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The Church: Jesus' Eternal Community & His Second Coming

Explore the unity of the church with Christ, its destiny to reign, and the significance of Jesus' second coming in different interpretations like Dispensationalism, Premillennialism, & more.

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The Church: Jesus' Eternal Community & His Second Coming

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  2. The Church Jesus is Building

  3. The Church is a Community

  4. The Destiny of the Church • The Church will be United to Christ: (2 Cor 11:2; Eph 5:27; Rev 19:7) • The Church will Reign with Christ: (1 Cor 6:2; ; Rev 1:6; 22:5) • The Church will be an Eternal Testimony. She will witness throughout eternity to God’s wisdom and goodness. Thus God will be eternally glorified. (Eph 3:10, 21)

  5. JESUS WILL COME AGAIN • Jesus made it clear that no signs will be given to tell us when the second coming will be. (Mat 24:36-44;1 Thess 5:1-3; 2 Pt 3:10-13) • The Bible tells us that the last days just before Jesus comes will be marked by “great falling away from the truth." (1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1-5) • The Second Coming of Christ is divided into two parts, separated by a period of time called “the tribulation”.

  6. Dispensational Premillennialism: • Those who hold to this idea believe in the "literal" interpretation of the prophetic passages concerning the end times. An actual 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth. • An actual 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth. • Two dispensations: one for the salvation of the Jews, then one for the Gentiles. • A "rapture" where people actually disappear into heaven leaving others on earth. • The millennium on earth marked by a return of Jewish temple worship, a great war, etc.

  7. What is Dispensationalism? Dispensationalists understand the Bible to be organized into seven dispensations: • Innocence (Gen 1:1-3:7) • Conscience (Gen 3:8-8:22) • Human Government (Gen 9:1-11:32 • Promise (Gen 12:1- Ex 19:25) • Law (Ex 20:1- Acts 2:4) • Grace ( Acts 2:4- Rev 20:3) • The Millennial Kingdom (Rev 20:4-6)

  8. What is Dispensationalism? • These dispensations are not paths to salvation, but manners in which God relates to man. • Dispensationalism, as a system, results in a premillennial interpretation of Christ’s second coming and usually a pre-tribulationalinterpretation of the rapture.

  9. Historic Premillennialism: • This position teaches that when Jesus returns He will establish a millennial (1000 years) between the first resurrection and the second resurrection. The final judgment will come at the second resurrection after 1000 years. • A great apostasy and tribulation must happen before Jesus returns. • Believers do not experience the persecution of the Anti-Christ who rises to prominence during this "tribulation period." • The kingdom will be revealed and Satan bound during an earthly 1000-year reign. • A massive rebellion will take place before Jesus returns a second time for judgment.

  10. Post-Millennialism • Post-Millennial scholars believe that the "Millennial Age" begins gradually as the gospel is preached. The church exercises its authority in financial and political ways on the earth as a sign of the supremacy of the "kingdom.“ • The church "binds" Satan and his influence on the earth through the preaching of the gospel. • Proponents believe in a form of Christian theocracy.

  11. A-Millennialism • Those who hold this position teach that the 1000 years refers to the time between Jesus' initial appearance and His second and final return at the end of the world. This number is not literally 1000 years but a symbolic time frame, the length of which only known by God. Jesus established the kingdom on earth when He came and the kingdom grows through the preaching of the gospel until His return. • No rapture/tribulation, etc. • Both Jews and Gentiles are called into the kingdom by the same gospel. • The kingdom is represented by the church on the earth. • At Jesus' return the world will end, the wicked will be judged, the saints will be with Christ in the new heaven and earth forever.


  13. Promise of Christ Second Coming • Since His resurrection and ascension the church has waited for Christ’s Second Coming. (Acts 1:11; 1 Cor 15; 1 Thess 4:16-17) • The Second Coming is Satan’s final defeat and fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 and is the conclusion of God’s plan for the world.(1 Cor 15:24) • The Second Coming is literal. God is longsuffering but Christ is coming again. (Acts 1:11; 2 Pet 3:3-9) • The Second Coming will affect everybody, not just the church. (Mat 24:17)

  14. The Purpose of His Coming • Jesus will come secretly to take His church out of the world. (Jo 5:25; Jo 14:3; 1 Cor 15:51-52 • When Jesus comes, He will change our bodies to be like His glorious resurrection body. (1 Cor 15:52-55; 2 Cor 5:1-5) • When Jesus comes, believers will stand before him to give an account of his life. (2 Cor 5:10; Eph 6:8; Rev 22:12) • When Jesus comes, He will set up His kingdom for a thousand years and reign on the throne of David (Luke 1:32-33; Rev. 20:4-6).

