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Civilians at War (U.S.). women at work: many married women worked; most laid off after war ended; permanently changed attitudes. Civilians at War (U.S.). African Americans at work: FDR issued Executive Order 8802 barring racial discrimination in defense & govt work; step toward civil rights.
Civilians at War (U.S.) women at work: many married women worked; most laid off after war ended; permanently changed attitudes
Civilians at War (U.S.) African Americans at work: FDR issued Executive Order 8802 barring racial discrimination in defense & govt work; step toward civil rights
Civilians at War (U.S.) Bracero program: ~¼ of a million Mexicans came to the U.S. to work in agriculture & on railroads due to the war; changed Southwest permanently
Civilians at War (U.S.) 1943 Detroit race riot: WWII saw second “Great Migration;” riot was symbolic of continuing racism in U.S.
Civilians at War (U.S.) zoot suit riots: baggy suits popular in Mexican American community contrasted w/tight victory suits; sailors & soldiers responded violently; city of L.A. banned zoot suits; symbolic of racial hostility toward Mexican Americans
Civilians at War (U.S.) Korematsu v. U.S.: Supreme Court ruled that relocation of Japanese Americans constitutional; but in Ex parte Endo the Court ruled that loyal citizens could not be held against their will
Civilians at War (U.S.) rationing: purchase of products limited so enough could go to military; coupons controlled purchases
Civilians at War (U.S.) victory gardens & scrap drives: people planted food and recycled; boosted morale & helped war effort
Civilians at War (U.S.) war bonds: people & businesses lent $ to the govt to finance half the war effort; helped people “buy into” the war