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Peak District Rural Action Zone LEADER. Total Funding £2.4 million emda – 2,115,000 AWM - 285,000. Areas of Activity.
Peak District Rural Action Zone LEADER Total Funding £2.4 million emda – 2,115,000 AWM - 285,000
Areas of Activity • Measure 311 (Farm Diversification) – Three projects are being developed to full application for delivery during 2010/11. One project is at appraisal stage with a total value of £74.264. The total grant in development is £300,000 against a budget allocation of £380,000. • Type of application: Farm Shop, On Farm Processing Room, Accommodation, Ice Cream, Hydro • Average Grant requests are larger than anticipated
Measure 312 (Micro Enterprise) • 19 Projects contracted £309,503 grant has been contracted to date against an allocation of £380,000. • 13 projects to the value of £530,000 are being worked to full application. • High number of enquiries have been received for the funding round ending 31st May. • Spend against this measure to date is £171,687.
Measure 313 (Tourism) • Following a competitive tender process pre contract discussions are taking place to contract Extending the Season. • Extending the Season will deliver activity to improve long term the food cluster supply chain from farms and local producers to outlets. • This project once contracted will take the total amount contracted to £116,000 against an allocation of £285,000.
Measure 321 (Basic Services) • The task and finish Group met during April to consider in detail options discussed at the LAG • A brief will be considered at the May LAG prior to writing a tender for publication during the Summer. The full allocation of £237,500 will be contracted by Autumn 2010 for delivery through to 2013.
Measure 323 (Rural Heritage) • One Project has been contracted to date. New Mills Promenade to restore an area within the Market Town. Total Grant £6,800 • Chapel en le Frith War Memorial is to be considered by the LAG at the May meeting. Total Grant £10,300 • Two further projects are being developed to full application • The LAG is to consider when to launch a further round of funding at the May meeting.
Measure 331 (Rural Skills Following a competitive tendering process two training projects have been contracted: • Improving Skills in the Farming Sector/Future Farms - started in January and will run through to Autumn 2010.Training is focused around stimulating project development under Measure 311 (Farm Diversification) • Green Marketing - 10 Green Marketing training sessions are offered to local businesses over a 12 month period. • £40,000 has been contracted to date against an allocation of £237,500. Evaluation of these two training projects will inform the Local Action Group on future activity under this measure. • In addition to work commissioned through the Rural Skills measure projects contracted through Measure 312 (micro enterprise) may also contain small training elements that are eligible under Measure 331.