  15. Jesus Coming for the Church (Rapture) • Christ will come bodily from heaven, where He is now seated at the right hand of the Father, to the air above the earth. (1 Cor 15:52; 1 Thess 4:16-18) • This event will also feature the voice of the archangel who will give a shout of triumph and the rapture of the church will take place. • At this time the church will rise to meet the Lord in the air, being raptured or snatched up, and subsequently go to heaven. Jesus will bring with Him the souls of Christians who have died, as these souls have been in His presence in heaven.

  16. Jesus Coming for the Church (Rapture) • The Christians who are alive will be changed to their glorified bodies and taken to heaven. • The Rapture relates to those who are saved with no judgments on earth, in contrast to the Second Coming, which will deal with both saved and unsaved. (1 Thess 5:9) • After the Rapture of the church the Great Tribulation begins and Satan will be allowed even greater activity on the earth. (2 Thess. 2:3-10; Rev. 12:12). • The Tribulation is a future seven-year period when God will complete his discipline of Israel and final judgment upon the unbelieving citizens of the world. (Rev 3:10)

  17. The Results of Christ’s Return • The immediate effect will be the disappearance of millions of people, those who are alive and belong to Christ, at the same time. (1 Cor 15:51-52; Thess 4:15-17) • The graves of those who died in Christ will be opened, and new glorified bodies will be resurrected and united with their souls. (1 Cor 15:53; 2 Cor 5:8) • The resurrection will happen just before the living believers are “caught up” and the open graves will be a testimony that Jesus has returned as He promised. (1 Thess4:16-17)

  18. Circumstances Around Christ’s Return • Immediately there will be world wide chaos. (accidents etc) • Soon after the rapture, a new world leader will appear on the scene. (Dan 9:24-27; Rev 13:1-10) • There will be a world-wide religion, government, economy. (Rev 17:1-7) • The world will suffer seven years of tribulation. (Mat 24:21; Rev 6-16)


  20. The Second Coming- Millennium • In the Second Coming, Christ will come from heaven to earth to remain in the earth to set up His kingdom. • In the Second Coming of Jesus it will be universally visible and audible. (Mat 24:26-31; Rev 1:7) • In the Second Coming, Jesus comes with power and glory. • At this time the saints will come from heaven to earth and remain in the sphere of earth throughout Christ’s millennial kingdom. • At this time Old Testament saints and tribulation saints will be resurrected but remain in the earth.

  21. The Second Coming- Millennium • The Second Coming won't happen until certain events take place: • The anti-Christ sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. (Dan 7:24-28; 2 Thess 2:4) • At the end of the millennium, the "great white throne" judgement occurs, and Satan and all unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire. There is the creation of a new heaven and earth. (Rev 20:6-15; Rev 21:1-6)

  22. The Response of Believers The reaction and response of those who believe Christ will return soon. • Expecting Christ’s return should effect how we live. (Lk 21:28) • Expecting Christ’s return should effect how we worship. (Ps 100; Lk 10:27; Heb 10:25) • Expecting Christ’s return should effect how we work. (Col 3:23) • Expecting Christ’s return should effect how we witness. (Lk 19:13; 2 Cor 5:11



  25. Older Adult Council trip for seniors to Noah’s Ark in KentuckyOct 7-10, 2019, has been cancelled.

  26. Men’s Conference and FellowshipMay 17th – 18th @ 7:00 pm Fridayand 8:30 am Saturday

  27. Invited to Fellowship with Fresh Wind Christian Center Church, 561 S. Prescott St, Memphis, TN, May 19th @2:00 pm Pastor will deliver the message. Mass Choir will sing. All members are invited.

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