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Alpcan, T., and T. Basar (2004) “A game theoretic analysis of intrusion detection in access control systems” Proceedings of 43 rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. A review by Matthew H. Henry October 12, 2005. Description of Game. Network intrusion scenario Three players:
Alpcan, T., and T. Basar (2004) “A game theoretic analysis of intrusion detection in access control systems” Proceedings of 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. A review by Matthew H. Henry October 12, 2005
Description of Game • Network intrusion scenario • Three players: • Intruder • Virtual Sensor Network (VSN) • Intrusion Detection System (IDS) • Finite and dynamic games
Virtual Sensor Network • Network of software sensors: S = {s1, s2, …, smax} • Each sensor is an autonomous agent that either • Seeks to match known network intrusion activity signatures; or • Looks for anomalies in network usage that might indicate nefarious activity • Each sensor reports findings to IDS core directly or via sensor hierarchy • Sensors are “mobile” and can be instantiated and deployed at will by the IDS to monitor different subsystems • In general, each sensor is capable of identifying one or more intrusion mechanisms • The “strategy” of the VSN consists of a fixed probability distribution for each mode of attack and corresponds to the VSN output during that attack
The IDS and the Attacker • The target system is decomposed into tmax subsystems: {t1, t2, …, tmax} • There exist Imax possible modes of attack: {I1, I2, …, Imax} • Each attack is an ordered pair: ak = (ti, Ij) • The game, aside from the imperfect information afforded by the VSN, is a non-cooperative non-zero sum game played by the Attacker and the IDS • Attacker benefits from a successful intrusion and suffers a cost at being detected • The IDS benefits from a successful detection and suffers a penalty (in the form of network performance reduction) from a false positive – the IDS must manage a security tradeoff
S S Process 1 PCS 1 Attack SCADA MTU 1 S Process 2 PCS 2 S S LAN S S S S S S PCS m-1 SCADA MTU 2 S Process p SCADA Control Center PCS m S S S S S S Process P-1 PCS M-1 SCADA MTU N S Intrusion Detection System (IDS) S Process P PCS M S S Sensor Network Overlay on Protected System
Simple Example: single-move finite game • Target system comprises a single subsystem and there exists a single possible mode of attack a0 = (1, 1) • IDS strategy set includes two possible moves: {Take action against attacker, Do nothing} • Attacker strategy set includes two possible moves: {Attack, Not attack} • VSN “strategy” set includes two probability distributions: {[p10, p11], [p00, p01]}, where • p10 = P(No attack detected | Attack occurred) • p11 = P(Attack detected | Attack occurred) • p00 = P(No attack detected | No attack occurred) • p01 = P(Attack detected | No attack occurred) • Action taken when Attack Detected: Set Alarm
Simple Example: single-move finite game Unique Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies with probability distributions and payoffs shown above. (Solution found using GAMBIT)
Continuous Game • Problems with finite game: • Exhibits poor scalability for large systems and high-dimensional action spaces • Payoff values must be separately defined for each possible outcome • Propose continuous-kernel game with continuous strategy spaces and cost functions to improve scalability and generalization
Attacker Strategy Space • Let Amax denote the cardinality of the attack set of ordered pairs ak = (ti, Ij) • The strategy space of the attacker is now a subset of Amax • Attacker strategy uA UA Amax, with elements uAi 0, i = 1, 2, …, Amax
IDS Strategy Space • Let Rmax denote the cardinality of the response set available to the IDS • The strategy space of the IDS is now a subset of Rmax • IDS strategy uI UI Rmax, with elements uIi 0, i = 1, 2, …, Rmax
