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Accountability 2020 MEGA Conference 2014. The Next Chapter. Today’s Objective. O. B. J. E. C. T. I. V. E. Review Alabama’s proposed new accountability model and discuss possible next steps to help districts and schools plan for success. PLAN 2020 and Accountability.
Accountability 2020 MEGA Conference 2014 The Next Chapter The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Today’s Objective O B J E C T I V E Review Alabama’s proposed new accountability model and discuss possible next steps to help districts and schools plan for success The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
PLAN 2020 and Accountability Every Child a Graduate—Every Graduate Prepared for College/Work/ Adulthood in the 21st Century Alabama’s Schools and Systems Alabama’s Learners Alabama’s Support Systems Alabama’s Professionals • All students perform at or above proficiency and show continuous improvement. • All students succeed. • Every student graduates from high school. • Ever student graduates from high school prepared. • All schools and systems will receive adequate funding to meet the needs of students. • All systems will be resourced and supported based on identified need as determined from the state’s accountability plan and additional indicators at the local level. • Schools and systems will be granted flexibility to innovate to meet the needs of their students. • Schools are resourced to create a 21st century learning environment. • All students will attend school daily and be engaged in rigorous learning. • All students will develop personal civic responsibility. • All students will enter 9th grade with a 4-year plan. • All students will be provided with healthy meals, physical education, and health instruction with needed medical and related services. • Every child is taught by a well-prepared, resourced, supported, and effective teacher. • Every school is led by a well-prepared resourced, supported, and effective leader. • Every school is led by a prepared and supported visionary instructional leader. Accountability Indicators Accountability Indicators Accountability Indicators Accountability Indicators Accountability Indicators • Local Indicators from system/school improvement plans • Achievement • Gap • Growth • College and Career Readiness • Attendance Rate • Graduation Rate • Program Reviews • Effective Teachers and Leaders • Using multiple Measures including student performance The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. Increase the number of students graduating high school that are college and career ready and prepared to be successful in our global society. Increase the number of students graduating high school that are college and career ready and prepared to be successful in our global society. Close the achievement gap. Close the achievement gap. Graduation Rate Gap
What goes into Phase I of the Accountability Model? Accountability Phase I The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. Achievement Achievement Gap Graduation Rate Attendance Rate
Achievement Gap • Phase I Accountability • (During the 2013-2014 school year, baseline data will be collected on the accountability elements listed below.) • Achievement • Gap • Graduation Rate • Attendance Rate Graduation Rate Attendance Rate The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Achievement and Accountability Achievement will be calculated for both reading and math. Achievement The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Transitioning to New Assessments ARMT+ Grades 3-8 ACT Aspire Alabama High School Graduation Exam High School ACT Quality Core Alabama Alternate Assessment Grades 3-12 Alabama Alternate Assessment The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Achievement and Accountability The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Achievement • Achievement Data: • measures students’ achievements in reading and mathematics. • can pinpoint students’ academic growth in the all students groups, subgroups, and individually. • measures academic progress from one test administration to the next. Achievement The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Achievement: Next Steps Action Items • Assess how all grade levels combined performed on the assessments. • Assess how each grade level performed on the assessments in reading and math. • Determine which subgroups exist in the school/district. • Assess how each subgroup performed on the assessments in grade levels and combined grade levels. • Address instructional weaknesses. • Moving forward, determine if there is an increase or decrease for all students, subgroups, and individual students from one year to the next. • What strengths can be celebrated? • How will data be used to drive instructional decisions? • How will teachers use data to improve student achievement? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
GAP and Accountability Gap Gap will be determined based upon student groups that traditionally perform below achievement level. Gap will consist of students identified in the following subgroups: Black, English Learners, Hispanic, Poverty, and Special Education. The percentage of proficient students from each subgroup will be combined to determine the Gap. Remember the n count for a subgroup is 20. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Gap Data Sources GAP GRADES K-12 UNIT SCHOOL GAP GRADES 9-12 GAP DISTRICTS GAP GRADES K-8 ACT Aspire (Reading and Mathematics) and Alabama Alternate Assessment (Reading and Mathematics) 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate ACT Aspire (Reading and Mathematics) and Alabama Alternate Assessment (Reading and Mathematics) and 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate ACT Aspire (Reading and Mathematics) and Alabama Alternate Assessment (Reading and Mathematics) and 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
