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Colonies Become Nations

18. Colonies Become Nations. Chapter 18 Crisis. India & Pakistan = Nuclear Enemies Kashmir (Hot Spot) Southeast Asia = Civil Unrest Dictators, Independence Movements Decolonization = Instability Assassinations & Genocide (Uganda/Rwanda) Arab- Israeli Crisis (Israel always wins)

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Colonies Become Nations

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  1. 18 Colonies Become Nations

  2. Chapter 18 Crisis • India & Pakistan = Nuclear Enemies • Kashmir (Hot Spot) • Southeast Asia = Civil Unrest • Dictators, Independence Movements • Decolonization = Instability • Assassinations & Genocide (Uganda/Rwanda) • Arab- Israeli Crisis (Israel always wins) • The Road Map (War = Peace = War = Peace Cycle) • Afganistan = Taliban • Osama Bin Laden = 911 = War on Terror

  3. Section 1 India Subcontinent

  4. India’s Problems Unity & Diversity & Ongoing Division Unfair Customs = Social Change (Caste system, Sati, Purdah, Dowry, Child marriages, forced labor, women’s illiteracy, harijans) Population Issue (triples leading to poverty) Poverty line = 1 meal per day) Why have more children? Form of Social Security/pension for the parents Calcutta & Bombay overpopulated & poor Mother Teresa’s mission to reach the untouchable’s

  5. India • INDIA • Congress Party (Hindus) vs. Muslim League • Mohandas Gandhi & Muhammad Ali Jinnah • Partition (West Pakistan, India, Eastern Pakistan), July 16th, 1947, 1 month to move (Pakistan = Land of the ritually pure) • 1 Million KILLED in the MIGRATION (Gandhi’s nightmare) • Gandhi Assassinated January 30th, 1948 • Kashmir (Still being fought over) • MODERN INDIA • Nehru (1st Prime Minister, 17 years) • Democracy, Unity, Economic Modernization • Indira Gandhi (Nehru’s Daughter) • Golden Temple Massacre, 1984 Assassination by Sikh • 21st Century Challenges (Nuclear weapons) • India vs. Pakistan

  6. Gandhi • Beliefs • Satyagraha = soul force • Ahimsa = non violence • the heart, then the mind… • Goal • India’s Independence • Method • Civil disobedience • Disobeying unjust laws • Fasting, hunger strikes • Salt March, clothing • Death • January 30th, 1948

  7. “The light has gone out everywhere and the whole world is in darkness.”


  9. Nehru Dynasty • Jawahel Nehru • 1947-1964 • Indira Gandhi • 1964-1984 • Rajiv Gandhi • 1984-1989

  10. Golden Temple of Amritsar

  11. Indira Gandhi Assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards October 31st, 1984

  12. Pakistan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka • PAKISTAN • West & East, 1000 miles apart, Muslim • Pakistan Remains Unstable • Civil War, East Pakistan becomes Bangladesh on March 26th, 1971, 1 million dead • 1970 Cyclone, 266,000 killed, WP slow to help, India helped • BANGLADESH (Formerly East Pakistan) • Poorest nations in the World • SRI LANKA (1948 Independence) • ¾ Sinhalese (Buddhist), 1/5 Tamils (Hindus) • Tamils want Independence(Northern Sri Lanka)

  13. Mohamed Ali JinnahFather of Pakistan

  14. West & East (1948) East = Bangladesh (1971) Muslim Nation Land of the ritually pure Punjabi vs. Bengali Issues Bhutto executed (Benezir) Nuclear Bomb 1998 General Musharraf Present Day Military Dictator Until 2008 Pakistan

  15. 1971 Independence Formerly Eastern Pakistan Backed by India Bengalese break free (Punjabi) Adversity Overpopulation + Poverty Floods + Cyclones Millions displaced/killed 50 million (1 meal per day) Under poverty line Child textile labor Bangladesh

  16. Kashmir

  17. Kasmir • Princely State of the Himalayas • Hindu Monarch, Muslim Majority • India & Pakistan tug of war • 1999 Border Conflict • Nuclear Threats Against • Hot spot of the World

  18. Section 2 Southeast Asia

  19. Philippines • 1946 Independence • 50 years U.S. rule • Democracy/Constitution • Ferdinand Marcos (1965) • Dictator, censorship • Assassinated Benigno Aquino • Corazon Aquino (1986) • Wife is elected President • “People Power” removes Marcos • Today… • Rapid urbanization (Manila)

  20. Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor • Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor • Burma • Military Government (Oppressive) • Aung San Suu Kyi (Democracy) • On house arrest many times • Malaysia • Federation of Malaya • Singapore • Island, 1965 Independence, #1 Economy in the World • Very strict rules and laws • Indonesia Gains Independence from Dutch 1949 • President Sukarno 1945 • Life-time President • President Suharto 1967 • Seized power, 1 million killed • President Sukarnoputri • Daughter of Sukarna, Pro-Democracy • East Timor Wins Independence from Indonesia • Jose Ramos Horta, UN 99 Vote, Civil War, 02 Independence

  21. Interesting Laws of Singapore • No gum or spitting • No drugs (Death Penalty) • No expletives especially at women. Its called insulting her modesty. One architect got fine or jail. I can't remember which punishment he got. • Not flushing the toilet (huge fine) • A person convicted of littering three times, will have to clean the streets on Sundays wearing a sign saying "I am a litter lout." • No mention of the word 'bomb'. Whether in humor or anything. The bomb squad, goon squads will be all over you. • No guns of any kind • No hugging without permission, you can be charged for outraging modesty. Jail or fine