Virtual Sensor Network • Sensor output as functions of attacker actions represented as a linear transformation P in the space US Amax × Amax • The matrix P = [pij], i,j = 1…Amax, maps attacker actions to sensor output • Sensor output = (uA)TP e.g. ideal P would be the Identity matrix: sensors perfectly detect and report attacker strategy • Detection metric for attack ai: dq(i)= pij/rowsum(pij) • Define P = [pij] = [-pij] for i=j, [pij] otherwise this provides positive cost for erroneous detection and negative cost (positive benefit) for correct detection
IDS Cost Function • JI(uA, uI, P)= γ(uA)TPQuI(cost of false detection/benefit of correct detection) + (uI)Tdiag()uI(cost of resource allocation) + (cI)T(QuA – QuI) (cost of successful attack) • γ – scalar gain for cost/benefit of false/correct detection • Q – Amax× Rmax matrix of binary values (0/1) that maps IDS response actions to attacks • Q - Amax× Amax diagonal matrix with elements 1, signifying the degree of vulnerability of specific subsystems to attacks • diag() = diag([1 2 … Rmax])– cost of response actions • cI = [cI1 cI2 … cIAmax] – cost of each attack to IDS
IDS Cost Function (Example) • 2-Dimensional attack space: uA = [uA1 uA2] corresponding to one attack mode on two subsystems • 1-dimensional IDS response space uI • γ =1 • Q = [1 1]T – IDS response is same for both attacks • Q = 2-Dim Identity Matrix – both subsystems equally vulnerable to this attack • diag() = = 1 • cI = [1 2] – attack on subsystem 2 twice as costly as an attack on subsystem 1 • P = [.8 .2; .3 .7]
Attacker Cost Function • JA(uA, uI, P) = -γ(uA)TPQuI(cost of capture/benefit of successful intrusion) + (uA)Tdiag()uA(cost of resource allocation) + (cA)T(QuI – QuA) (benefit of successful attack) • diag() = diag([1 2 … Amax])– cost of attack resources • cA = [cI1 cI2 … cIAmax] – benefit of each attack to attacker
“Optimal” Trajectories • Minimizing the cost functions yield the following reaction functions • uI(uA, P) = [I – γ[diag(2)]-1QTPTuA]+ • uA(uI, P) = [A + γ[diag(2)]-1PQuI]+ • Where • I = [(cIQ)1/(21)…(cIQ)Rmax/(2Rmax)] • A = [(cAQ)1/(21)…(cAQ)Amax/(2Amax)] • [•]+ indicates that negative elements are mapped to zero • note: this is not best response in the sense of fictitious play since uA is unknown to the IDS, and uI is unknown to the Attacker
Nash Equilibrium • Strategy pair (uI*, uA*) is in Nash equilibrium if they jointly minimize cost: • uI*= argminuI{JI(uA*, uI, P)} • uA*= argminuA{JI(uA, uI*, P)} • The authors prove that a unique interior Nash equilibrium exists for constrained values of γ which force uI* to be positive in the equilibrium solution • Their proof uses the convexity of the cost functions and derives a Hessian for the coupled cost vector [JI JA] to show uniqueness of the interior solution
Repeated Games • Incorporates dynamics associated with improving sensing capability (learning) and sensor reconfiguration (reallocation of IDS/VSN resources) • Reflected in dynamic P matrix • e.g. P(n+1)=[P(n)+2(+)(diag(diag(uA)QuI) - col(diag(uA)QuI))+W(n)]N • Where • , , are small positive constants • ~ U([-1,1]) • W(n) = [wij] Amax×Rmax, wij are I.I.D. and ~ U([-1,1]), models transients and imperfections in the sensor grid • [•]N maps the elements to the interval (0,1)
Repeated Games • Given sensor network performance P(n), players optimizes next moves – similar to best response to expected cost • Assumes some (limited?) mutual knowledge of P(n) and some estimation of opponent play history (?) • Note: it is not clear from this paper how the estimates of opponent strategy or P(n) are made (in fact, the authors do not explicitly suggest that they are estimates – this is my inference) • Any ideas?
Convergence to Nash Equilibrium • Authors demonstrate that since N.E. exists for fixed P, it is sufficient for convergence to equilibrium with dynamic P to show convergence of P • P converges for small positive and • Both players have an incentive to vary strategies over time since, otherwise, the opponent of a player with an unchanging strategy will adapt to exploit weaknesses left open by the static strategy