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First Aid

First Aid. Prepared by Galina Gaydamaka School 11 t. Marganets Dnepropetrovsk region Koval_Galina@ukr.net. Phonetic exercise. Vocabulary. A premature aging – передчасне старіння a wrinkling of the skin-зморщення шкіри A welding arcs - зварювання s wollen - роздутий

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First Aid

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  1. First Aid Prepared by Galina Gaydamaka School 11 t. MarganetsDnepropetrovsk region Koval_Galina@ukr.net

  2. Phonetic exercise.

  3. Vocabulary. • A premature aging – передчасне старіння • a wrinkling of the skin-зморщення шкіри • A welding arcs - зварювання • swollen - роздутий • Blistered – покриватися пухирями • Chills - знобить • Fever- лихоманка • A nausea - нудота • A vomiting - блювота

  4. What is sunburn? • Sunburn is a visible reaction of the skin's exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the invisible rays that are part of sunlight.

  5. The results of sunbathing: • It leads to premature aging, wrinkling of the skin and skin cancer.

  6. What causes the sunburn? • Sunburn is caused by too much exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. This can be from the sun, sunlamps or even from some workplace light sources such as welding arcs.

  7. Signs of sunburn are skin that is: • Red • Swollen • Painful • Sometimes blistered • Chills, fever, nausea and vomiting can occur if the sunburn covers a lot of your body and is severe

  8. The risk for sunburn is higher for: • Persons with fair skin, blue eyes and red or blond hair • Persons taking some medications • Persons who work with UV light sources • Persons exposed to a lot of outdoor sunlight

  9. Prevention.

  10. The first aid: • Get Emergency Care and give first aid before emergency care: • Move to a cool place indoors or in the shade. • Loosen clothing. • Take fluids such as cool or cold water.

  11. Reading. • My First Sunburn One hot summer day I felt like going in my backyard pool. Usually I let my mom put on my sun block. But on that day I wanted to act like my older cousin who was eight years old. She didn’t put any sun block on her because she was tanner than I was. She said that she didn’t need sun block because she wouldn’t get burned. I liked to get a tan to. When my mom asked me to put it on me I said I would put it by myself. I pretend to put the sun block on me so she would leave me alone. I lied to her telling her that I put it on my arms and shoulders. I went outside and jumped in the pool. I stayed there four hours straight with no brakes.

  12. I played in the pool with my older sister and younger cousin. I had gotten tired so I stepped out of the pool. As I walked out I lie down on to a chair and fell asleep. I was as sleepy as a bat in the morning. I had gotten startled by my cousin yelling randomly. When my cousin went inside I then fell asleep.

  13. Later on that day I was still sleeping in the sun thinking I was going to get a tan. I was startled again but this time it was not my cousin it was my mom. She was yelling at me and at the same time Rubbing the aloe Vera and sun block lotion on me. She had brought me inside to get an ice pack and she said the words to me “Why did you lie to me. I understand that you wanted to go out and play in the pool, but why did you not put sun block on. When I looked in the mirror I was as red as a tomato.

  14. I was tired and in pain and felt guilty. I was punished for a week. I learned that lying is not the best way to get out of your problems because sometimes it can come and bite you back.

  15. Choose the right answer: • 1.Where did the girl go one day? • A) to the beach • B) to the backyard pool • C) to the yard

  16. How old was her sister? Her sister was a) nine b) Eight c) seven

  17. What did her mum asked the girl to do? • a) to put on the dress • B) to put on the hat • c) to put on her sun block

  18. What was her Mum rubbing on her? • A) a sun block lotion • B) sour cream • C) a cucumber lotion

  19. How long was the girl punished? • A) for six days • B) for seven days • C) for five days

  20. Homework. • Write a story about Your trip to the beach.

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