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From Technology to Product

From Technology to Product. Technology Center VP Ari Tolonen. New software technologies e.g CORBA, JavaBeans, DCOM, Agent technologies . New dynamic market e.g shorten product life cycle, new user demands, lifestyles. New generation products and services. New type of applications

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From Technology to Product

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  1. From Technology to Product Technology Center VP Ari Tolonen

  2. New software technologies e.g CORBA, JavaBeans, DCOM, Agent technologies New dynamic market e.g shorten product life cycle, new user demands, lifestyles New generation products and services New type of applications e.g multimedia, electronic commerce, communities New development methodologies e.g Object-oriented, frameworks, design patterns, componentware Change of Environment

  3. New Technologies and Markets Coverage + Time - Product substitution Break even Market launch

  4. Service Applications Authentication Authorisation Accounting Billing Content Platform User profiles Terminals Access network Service platform Content Demand: Various content through various access

  5. Successful product development project

  6. Cornerstones of successful product development according to Dr. Robert Cooper • high quality product development process • product innovation strategy for the business • sufficient and competent R&D resources • Of the three, having a high quality product development process had the strongest impact on business’s new product performance

  7. Stable Processes Needed in Unstable Markets Unstable Market Stable Market desirable necessary Stable Processes possible impossible Unstable Processes

  8. Sonera process map • Markkina • mahdollisuudet • tarpeet Markkinaprosessi: Uusien tuotteiden tuottaminen markkinoille ja tuotteiden hallinta Kilpailu- kykyiset ratkaisut/ tuotteet • Asiakas • tarpeet Asiakasprosessi: Asiakkaan tarpeiden tyydyttäminen Laadukkaat tuotteet ja asiakas- suhteet Johtamisprosessit Tukiprosessit Hyvin kehittyvät liiketoimintatulokset Tehokas liiketoiminnan tuki = Soneran yhtiöt ja yksiköt = yhteistyökumppanit

  9. Conventional SW development model Requirement analysis Design Implementation Integration & verification Installation & validation

  10. S100066U-XIII 10(14) Example of CBSE process Customer Analysis Architecture Design Component Design Implement. Requirement elicitation Architecture Specification Component Specification Component Composition Business Component Evaluation Integration and Verification Architecture Evaluation Component Evaluation Business Component Search Architecture Search Component Search Component adaptation Component Vendor

  11. Flexible Development Model Traditional Approach Sensing the Market Project start Concept freeze Market introduction Specification Design Implementation Integration& Verification Concept development Implementation Concept time Response time Stabilization / Ramp-up Total lead time Flexible Approach Project start Concept freeze Market introduction Flexible approach is based on Concept development Implementation Concept time Response time Total lead time

  12. Ideas Ideas Use of core teams New products Product and Cycle-Time Excellence - PACE Phase 0 Go / Redirect / CancelConcept evaluation • Strategic issues • Marketing issues Inexpensive and fast qualitative measures Phase 1 Go / Redirect / CancelSpecification and planning • Functional Specification • Evaluate development plan Build business case, detailed market analysis, and financial analysis Phase 2 Go / Redirect / CancelDesign and development • Complete product design • Make sure that testing is ready to start Product is developed and prototype is produced Pilot production, customer field trials, test marketing Phase 3 Go / Redirect / CancelTesting and evaluation • Complete product testing • Carry out pilot production Phase 4 Go / Redirect / CancelProduct release • Check that sales support is in place • Release to volume manufacturing Tooling and full productionLaunch Develop market

  13. Decision Procedure Preparation of DP input data Revision according to request Decision Termination Go on according to the original or revised plan

  14. Definitions • A decision point is a meeting at which the steering group makes a formal decision concerning the execution of the project or study. • The steering group considers the status of the project or study, its use of resources, and its costs and benefits. After this analysis, a decision is made either to • continue the project or study, • postpone the decision point, or • terminate the project or study. A milestone is an important and measurable control event in a project or study. It represents a result that must be achieved at a given point of time.

  15. Release Sonera R&D Process Model Project Execution Pre - Study Feasibility Study Design Implement. & Verification Piloting & Validation Conclusion Demos Design Prototypes Design Implement. Ideas System req. User req. Architecture Component & intg. tests Pilots Release Project spec. System tests Accept. tests DP0 DP1 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP2 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS

  16. DP1 WORK MODELS AT SERVICE DEVELOPMENT Demos & Prototyping Development Development & Support DP2 DP3 DP4 IDEAS VENTURES BUSINESSES EXPERIMENTS BDP1 BDP2 BDP3 BDP4 BDP5 BDP6 Screening the idea Experiment Start check Venture launch Business launch