GAP Measures the disparity in academic performance between groups of students Gap The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
GAP: Next Steps • Determine subgroups in the school/district. • Compare performance of subgroups on new assessments to performance of all students group on new assessments. • Determine if there are gaps between groups of students. • Where are achievement gaps? • What strategies will the school/district implement to help close the gaps? • Moving forward, is the current year’s gap larger or smaller than the previous year’s gap? • Calculate the graduation rate for the all students groups. • Calculate the graduation rate for each subgroup in the school/district. • Determine if there are gaps between groups of students. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Graduation Rate and Accountability Graduation Rate Graduation rate will be calculated in schools with a grade 12. The graduation rate will be calculated using both four-year and five-year cohort graduation rates. Graduation rates will be disaggregated by subgroups. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Graduation Rate Measures the number of students who graduate with a high school diploma within 4 years of becoming a first year ninth grader Graduation Rate The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Graduation Rate: Next Steps • Determine students included in the 4 year cohort. • Determine the number of students who graduated with a high school diploma within 4 years of becoming a first time ninth grader. • The 5 year cohort graduation rate is calculated in the same method except using students who graduated within 5 years of becoming a first time ninth grader. • Is the difference between current year’s graduation rate and previous year’s graduation rate an increase or decrease? • What strategies will be implemented to improve graduation rate? • What strategies will be employed to ensure students graduate within four years? • Review the transcripts of the 5 year cohort. Are there any patterns as to why these students did not graduated with the 4 year cohort? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example of 4 Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Graduates (graduated within four years) First Time Ninth Graders 2010-2011 2008-2009 2009-2010 2011-2012 The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example of 5 Year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate Graduates (graduated within five years) First Time Ninth Graders 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Attendance Rate and Accountability Attendance Rate Attendance rate will be calculated in schools without grade 12. The goal is 95% or higher. ATTENDANCE WILL BE BASED ON THE AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE (ADA) REPORTED ON THE 9th MONTH REPORT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Attendance rate will be used for schools without a grade 12 and districts. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Attendance Rate Attendance Rate Measures the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for the entire year for a school/district The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Attendance Rate: Next Steps Attendance and achievement are inextricably linked. • Determine attendance rate for the all students groups and each subgroup. • Determine the difference between current year’s attendance rate and previous year’s attendance rate. • If there is an increase or decrease in attendance rate from year to year, what were the possible reasons for the difference? • Are there patterns in attendance rate data? • What strategies will be implemented to improve attendance rate? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
What goes into Phase II of the Accountability Model ? Accountability Phase II Accountability Phase II The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change. Achievement College and Career Readiness Graduation Rate/ Attendance Rate Learning Gains Program Reviews Gap Effective Teachers and Leaders Local Indicators
Accountability Phase II Data Elements Achievement Gap Graduation Rate Attendance Rate Learning Gains College- and Career- Readiness Program Reviews Effective Teachers and Leaders Local Indicators The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Indicators Used in Phase I Accountability Also Used in Phase II Accountability Attendance Rate Graduation Rate Achievement Gap The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Learning Gains Learning Gains Learning gains will be formulated based upon the percentage of students demonstrating learning gains in mathematics and reading over the previous year(s). Focus on the progress students make from one test administration to the next relative to proficiency. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
All Students When focusing on student progress, make sure to focus on all student progress, subgroup student progress, and individual student progress. Subgroups Individual Students The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
