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Upper El Class Trip. This year the Upper El took a class trip to Washington D.C. and Baltimore. We saw The Walters Art Museum, The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, and London Town H istoric V illage .
Upper El Class Trip • This year the Upper El took a class trip to Washington D.C. and Baltimore. • We saw The Walters Art Museum, The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, and London Town Historic Village. • The purpose of this trip was to see and learn more about what we had been studying all year. • We studied Ancient Humans, Early Civilizations, and Archaeology.
London Town We went to a place called London Town. We learned about archeologists and how they dig up artifacts, which are things that are made, modified, or used by humans. Archeologists use artifacts to find out how people lived. We learned that when the archeologists dig up the Earth, they might find posts and pieces of decayed wood that tell them there used to be a building there.They are re-building London Town.
Butterfly Exhibit Titanoboa In the Smithsonian we went to the butterfly exhibit where they had live butterflies that flew around the room and some could land on you. The butterflies were in a big tent pavilion which had plants and every couple seconds blew mist for the butterflies. If you wanted butterflies to land on you they put fruit out and you could put fruit juice on your hands The Titanoboa was the largest snake in the world. They found one back bone, and that told us how big it is. The Titanoboa is about 50 feet long and lived about 50-60 million years ago. Its weight was 2,500 pounds. Smithsonian
Hope Diamond Ocean Hall Early Humans The Hope Diamond is the largest deep blue diamond in the world. It was believed to have a curse that would not only kill the owner of the diamond, but whoever touches it. It was discovered in the Golconda Mines in South West India. It traveled through many royal hands, but with each owner came a slow and painful death. Ocean Hall is a big hall full of ocean creatures. in ocean hall there was a huge whale hanging from the ceiling, that was about 55 feet, and was the actual size of the North Atlantic Right Whale. The was also giant squid that was preserved in a glass case. We learned that usually only live up to 3-5 years. In the early human exhibit, we saw our ancestors. We learned that we resemble monkeys. They were much much shorter, more hairy, and they had a smaller brain case than humans today. They also didn’t walk upright.
PICTURES Hope Diamond Ocean Hall Titanoboa Early Humans
The Walters Art Museum The Ancient Egyptian Exhibit In the the Ancient Egyptian exhibit there are canopic jars that the Egyptians used to put the mummies organs in for there beliefs. There are also were amulets that were like Ancient Egyptian jewelry one was a scarab. A scarab is a beetle shaped jewelry, but also there is a scarab beetle. Those are some things we learned. These are the canopic jars.
The Walters Art Museum The Ancient Rome and Greece Exhibit In the Ancient Rome and Greece exhibit there are sculptures of other people. Most of them are doing sports or ruling. There are also vases of people working and religious deeds and also pictures of fables.
CONCLUSION • The reason why we went on this trip was to learn about what we studied this year and to have fun! • Thanks to all who helped make this trip possible by going to bingo night, buying pizza and school merchandise, and participating in the 50/50 auction raffle.