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Age of Ideologies II. Communism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Brother Andrew,. Karl Heinrich Marx. Born 1818 in Trier, Germany to a wealthy German-Jewish family His father born into a line of rabbis name was Herschel Mordecai but he changed it to Heinrich Marx for business’ sake
Age of Ideologies II Communism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Brother Andrew,
Karl Heinrich Marx • Born 1818 in Trier, Germany to a wealthy German-Jewish family • His father born into a line of rabbis name was Herschel Mordecai but he changed it to Heinrich Marx for business’ sake • Began studying at the University of Bonn, where he joined the Trier Tavern club • His father wanted him to be serious about education so sent him to the Friedrich Willhelms Universität in Berlin • Obtained a doctorate in 1841
Karl Heinrich Marx • 1842 began a career in Journalism • 1843 his paper was shut down • Met Engels in Paris and they had warm happy communist feelings together • Marx began to develop the philosophy of historical materialism • 1848 Marx and Engels first published a copy of The Communist Manifesto as a statement of faith for their small Communist League
Karl Heinrich Marx • Marx/Engels were kicked out of Paris and moved to Brussels in Belgium • They were kicked out of Belgium and moved to Köln (Cologne) Germany • 1849 Marx moves to Cologne and starts a leftist paper • May 1849 Marx is kicked out of Germany and moves to London where he remains for the rest of his life • Gets married to Jenny von Westphalen and has 6 children (3 survived)
Karl Heinrich Marx • Marx lived in London and wrote many books and political commentaries including “Das Kapital” • Emphasized revolutionary activist politics • Was an atheist and saw religion as a think to be pitied, and useful only as a drug “Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” • Marx died 2 years after his wife in 1883
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Born 1870 in Simbirsk, Russia • During his childhood his brother was hanged for attempting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III this cemented Lenin to Marxist extremism • Was well learned in Latin and Greek, but was kicked out of university for participating in protest • After independent study he obtained a license to practice law in 1891 • Continued revolutionary activity and was exiled to Siberia from 1895-1900
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Wrote reactionary material and led the Bolshevik party in the split up of the primary leftist party. • During WWI he led an anti-patriotic faction hoping for the overthrow of Russia to provide the chaos needed for revolution • Ultimately with the slogan of “All power to the Soviets” Lenin led a successful revolution in 1917 • Became leader of Russia and made an unloved treaty with Germany to end WWI
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Lenin’s major contribution to Communism was his professionalizing of the party • Began a secret police service the Cheka Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия по борьбе с контрреволюцией и саботажем • Lenin initiated the “Red Terror” stomping out imprisoning and executing all “counter-revolutionary elements” • He consolidated and led the government promoting a new economic policy to help care for the war ravaged Russia he was now ruling
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - Lenin • Tried to prevent greater Anti-Semitism • 1922 suffered a stroke and was partially debilitated • Began to doubt the other leaders of the party, especially Stalin, whom he had personally trained and elevated • Died Jan. 21 1924 not wishing to have any special memorial or services • He received the exact opposite in the formation of the cult of Lenin which included the renaming of St. Petersburg into Leningrad in his honor
Joseph Stalin • Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin • Born in 1898 into the Georgian ჯუღაშვილი (Jughashvili)family • At 14 he attended the Tiflis Theological seminary, living off of a scholarship and a small stipend for singing in the choir • Became an active Marxist and his activities earned him Siberian exile to 1917
Joseph Stalin • Had a bad home life, his first wife died, their son committed suicide, second wife committed suicide, their son died an alcoholic, and their daughter emigrated to the U.S. • Stalin rose to power, using manipulation and great political cunning • He started the cult of Lenin and attached himself as Lenin’s most devoted follower • Used a ban on party factionalism to exile and ban all of his detractors from the party
Joseph Stalin • Ruthlessly encouraged industrial growth and collectivized the peasants into communes triggering a famine that killed 5-10 million people. • Blamed failures on rich peasant “kulaks” that got sent to Gulag prison camps • Stalin harshly repressed religion wanting worship only for Lenin and thus himself • The Orthodox church was re-allowed during WWII as a patriotic and nationalistic organization, though it split from mainstream Orthodoxy in following Stalin
Joseph Stalin • Performed a “great purge” removing “bad” influences from the party and re-emphasizing the Lenin-Stalin cult • Initiated mass deportations of ethnic groups out of mainland Russia • Severely persecuted the Jews as American spies and traitors • A low estimate of 20 million people died during his reign • Died in 1953 of a stroke or poisoning
Chairman Mao • Basically see Stalin and replace Russia with China • Created a massive personality cult around himself, being worshiped above all • Initiated various programs resulting in the death of 10s of millions of his citizens • Died in 1976 leaving behind a subjugated China
Brother Andrew • Anne van der Bijlwas born in 1928 to a poor family in Holland • Grew up in a good Christian home, but didn’t personally have faith • 1939 his brother died of Tuberculosis and Andrew blamed God for it • 1940 Germans occupied Holland and Andrew raised small mischief against them • After the war he became a soldier and was injured, while convalescing he began to read the Bible
Brother Andrew • Prayed “Lord, if you will show me the way I will follow you.” • Wanted to become a missionary but was daunted by the 12 years training required • 1953 attended the Glasgow missionary school in Scotland for training because they had a much quicker program • He learned much from a month long no money, don’t ask for any mission trip • During this time Andrew witnessed many miracles and a faith which would mark the rest of his life grew
Brother Andrew • Had an opportunity to attend a socialist youth festival in Warsaw and there saw the hoplessness of the communists • He felt his calling in Rev. 3:2 “Now wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is at the point of death” • At God’s prompting someone taught Andrew to drive, then later two others gave him a brand new VW bug and money • Andrew loaded his car with bibles and smuggled them into Yugoslavia relying on God to give him a place to deliver them
Brother Andrew • 1958 Andrew married the love of his life Corrie Van Dam • Developed a famous border crossing prayer when openly smuggling bibles in “Father, You have made blind eyes to see -- now I ask you to make seeing eyes blind." • Continued smuggling bibles by dozens, hundreds, and thousands into various Communist countries • 1961 project pearl delivered 1 million bibles to China in one night
Brother Andrew • Wrote his autobiography God’s Smuggler which led others to join him in his work • Founded the Open Doors ministry which focuses on bringing bibles to those who don’t have them • Now open doors works primarily in the Muslim countries • Corrie Ten Boom also ministered to the communists with her “pepperbox messages” and speaking tours
Christian Communism • Pre-Marx Communism was primarily espoused by Christian Idealists • The emphasis is placed on Acts 2:44-5 • “And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.” • Post-Marx, Marxian social/economic ideals were kept, but atheism was rejected • Modern Christian communalist movements stemmed from this e.g. Calvary Chapel Communes