1. Group Presentation
2. What is a Vow & an oath?
3. What is a Vow & an oath?
4. Rulings related to fulfilling vows
5. Rulings related to fulfilling vows cont.
6. What vows are not permitted in Islaam
7. What vows are not permitted in Islaam cont.
8. Kafarah(Repentance/Expiation)
9. When Kafarah is not needed
10. What is the kafarah for breaking an oath
11. What is the kafarah for swearing by other than Allah
12. Which oaths require kafarah
13. The Aqiqah
14. Rulings of an Aqiqah:(1) Sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah
15. Rulings of an Aqiqah:(2) Shaving the baby’s hair on their head
16. Rulings of an Aqiqah: (5) Circumcision (for baby boy)
17. Rulings of an Aqiqah:(7) Bid’aa / Innovation – STAY WELL AWAY!
18. Conclusion