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ATLAS gas systems meeting

ATLAS gas systems meeting. Outline Introduction Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 Review achievements during 2013 Agree/Review activities and schedule for 2014 . Outline. PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team. Gas Service Team mandate:

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ATLAS gas systems meeting

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  1. ATLAS gas systems meeting Outline Introduction Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 Review achievements during 2013 Agree/Review activities and schedule for 2014 Outline R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  2. PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team • Gas Service Team mandate: • M&O and upgrades of the gas systems for all the LHC experiments: • preventive and corrective maintenance on 30 gas systems • on-call service all along the year (24/24 7/7) – phone 162516 • Construction of gas systems for other experiments at CERN (CLOUD, NA62, LINAC4, …) • General support for test beam and equipment belonging to external users. ALICE Albin Wasem Introduction – Working team FSU team Jonathan Dumollard AbdelmajidLaassiri Benjamin P. Marichy HerveMartinati Ace Ordanov (User) Cedric Landraud (also CMS-CO2) Guillaume Lacroix (also CERN Expo) ATLAS Frederic Merlet (0.25) Louis-P. De Menezes (0.5) Coordination R. Guida CMS-TOTEM Andrea D’Auria (0.5) LHCb Patrick Carrie (0.5) Steven Pavis (0.25) R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  3. PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team First contact persons for all issues related to ATLAS gas systems during working hours is in charge of: -standard operation -standard maintenance/small modifications -daily check of all systems ATLAS Louis-P. De Menezes – Frederic Merlet 16-2518 – 16-4089 ATLAS experiment and Gas Service Team If Louis-P. and Frederic are on holiday or busy: -during working hours  call directly Roberto (16-2146) -outside working hours  call directly on-call service (16-2516) Outside working hours call directly on-call service (16-2516) R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  4. Gas Service working team • In order to cope with LS1 a significant reinforcement of the team during 2013 was needed: • two new users with high experience in the workshop (mechanics and gas systems) • many students for short and well defined projects • Details: • CERN FTE (and students > 1 year): • 6.3 FTE: +1.3 wrt 2012 • Ernesto: TTS 50% for gas project • “FSU” (FSU + technical users): • 5.5 FTE: +1.5 wrt 2012 • Ace: user on ATLAS budget • Andrei: user on ALICE budget • Trainees (student < 1 year) • 1.9 FTE: +1.8 wrt 2012 • 4 trainees (3 from Poland, 1 from Canada) • 2 summer students • 2 children of staff members Working team R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  5. PH-DT-DI Gas Service Team • 2013 activities can be divided into three main sectors: • Standard maintenance of gas systems for the LHC experiments • LS1 consolidation program for the LHC experiments • Not LHC experiments/support to users • Standard maintenance andLS1 consolidation programconstitute the main field of activity • Not LHC experiments and support to users represent about 20% of the activities LS1 – 2013: Overview R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  6. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 • ATLAS contribution to M&O budget for gas systems: • 189 + 45 (LS1 consolidation) + 13 (MDT Pneumatic valves) kCHF • Total 247 kCHF On-call service: ATLAS gas M&O 2013: on-call • Detector distribution (MDT PT&PCV, RPC, TFC) • ID CO2 flow • Purifiers (TRT, RPC) • Filling - restart systems (RPC, TGC) • Power cuts - restart all systems • Gas supply (CO2, Ar/H2) • Analysis systems (specific selection) • Exhaust module (TRT) • Software (recipe parameters) • Pump (membrane RPC) • PLC failure (MDT) • Profibus failure (CSC) R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  7. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 On-call service summary On average only 1.5 h/year/system of downtime (power-cuts and outside events excluded) Intervention triggered by: ATLAS gas M&O 2013: on-call • Intervention are: • Equally distributed between experiments • Decreasing with time  R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  8. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 ATLAS gas M&O 2013: material R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  9. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 ATLAS gas M&O 2013: material R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  10. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 ATLAS gas M&O 2013: material R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  11. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 ATLAS gas M&O 2013: material for gas workshop R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  12. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 FSU and users (i.e. Ace) ATLAS gas M&O 2013: FSU resources R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  13. Review usage of ATLAS gas M&O 2013 Summary: ATLAS gas M&O 2013: summary about 26 kCHF overspending R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  14. 2013 schedule LS1 – 2013 schedule R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  15. 2014 schedule More details available on the excel table in agenda LS1 – 2014 schedule R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  16. Software upgrade Main responsible: Steven Pavis • EN-ICE ispreparing the migration to a new software version (CPC6 & more). • The migration requires to (~) completely rewrite the code (PLC+PVSS): • Preparation phase needed to definestrategy and milestons • Define modules, test logic, … • Validation of one/twogassystemscoveringalmost all functionalities • Deployment on one experiment (all detectors) • Deployment on all the experiments • A completecommissioningwillberequired (same as itwasdoneat the first start-up of the gassystems) • About one-twoweek of stop/instability for each detector (CSC, RPC, TRT, TFC, MDT, TGC, ID flushing, …) • ActivitiyscheduledfromJanuary to July 2014 • MDT postponed due to PLC memory issues with CPC6 • TGC postponed due to consolidation work Software upgrade R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

  17. Software upgrade Software upgrade Main responsible: Steven Pavis R. Guida, L-P. De Menezes, F. Merlet PH-DT-DI Gas

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