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Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B PDP WG

Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B PDP WG. Update Michele Neylon – WG Chair. Background. Background. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) Straightforward process for registrants to transfer domain names between registrars Currently under review to ensure improvements and clarification

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Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B PDP WG

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  1. Inter-Registrar Transfer PolicyPart B PDP WG Update Michele Neylon – WG Chair

  2. Background

  3. Background • Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) • Straightforward process for registrants to transfer domain names between registrars • Currently under review to ensure improvements and clarification • IRTP Part B PDP Working Group

  4. Charter Questions • Should there be a process or special provisions for urgent return of hijacked registration, inappropriate transfers or change of registrant? • Registrar Lock Status (standards / best practices & clarification of denial reason #7)

  5. WG Approach • PDP was initiated in June 2009 • Publication of Initial Report on 29 May 2010 • Opening of Public Comment Forum after meeting in Brussels • Seventeen Community submissions received • WG has (almost) completed review of public comments • Deliberations have started on finalizing WG recommendations (survey conducted)

  6. Next Steps • Meeting in Cartagena of the WG to review results of the survey and determine which areas need further work and discussion (e.g. Expedited Transfer Reverse Policy) • Finalize recommendations and publish these for public comment • Review comments and finalize report • Publish Final Report in time for ICANN meeting in San Francisco (target date)

  7. Further Information • IRTP Part B PDP Initial Report - http://gnso.icann.org/issues/transfers/irtp-b-initial-report-29may10-en.pdf • IRTP Part B PDP WG Workspace - https://st.icann.org/irtp-partb/

  8. Questions

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