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Monday/ Tuesday. Get your homework (the Clauses and Superlatives Quiz) out on your desk. Quick News…. Scheduled Research Time 2 nd hour on Thurs/Fri. Book time on Wednesday. (extra time- you’re welcome ) Start reading The Giver on Thurs/Fri.
Get your homework (the Clauses and Superlatives Quiz) out on your desk.
Quick News… • Scheduled Research Time 2nd hour on Thurs/Fri. • Book time on Wednesday. (extra time- you’re welcome ) • Start reading The Giver on Thurs/Fri. • Today, we will go over in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased information. We will also go over transitions. • We will look at example paragraphs and go over page formatting on Thursday/Friday.
Your homework was to finish the Clauses and Superlatives Quiz. • Right now you have 5 minutes to look over your answers and/or finish whatever you forgot to finish over the weekend. • We will begin grading the quiz in 5 minutes, so whatever you don’t finish will be counted against your grade.
Answers must be close, but do not have to be exact… • Define “dependent clause”. An incomplete thought or sentence that CANNOT stand on its own. • Define “independent clause”. A complete thought or sentence that CAN stand on its own.
3. Define “simple sentence”. 1 independent clause 4. Define “compound sentence”. 2 independent clauses, a comma, and a FANBOY conjunction 5. Define “complex sentence”. 1 independent clause, 1 dependent clause, and a BISAWAWEconjunciton
6. When you do need a comma when writing a complex sentence? You need a comma when the complex sentence begins with a dependent clause. 7. When don’t you need a comma when writing a complex sentence? You do not need a comma when the complex sentence begins with an independent clause.
They need to have a sentence for each type below. Use your best judgment. Raise your hand and ask if you’re not sure. 8. Write a simple sentence. 9. Write a compound sentence. 10. Write a complex sentence that needs a comma. -Make sure the sentence begins with a dependent clause and has a comma. 11. Write a complex sentence that does not need a comma. -Make sure the sentence begins with an independent clause and does not have a comma.
Superlatives and Comparatives-Answer should look exactly as they are below!! Spelling Counts 12. She is _______ (good) teacher at our school. -She is the best teacher at our school. 13. This couch is ______ (comfortable) than ours. -This couch is more comfortable than ours. 14. Kelly is _____ (pretty) than her sister. -Kelly is prettier than her sister. 15. It was _____ (bad) decision of my life. -It was the worst decision of my life. 16. The water is _____ (hot) than 67 degrees. -The water is hotter than 67 degrees.
Superlatives and Comparatives-Answer should look exactly as they are below!! Spelling Counts 17. That is _____ (ugly) sweater I’ve ever seen. -That is the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen. 18. She is ____ (thin) than me. -She is thinner than me. 19. Bob is _____ (smart) person in my class. -Bob is the smartest person in my class. 20. Friday is _____ (exciting) day of the week. -Friday is the most exciting day of the week.
Put the number they got correct over 20 at the top of the page and then put their grade.. 18-20 = 4 16-17= 3.5 14-15= 3 12-13= 2.5 10-11= 2 8-9= 1.5 0-7= 1 • You can retake this same exact quiz afterschool on Thursday or Friday only!!!!! You must be in my room by 3:45 to retake this quiz. You will have 30 minutes (until 4:15) to complete it.
What are Transitions? (page 6L) Definitions Example Words After Next Then Finally Afterwards Before Therefore First, second.. • Transitions help show that you are changing the subject/topic and going on to the next paragraph. • Transitions keep your writing in order and organized. • Transitions go at the end of all body paragraphs. • Gives readers a glimpse at what the next paragraph’s subject will be.
What are Transitions? (page 6L) Definitions Example Words Next After Then Finally First, second… Therefore BISAWAWE (Because, If, Since, Although, When, After, While, Even though) • When a sentence goes from one subject to a new one. • Transitions make your writing organized and flow from one paragraph to the next. • Transitions tell the reader that you are finishing up this paragraph, and gives them a hint of what the next paragraph will be about. • Transitions go as the last sentence of all of the body paragraphs.
Transitions Practice (page 6R) Write four transitional sentences that could be used to transition from one paragraph to the next. • Introduction (Chezlette’s Culture) • Food (Spanish and African Inspired food) • Location (Africa’s desert) • Religion (African voodoo) • Conclusion (Chezlette’s culture)
Example 4 Body Paragraph The music of Chezlette is composed with everyday tools and objects that one might not think could even make music. The people of Chezlette make music called Zimma,which has an upbeat tempo and includes singing (Gregor 55-56). Zimma is typically created by banging a rock on a metal trashcan lid, while another person sings the melody (Every Culture). Zimma has begun to make its way to the United States in various forms. Some rock bands use this method to create an interesting combination with the electric guitars. Handza is another type of popular music in Chezlette, which is played during church every Saturday. The people of Chezlette use two spoons to create music while they are worshipping their gods (Gregor 66).