College- and Career Readiness College- and Career- Readiness College and Career Readiness will be determined based upon the percentage of high school graduates who successfully meet an indicator of readiness for college or career. Possible consideration for College and/or Career Readiness may consist of one of the following: *benchmark scores on the reading, math, English, or science section of the ACT Test *qualifying score on an AP or IB exam, *approved transcript college or postsecondary credit while in high school, *benchmark level on the ACT WorkKeys *approved industry credentials. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Make Certain Students Are College and/or Career Ready 1.Review students to verify they are College/and Career Ready (CCR). Review students’ 4 year plans. Audit student transcripts. Communicate with students and parents regarding requirements for graduating College and Career Ready. How will you prepare students to ensure they are College and Career ready? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Program Reviews Program Reviews Program reviews will cover areas that are typically not covered by standardized tests and could include program areas such guidance and counselling. A measure for evaluation will be developed. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example Program Review Guidance and Counseling • Plans and implements small and large group activities to teach students academic development, career development, and personal social development competencies • Guides students to acquire knowledge to achieve career goals • Teaches students to apply decision-making skills to career planning, course selection, and career transition • Reviews and counsels students accordingly in regards to students’ 4 year plans • Ensures all students entering the ninth grade have a 4 year plan The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Effective Teachers and Leaders Effective Teachers and Leaders Development and implementation of a professional growth evaluation system for teachers and leaders that include multiple measures. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Effective Teachers and Leaders • Multiple measures will be used for the evaluation system. • Focus on: • Student Learning • Teaching Standards The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Local Indicators Local Indicators Local districts will have the opportunity to declare one local indicator that is unique to that district/school. Districts should begin to identify indicators outside of the accountability model that can be a part of the Continuous Improvement Plan and ensure student performance. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Local Indicators What indicators are in your current plan that allow you to capture data? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Participation Rate • Participation rate is an integral part of the accountability model. • Ninety-five percent (95%) is the goal. • Schools with less than a 95% participation rate in mathematics or reading/English language arts will fail to qualify as a reward school. • One of the exit criteria for Priority and Focus Support is 95% participation on administered assessments. • What would cause your school or district to have a participation rate below 95%? • What are some ways to correct these issues? The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Examples of Proposed School Performance Index Reports School Performance Index The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example of a Proposed School Performance Index ReportK-8 School The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example of a proposed School Performance Index Report9-12 School The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Example of a proposed School Performance Index ReportDistrict The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
How To Prepare For the New Accountability Model The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
iNow • Demographic information will be pulled from iNow. • The approximate date information will be pulled each year will be April 15. • There will no longer be an opportunity for demographic match back. • We will no longer accept appeals based upon demographics IMPORTANT The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Make Sure All Information In iNow Is CorrectExamples of Items to Verify • Demographic Information • Student Name • Gender • Race • Ethnicity • LEP Status • Meal Status (Check the data source.) • Foreign Exchange Status The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Make Sure All Information In iNow Is CorrectExamples of Items to Verify • Enrollment Information • Date of Enrollment • Grade • Withdrawal Dates • Attendance Information • Attendance Entered Daily • Check-Ins Marked Correctly • Absences Coded Correctly The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Make Sure All Information In iNow Is CorrectExamples of Items to Verify • Graduation/Exit Information • Graduates Coded Correctly • Withdrawals Coded Correctly • Completers Coded Correctly • Dropouts Coded Correctly • Transcript Information • Students Awarded Appropriate Credit • Grades Entered Correctly • Schedules • Courses are Assigned to the Correct Teacher • Students are Assigned to the Correct Teacher • Schedules reflect students’ 4 year plans • Students assigned to appropriate course/grade level The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Plan For Success Information schools can verify to prepare for success Students are: scheduled in the appropriate classes. not scheduled to be in two classes at one time. are assigned to the teacher who teaches them. College- and Career-Ready based on 1 of the 5 CCR indicators. are in the correct cohort. are on track to graduate with their cohorts. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Report Results Analyze Data Outcomes Proposed Initial Establish Targets Accountability Establish Baseline AMOs Process Analyze Baseline Data Collect Baseline Data The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Proposed On-Going Accountability Process 2. Report Data 1. Collect Data 3. Analyze Data The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
Data Dashboard Coming Soon The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.
The Accountability Model provides districts/schools with a top level view. Look at the image above. Jot down the colors of each ring. The elements of the proposed accountability model are subject to change.