament flava黄韧带 annulus fibrosus纤维软骨环 nucleus pulposus 髓核 anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
annulus fibrosus纤维软骨环 nucleus pulposus 髓核 Intervertebral disc 椎间盘
Vertebral arch 椎弓 ligament flava黄韧带 nucleus pulposus 髓核 annulus fibrosus纤维软骨环 anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
2.The joints of the vertebral arches The vertebral arches are connected by zygapophysial joints(关节突关节) and by accsesory ligaments.
Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔 ligament flava黄韧带 supraspinal ligament 棘上韧带 interspinal ligament 棘间韧带 zygapophysial joint 关节突关节
zygapophysial joint 关节突关节 ligament flava黄韧带
关节突关节 黄韧带 椎间盘 髓核 纤维软骨环
Vertebral arch 椎弓 ligament flava黄韧带 nucleus pulposus 髓核 annulus fibrosus 纤维软骨环 anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔 Intertranverse ligament 横突间韧带 Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节
后纵韧带 椎间盘 椎间孔 椎体 棘间韧带 棘上韧带 前纵韧带 关节突关节
External occipital protuberance ligamentum nuchae 项韧带 zygapophysial joint 关节突关节 anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带
External occipital protuberance ligamentum nuchae 项韧带
3.The craniovertebral joints (颅椎连结) They are all synovial joints and a pair of atlantooccipital joints(寰枕关节) and three atlantoaxial joints (寰枢关节) :
one median atlantoaxial joint (寰枢正中关节) and two lateral atlantoaxial joints (寰枢外侧关节).
Occipital bone 枕骨 Atlantooccipital joint 寰枕关节 Atlas 寰椎 Transverse ligament of atlas Lateral atlantoaxial joint 寰枢外侧关节 Cross ligament of atlas寰椎十字韧带 Axis
枕骨 纵束 翼状韧带 寰枕关节 寰椎 寰椎横韧带 覆膜 寰枢外侧关节 寰椎十字韧带 枢椎
Occipital bone Atlantooccipital joint 寰枕关节 Atlas 寰椎 Transverse ligament of atlas Lateral atlantoaxial joint 寰枢外侧关节 Cross ligament of atlas寰椎十字韧带 Axis
Tip ligament of dens 齿突尖韧带 Alar ligament 翼状韧带 Atlantooccipital joint 寰枕关节 Atlas 寰椎 Lateral atlantoaxial joint 寰枢外侧关节 Dens 枢椎齿突 Axis
The atlantooccipital joints allow forward bending, backward bending and lateral bending of the head. The atlantoaxial joints allow the head to turn from side to side.
枕骨 齿突尖韧带 翼状韧带 寰枕关节 寰椎 枢椎齿突 寰枢外侧关节 枢椎
Atlas 寰椎 Transverse ligament of atlas Dens of axis Dental fovea median atlantoaxial joint (寰枢正中关节)
Ⅱ ). The Vertebral Column as a Whole and Its Movements 1. The vertebral column as a whole (脊柱的整体观)
The vertebral column performs most of its functions as an integrated unit. The vertebral column is about 70 cm long in adult. Generally, the length is shorter in women, the elders and after a long duration of standing.
The intervertebral discs account for about one-fourth of the length of the vertebral column.
Vertebral column 脊柱 anterior view posterior view Lateral view
The vertebral column shows four marked physiological curvatures in the sagittal plane: ①cervical curve(颈曲), ② thoracic curve (胸曲), ③ lumbar curve (腰曲) and ④ pelvic(sacral) curves (盆/骶曲).
cervical curve 颈曲 thoracic curve 胸曲 lumbar curve 腰曲 pelvic(sacral) curves 盆(骶)曲
The thoracic and pelvic curves are concave ventrally and are formed during fetal life. The cervical curve is formed at the time when the infant can keep the head upright.
The lumbar curve appears about the end of the first year or when the child begins to walk.
2. The movements of the vertebral column They include flexion (forward bending) and extension (backward bending) in the median plane, lateral
flexion (side bending to the right or left ) in a coronal plane, and rotation around a longitudinal axis. Each type of movements just listed can occur in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions.
(Ⅲ).The Thoracic Joints (胸部的连结) The thoracic joints include the joints between ribs and vertebral column, and between costal cartilages and sternum.
1. The costovertebral joints (1). The costovertebral joints (肋椎关节) They connect the heads of the ribs with the bodies of vertebrae.
Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔 Intertranverse ligament 横突间韧带 Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节
costotransverse joint 肋横突关节 Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节
(2). The costotransverse joints (肋横突关节) They unite the tubercles of the ribs with the corresponding transverse processes.
Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节 costotransverse joint 肋横突关节
costotransverse joint 肋横突关节 Costovertebral joint 肋椎关节
The costovertebral and the costotransverse joints are coordinate joints. While moving, the neck of rib rotates to cause up and down of the anterior part of the rib. Consequently the capacity of the thorax is changed.