  17. Business Requirement Validation by Fast Track Project (Experiment phase) 4-6 week project realization Experiment scoping Requirement capturing& analysis Protodesign 1 Protoimplemen-tation 1 Prototype deployment1 Customer feedback analysis Experiment scoping Requirement capturing& analysis Protodesign N Protoimplemen-tation N Prototype deploymentN Business requirementspecification

  18. Product Development by Quality-Track Project (Venture & Business phases) Experiment project & req. analysis 2- 3 month project realization, depending on re-usability level System design Component Design Component Implemen-tation Component Deployment Project& technical planning Component Design Component Implemen-tation Component Deployment System Integration Component Design Component Implemen-tation Component Deployment System deployment

  19. Example: R&D Process in iterative sw development 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iteration DP2 DP0 DP3 DP5 DP1 DP4 Req. collection Req. analysis Prototyping Architecture design Design & Implementation Integration & component test System test Acceptance test

  20. Roles in product development System Analyst / Technology Specialist Business Analyst Software Architect Patent Engineer PROJECT MANAGER Chief Designer Documentation Specialist Software Designer Verification Engineer

  21. Resource Profiles in Product Development Product Implement.& Verification Production Pilot Prestudy Feasibility Study Design Release Prod.mgmt Product Support and Supply System Engineer Business Analyst System Analyst DP0 DP1 DP3 DP5 DP2 DP4 MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS

  22. Release Project Framework Budget Time schedule Processes Goals Resources Quality

  23. Different Process Levels General R&D process Specified for Sonera Applied for a specific unit Applied R&D process Adapted R&D process Adapted for a specific project

  24. TC Product Development Process RFS SCR CF RFP RFM GA Prestudymanagement Feasibility studymanagement Project management Requirement capture System capability transfer to system support Idea process System concept System pilot and validation Design and implementation Testing and Verification System and customer documentation development DP0 DP1 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP2 Information, document and data management Configuration management Subcontracting management RFM =Ready for marketing SCR=Service concept ready RFS=Ready for sales CF=Concept fixed RFP=Ready for piloting GA=General availability

  25. Requirement capture: Activities

  26. Requirement Catalogue Evaluate feasibility, add possible technical requirements. Agree the requirement set with the customer. Feature sets are frozen. Requirements can be specified after DP1 if necessary. DP1 Collect, group, and prioritize requirements.

  27. System concept Activities

  28. The Design and Implementation Process: Activities

  29. Testing process: Activities Test Manager Defining the Test Strategy Test Designer Test case design Test Environment Expert Test environment management Test Manager Testing management Test Engineer Integration and System Testing Test Manager Reporting DP2 DP1 DP3 DP4 DP5 DP0

  30. Project Management: Activities

  31. Project Management: Planning

  32. Example: Change management

  33. Process Information Distribution http://xxx.yyy.xxx.fi/ Toimintaohjeet

  34. Process Information Distribution (cont.) prosessikartta tiivistelmä

  35. Example of R & D Metrics • % of work on strategic projects • % of projects finished on time according to plans • % of sales from new products • % and # of patent applications filed and accepted / strategic area • % of products based on cross organisational platforms • Organisation capability: Project Management, Requirement Management, Configuration Management, Sub-contracting Management

  36. Project Measurement • The success of the project is measured according to the following main criteria: • The project is on timeMeter: the achieved milestone dates compared with the dates on the baselined project plan. • The project works in a cost-effective manner.Meter: the actual and incurred costs compared with the budget of the project. • The project is not reserving unutilised resources.Meter: the actual amount of work done by project members compared with the planned amount. • Project outcome is verified and ready for validation in DP4.Meter: the outcome fulfils the set requirements. • The project follows the process Meter: Process audit results

  37. Example / Duration and Intensity

  38. Example / Amount of work

  39. Example / SW Quality

  40. SPICE arvioinnin tulos syksy 2000 • F-taso saavutetaan tasolla yksi 69- prosenttisesti. Tämä luku on jonkin verran Suomen tilastollista keskiarvoa parempi. Ykköstason vahvuus on vahvin yksittäinen osoitin saavutetusta kyvykkyydestä. F + L- reittaukset olivat yhteensä 98 % ykköstasolla arvioituista 173 käytännöstä. Tämä osoittaa, että ammatilliset perustehtävät tunnetaan ja tehdään hyvin. • Kakkostason F + L on yhteensä noin 80 % arvioiduista 206 käytännöstä. Tilanne on hyvä, mutta kuitenkin jonkinlainen osoitus prosessien käyttöönotto-ongelmista ja laatukäytäntöjen ohuudesta joissakin projekteissa. • Kolmostason F + L on hieman yli puolet arvioiduista 231 käytännöstä. Mittarien puutteellisuus on selkein tasoa heikentävä seikka.

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