  22. Section 3 Africa

  23. Decolonization: • End of European colonial empires caused by nationalism, Independence movements, the Cold War, Post WWI & WWII Self Determination • Great liberation = 90 new African nations • (Goal: Modernization & Political stability) • New nations = NO Stability  Military Dictators • INSTABILITY = Assassinations & Genocide

  24. Ghana, Kenya & Algeria • Ghana Leads The Way (1st African Nation) • British rule until 1957 (Gold coast) • Kwame Nkrumah • DREAM: “United States Of Africa” • Fighting For Freedom • Kenya • British ruled until 1963 • Jomo Kenyatta (Nationalist leader) & Mau Mau Uprisings (farmers) • Algeria • French ruled until 1962, • 1 million French, 9 million Muslims • 1954-1962 Independence War • FLN Leader Ahmed Ben Bella, overthrown, UNSTABLE NATION

  25. Congo & Angola • Civil War In Congo & Angola • Congo • Belgium Rules Until 1960 • General Mobutu takes over for 32 years, very corrupt! • Laurent Kabila overthrew Mobutu & is assassinated :( • Joseph Kabila (son) took over leading to peace • Angola (War Tears) • Portuguese Ruled Until 1975 • Civil War Breaks Out • MPLA (Communist) vs. UNITA (Democracy) • 2002 Civil War ENDED

  26. Rwandan Genocide • Rwandan Genocide (Example) • 1994 Hutus vs. Tutsi’s • Radio LED Genocide by MACHETE, 1 million killed • Hotel Rwanda, INSTABILITY of Government

  27. Section 4 Middle East

  28. May 14th, 1948

  29. Conflicts In The Middle East • May 14th, 1948 Palestine Becomes Israel • TODAY: Israel, West Bank & Gaza Strip = Palestine • JEWS, Diaspora, TURKS, Zionism, Balfour Declaration, Mandate, Holocaust, UN • Arab outrage, ruled since 132 AD, majority of population • Arab-Israeli Crisis Begins 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 • 1948 Arab-Attack • Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria invade Israel • 1956 Suez Crisis • Nasser takes over Suez Canal, loses War, wins Canal • 1964 Palestine Liberation Organization • Yasser Arafat, PLO Chairman • 1967 Six Day War • Nasser (Egypt) vs. Israel • 1973 Yom Kippur War • Sadat (Egypt) vs. Meir (Israel)

  30. Middle East Peace Efforts • Efforts At PEACE • 1979 Camp David Accords (President Carter) • Sadat (Egypt) & Begin (Israel) end 30 years of hostility • Sadat assassinated for his peace efforts  • 1987 1st Intifada (Uprising) • Teenagers, Rocks, Civil Disobedience • 1993 Oslo Peace Conference (President Clinton) • Rabin (Israel) gives Gaza Strip & West Bank to the Palestinians • Rabin is assassinated for his peace efforts  • PEACE slips Away • 2000 2nd Intifada • Teenagers, Terrorism , Suicide Bombings, Sharon’s visit • The Road Map (Abbas & Sharon & George W. Bush) • “Our goal is two states, Israel & Palestine, living side by side in peace & security.”

  31. Middle East • Known as the Near East, or Southwest Asia • Jews, Christians & Muslims live there • Iraq (1932), Lebanon, Syria & Jordan • Westernization legacy, Border issues • 1917 Balfour Declaration, Zionism, Herzl • 1948 Birth of Israel (Invasion or Israel) • Arab-Israeli War 1948 (700,000 refugees) • 1956, 1967, 1973 Wars all won by Israel • Issues: Dictators vs. Democracy, Uneven Oil, Water (desalinization), debt service

  32. Section 5 Central Asia Struggles

  33. Russia Georgia Ukraine Moldova Belarus Armenia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Estonia3 Latvia3 Lithuania3 Soviet Union Collapse = 15 New Nations

  34. Central Asian Struggle • 15 Independent Nations after the USSR DIED (Transcaucasion & Central Asian Republics) • Economic Struggles • Poorest Nations of the World (White Gold/Oil/Natural Gas) • Ethnic & Religious Strife • Nagorno-Karabakh • Afghanistan • Struggle for Freedom • Russia & Britain, 1964 Constitution, Democracy never succeeded • Pushing back the Soviets • Communism & Koran??? • Mujahideen (Holy Warriors) vs. Soviets, 1979-1989 War, Soviets defeated! • Rise & Fall of the Taliban • Extremist Islam Interpretation • Women’s rights violations (no school or jobs) • No TV, Radio, Movies, Music • Terrorist Training Centers (Al-Queda/Osama Bin Laden) • 911 Attacks, October 2001 U.S. Invasion, Taliban out! • Challenges Ahead • President Harmid Karzai • 2 decades of war, 12 ethnic groups, repressive forms of government out?

  35. Afghanistan 1979-1989 Afghan War Soviet Union invasion U.S. Backed Mujhadins Soviets withdrawal Taliban (Extremist) Women’s Rights Osama Bin Laden Al Queda 9-11 (Terrorist Training) U.S. invades Afghanistan We are still there!

  36. Mohandas Gandhi 1948 Indira Gandhi 1984 Rajiv Gandhi 1989 Benigno Aquino 1983 Anwar Sadat 1981 Yitzhak Rabin 1995 Laurent Kabila 2001 Benazir Bhutto 2007 Assassinations of Ch. 18

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