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End of WWI The Peace Settlements

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End of WWI The Peace Settlements

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    1. End of WWI & The Peace Settlements

    2. I. Important Dates Armistice 11/11/1918 @ 11 a.m. Paris Peace Conference January 1919

    3. II. What factors contributed to the end of WWI? war weariness strikes in Germany Russian Revolution US entry 2nd Battle of the Marne

    4. III. What happened in the German Revolution of 1918? Events July 1917: moderates pass “peace resolution” July 1918: 2nd Battle of the Marne Oct: kaiser forms new gov’t. to sue for peace Nov: working class / army revolts ?

    5. III. What happened in the German Revolution of 1918? Who gained power liberals & socialists [Social Democrats] communists unsuccessful

    6. III. How will the German Revolution of 1918 open the door for Hitler? Weimar Republic signs armistice & Versailles Treaty = blamed for accepting defeat

    7. IV. Paris Peace Conference 27 nations (no Germany or Russia) Big Four Lloyd George (GB) Clemenceau (Fr) Wilson (US) Orlando (It)

    8. IV. Paris Peace Conference Agendas of the Big Three Wilson: just peace 14 Points: self-determination & League of Nations Lloyd George: moderate peace voter pressure for harsh peace Clemenceau: harsh peace Franco-Prussian War (1871) – harsh peace

    9. IV. Paris Peace Conference 5 treaties Versailles (Germany) St. Germain (Austria) Trianon (Hungary) Sčvres, 1920 / Lausanne, 1923 (Turkey) Neuilly (Bulgaria) 2 main issues territorial changes based on self-determination reparations

    10. V. Treaty of Versailles (28 June 1919) Terms ? military ? land war guilt reparations ($33b) US did not ratify Henry Cabot Lodge League of Nations

    11. VI. Postwar Territorial Changes

    15. League of Nations Mandates (Middle East & Africa) French Mandate of Syria French Mandate of Lebanon British Mandate of Palestine British Mandate of Transjordan British Mandate of Iraq British Togoland French Togoland British Cameroon French Cameroon Ruanda-Urundi Tanganyika South-West Africa

    16. Was the Versailles Treaty a just peace????

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