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FY 2010-11 Budget Overview. Continued full funding of local Marine Patrol Grants, local Education Grants, Cooperative Boating Facility Grant Program, Recreational Harbor (Dredging) ProgramNo registration fee increaseNew fees/increases being considered:Waterways Conservation Fee (non-powered boats)Agent writing fee increaseTitling fee increase.
1. Division of Watercraft FY10-11 including Scenic Rivers Program Transfer Presented by:
Pamela Dillon, Chief
Ohio DNR Division of Watercraft
pam.dillon@dnr.state.oh.us Thank you for your interest.
Invited many of our stakeholders and partners to listen in. We will have another opportunity on March 11th that has been advertised to the boating public.
With only 150 phone lines available for this web seminar, we wanted to provide the opportunity to bring out stakeholders up to date on the Division of Watercraft budget for FY 2010-11 as submitted by Governor Strickland and components of Sub. HB 1 which provide for the transfer of the Scenic Rivers program to Watercraft.
Intro self - 28th year with Division. Started as a field officer but also served as state administrator through the years of both the Marine Patrol and Education Grant programs.
Because of the nature of this call, it will be difficult to respond to verbal questions online, but those of you who have joined in the internet link should also have tool on your screen that will allow you to send in questions. You may use that tool and also send any comments directly to me at my email: pam.dillon@dnr.state.oh.us.
Thank you for joining in on this opportunity to educate you on this budget and legislative proposal.
Thank you for your interest.
Invited many of our stakeholders and partners to listen in. We will have another opportunity on March 11th that has been advertised to the boating public.
With only 150 phone lines available for this web seminar, we wanted to provide the opportunity to bring out stakeholders up to date on the Division of Watercraft budget for FY 2010-11 as submitted by Governor Strickland and components of Sub. HB 1 which provide for the transfer of the Scenic Rivers program to Watercraft.
Intro self - 28th year with Division. Started as a field officer but also served as state administrator through the years of both the Marine Patrol and Education Grant programs.
Because of the nature of this call, it will be difficult to respond to verbal questions online, but those of you who have joined in the internet link should also have tool on your screen that will allow you to send in questions. You may use that tool and also send any comments directly to me at my email: pam.dillon@dnr.state.oh.us.
Thank you for joining in on this opportunity to educate you on this budget and legislative proposal.
2. FY 2010-11 Budget Overview Continued full funding of local Marine Patrol Grants, local Education Grants, Cooperative Boating Facility Grant Program, Recreational Harbor (Dredging) Program
No registration fee increase
New fees/increases being considered:
Waterways Conservation Fee (non-powered boats)
Agent writing fee increase
Titling fee increase
3. Program Expansion Sub. House Bill 1 provides for the transfer of the State Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Program to the Division of Watercraft
Expands Division authorities to include an expanded conservation component in Watercraft program mandates
4. Purpose To introduce you to the State Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers program
To give an overview of the program’s relevance to Ohio’s Boating community
To share financial plans for sustained support of the program within the Division of Watercraft The purpose is to:
To introduce you to the State Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers program
To give an overview of the program’s relevance and importance to Ohio’s Boating community
To share financial plans for sustained support of the program within the Division of Watercraft
The purpose is to:
To introduce you to the State Wild, Scenic, and Recreational Rivers program
To give an overview of the program’s relevance and importance to Ohio’s Boating community
To share financial plans for sustained support of the program within the Division of Watercraft
5. Why are we discussing this? General Revenue Funds (GRF) will not be provided for the Scenic Rivers program beyond July 1, 2009
ODNR has proposed transfer of the program to the Division of Watercraft
Funded by Waterways Safety Fund (WSF)
License plate revenues would follow program
New Waterways Conservation Fee
6. Why Watercraft? Our Mission:
Our Vision:
7. Ohio’s Scenic Rivers Legislation Passed the Scenic Rivers Act in 1968
First in the nation
Created a state program to protect Ohio’s high-quality streams for future generations
8. Scenic Rivers in Ohio 20 segments of 14 rivers
800 river miles
Approximately 4000 acres in protected corridors and access sites
9. Scenic Rivers in Ohio Three designations: Wild, Scenic, Recreational
Declared by Director of Natural Resources
Retain most of their natural characteristics at a time when many rivers reflect the negative impacts of human activities.
10. “Wild” Designation Free of impoundments and generally inaccessible except by trail
Watersheds or shorelines essentially primitive and waters unpolluted, representing vestiges of primitive America.
Conneaut Creek Wild and Scenic River
Grand Wild and Scenic River
Little Beaver Creek Wild and Scenic River
11. “Scenic” Designation Free of impoundments
Shorelines or watersheds still largely primitive
Shorelines largely undeveloped, but accessible in places by roads.
12. “Recreational” Designation Readily accessible by road or railroad
May have some development along their shorelines
May have undergone some impoundment or diversion in the past
Maumee Scenic and Recreational River
Stillwater/Greenville Creek Scenic and Recreational River
13. 4000 Acres of Land Remain in a natural state and provide low-impact public access points, beaches, and safe landing areas.
Restoration of streamside forests is the single most important ingredient in maintaining the health of streams and rivers.