Example 1-2 Body Paragraph The music of Chezlette is cool because they make music with tools and stuff like that. I think their music is lame but also kinda cool. They make this one kind of music called Zimma, which is the best one they make. They bang on trash can lids. I tried this at home, and it sounded awesome. They also have religion in Chezlette.
In-Text Citations (page 7L) • Paraphrased information needs to be cited in order to give the author credit. • Especially when writing a research essay, a lot (if not all) of your information will come from other sources. • When in doubt, ADD an in-text citation!!! • If you have two or more sentences from the same source, you only need one in-text citation at the end of it all. • Do not copy (word for word) more than 2 sentences in a row.
In-Text Citations (7R) You need to include the (author’s last name (space) page number). For Website you will include the name of the website. • Information quoted directly from the book or website. • “Chezlette was founded in 1956, and is the home of numerous religions” (Jerome 5-6). • Information that is summarized or paraphrased from a book or website. • In 1956, Chezlette became its own country (Jerome 5-6). • Citing Websites (same rules with the direct quotes needing the quotation marks and summarized info not needing quotation marks.) • The county of Chezlette is located in Northern Africa (Every Culture).
(Exit Ticket-one paper per group) Transitions • Intro (Education in California) • Low Test Scores • Charter Schools Making a Difference • Graduation Rates Rising • Conclusion (Education in CA)
Wednesday • You have all of today to utilize the books that I brought in for you. • Due today One filled out source card for at lease one of the books, and one FULL page of notes.
Thursday/ Friday • The Giver Intro/ Read • MLA formatting Demo • Example paragraphs • Research time
Welcome to Utopia • utopia: a perfect place where people could lead perfect lives • In a utopian society… • People are kind to one another • Like “heaven” • All your dreams come true. • What doesn’t happen… • No wars • No arguments • No zombie outbreak • no crimes • No natural disasters • Questions… • Is there death? • Are there diseases? • Where is it? • synonms • paradise
Benchmarksin the Giver Society (8R) • At age one, children get assigned to their families. Children also receive their names. • At age two, children can walk. • At age three, children begin to tell dreams. They reach the same maturity level. • At ages four, five and six, children wear back-buttoned jackets so that they can learn to depend upon others. • At age seven, children get a front-buttoned jacket, which is the first sign of independence • At age eight, children perform voluntary work. They give up their “comfort objects.” Children become more independent. • At age nine, children receive bikes. Girls no longer have to wear hair ribbons. • At age ten, children get hair cuts. Girls no longer wear braids. Boys had shorter hair which allowed for their ears to show. • At age eleven, children get new clothes. Girls get different undergarments because they have undergone puberty. Boys gets pants with pockets designed to carry the calculators that they use in school. • At age twelve, children learn their future professions. They become adults.
Benchmarks in theUnitedStates • At age 5-6, children go to kindergarten. • At age 13, children become teenagers. • At age 16, children can get their driver’s license. • At age 17-18, children graduate from high school. Children can vote. • At age 21, people become adults.
Jobs in the Giver society • Birthmothers provide children for married couples. • Nurturers raise newborn children until the children become Ones. Then, their parents can receive them.
MLA Essay Formatting(Page R) • Margins • Double Spacing • Font • Indenting • Heading
MLA Formatting (page L) • Font Times New Roman size 12 • Spacing double spacing • Margin 1 inch on all sides • No “Header” • Set up a heading on the left side of the first page that includes: Name, due date, period, Mrs. Adams • Title at the top center of the first page • No bold or CAPS LOCK or Underlining for the title or any other part of the essay. • No pictures!!!! ANYWHERE in your essay.
MLA Quick Reference (9R) In-Text Citations Bibliography ABC order Books—begins with the author’s last name Websites—begins with the name of the website Website—include the name of the article if there is one Use quotation marks for the title of chapters: “Chapter 12: The Way of the West” • Books—author’s last name then the page number (Smith 196). **NO COMMA **PERIOD COMES AFTER THE PARENTHESIS **NO PERIOD BEFORE THE PARENTHESIS • Websites—title of the website (Wikipedia).
Essay Must Haves… (page 10L) • Must be typed • Must have a Works Cited Page • Must be between 3-5 pages (3 Full pages) • Must have at least 3 sources (1 of which must be a book) • Must have AT LEAST 7 paragraphs • Intro • Music • Religion • Education • Food • Location • Conclusion
Essay Fixes… • Double space is the space between the lines not the words. format-paragraph • Times New Roman • Size 12---for everything!! • Indent each new paragraph (TAB) • At least 2 in-text citations per body paragraph • Heading should only be on the first page name, date, period, my name • Transitions at the end of each body paragraph—find a connection between your topics • If the computer says that a word is spelled wrong, but it’s in a different language, then it’s okay • No extra spaces between paragraphs • Summarized/paraphrased info still needs a citation