14. Removing Forested Corridors… Increases erosion, runoff and sedimentation
Degrades water quality
Reduces natural diversity of aquatic community
Decreases fish spawning
Increases need for dredging
15. Current Scenic Rivers Program 7 full-time river managers/administrators
5 part-time Stream Quality Monitors
Over 150 years of program experience
Funded by state GRF and the Scenic Rivers License Plate fund.
History of leveraging GRF into non-GRF grant support.
Past 6-years: Obtaining $3.50 in non-GRF for every $1.00 GRF
16. No Scenic Rivers Program? Potential loss: river access
public areas along these rivers
protection for the state’s most pristine river systems that feed many of the state’s most popular boating lakes and reservoirs
an opportunity to support the fastest-growing boating activity: Paddlesports
17. Canoe/Kayak Registration Trends
18. Ohio Boat Registration Trends Although number of Ohio boat registrations are remaining essentially flat, canoes and kayaks are growing while other boat types are decreasing.Although number of Ohio boat registrations are remaining essentially flat, canoes and kayaks are growing while other boat types are decreasing.
19. Shift in Registered Boat Types
20. To continue the SR program… Requires a modest level of support:
$550,000, or
3% of Watercraft Operating Budget for FY10-11 (from Waterways Safety Fund)
21. Opportunities Serves the growing numbers of paddlers without significantly affecting our current level of service to all boaters
Nurtures a new, passionate, constituent base for Ohio’s boating program
Advances Ohio’s Statewide Strategic Plan for Youth and Education in the Outdoors
Maintains established forested corridors, reducing erosion, runoff and sedimentation
22. Advances “Strategic Plan for Boating in Ohio” which states:
Develop new and maintain/upgrade existing boating access/facilities
Improve water quality on boating waterways
Promote the development of water trails
Minimizes need for dredging downstream
23. Voiced Concerns “ ‘Gas tax’ money should go primarily to motor boating and not paddlesports.”
Potentially higher cost to Division than expected
Landholdings not currently in Division’s mandate and will take staff resources to administer Which to explore each of these areasWhich to explore each of these areas
24. Non-gasoline Tax Revenues 80,640 registered canoes and kayaks generated $ 543,740 to the WSF in CY08
Scenic Rivers Protection Fund has historically provided $ 70,000 -130,000/year (plus interest)
License Plate program will be marketed through the registration process to generate revenue through this option
Proposed “Waterways Conservation Fee” on non-powered boats
25. Waterways Conservation Fee Proposed for boats that do not pay Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (i.e. non-powered) to begin with 2010
$5.00 per three-year non-powered registration
$1.50 per one-year livery boat registration
26. User Pays/User Benefits
27. User Pays/User Benefits
28. Future Costs Sub. HB 1 includes a cap of 4% on the Waterways Safety Fund monies that support the program (1547.51)
Based on annual WSF revenue
Note: Boating Safety Education Grant and Marine Patrol Grant programs each have a 10% cap
The language we have proposed caps the Scenic Rivers Program at four percent of the Division of Watercraft’s funds to benefit this large user group.
Note: The additional WCA fee and four percent cap was included in the proposed language after hearing the concerns of some within the boating community to ensure the Waterway Safety Fund’s long-term solvency The language we have proposed caps the Scenic Rivers Program at four percent of the Division of Watercraft’s funds to benefit this large user group.
Note: The additional WCA fee and four percent cap was included in the proposed language after hearing the concerns of some within the boating community to ensure the Waterway Safety Fund’s long-term solvency
29. Regarding Land Holdings Managed by current staff which transfer with the program (no additional staff needed)
A vital component of the program
ODNR owns land. Division will manage land primarily through agreements with local jurisdictions
Except for boating access, any new land purchase will be made using non-WSF revenue
30. Waterways Safety Council …That the State Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers program be transferred from the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves to the Division of Watercraft, and
…A funding cap be established, not to exceed 4% of monies accruing annually to the WSF.
Carried and approved on 12/15/08
31. What’s Next: Legislation Sub. House Bill 1 and FY10-11 Executive Budget include:
Language drafted by ODNR
Provides the authority for Division of Watercraft
Maintains current Scenic Rivers Program mission and staff
Provides for 4% cap on WSF expenditures
32. Review of ORC Changes Link to Sub. House Bill 1:www.legislature.state.oh.us > House Bill 1
Changes in Section 1517 affect Division of Natural Areas and Preserves (pp. 443-449)
Changes in Section 1547 affect Division of Watercraft authority (pp. 475-510)
Link to Executive Budget (pp. 732-758 is DNR)obm.ohio.gov > Executive Budget Proposal
33. Next Steps ODNR Director Sean Logan will present DNR budget on Thursday, March 12th at 9:30 AM.
Additional hearings will follow
For additional information, contact:
Session is open to those wishing to provide testimony or show of support/opposition
As public service employee, my job is to make you aware.
I will be happy to provide details of location.
I am also available to provide information for upcoming meetings. If I am not available, I will do all I can to schedule WC and/or SR personnel to attend.
Session is open to those wishing to provide testimony or show of support/opposition
As public service employee, my job is to make you aware.
I will be happy to provide details of location.
I am also available to provide information for upcoming meetings. If I am not available, I will do all I can to schedule WC and/or SR personnel to attend.
34. Thank You! Webinars scheduled:
Monday, March 9, 2009 at 6 PM
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 6 PM
For additional webinar information, contact janet.wolfinger@dnr.state.oh.us