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Sponges and Cnidarian Review. Sponges. Which Phylum do Sponges belong to? Porifera What does Porifera mean? Pore-bearing For many years sponges were classed as plants. Why?. http://www.mbgnet.net/salt/animals/1sponge.jpg. Sponges. Why are Sponges now classified as animals?
Sponges • Which Phylum do Sponges belong to? • Porifera • What does Porifera mean? • Pore-bearing • For many years sponges were classed as plants. Why? http://www.mbgnet.net/salt/animals/1sponge.jpg
Sponges • Why are Sponges now classified as animals? • They do not produce their own food! • Do sponges have tissues or organs? • NO! • Which type of symmetry do they have? • Radial http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsGkbJ53YremLOURV1PY9CEk5jw7QaW3OeCyyggIGCuRO9LmXiYAx4KbyLEw
Sponges • How do sponges get their food? • Extract it from water as it flows through the sponge • What are the openings known as that the water can flow through? • Pores • Which cells use their tails to remove food from the water? • Collar cells
Sponges • What is the name for the large opening at the top of the sponge where the waste and new sponges exit? • Osculum http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/invertebrates/sponge/spongex.GIF
Sponges http://api.ning.com/files/tvuiNan6mLB7oYWJb1zhJzEELHxcPKfp5n7XAr3mDR1QT3MeVwv1KrmZKmGasj9cRIfmDWhgxjDTCMN4prd2B*n6RusbQuKC/I1082sponge2.jpg
Sponges • What gives the sponge support? • Spicules or the spikes • How do they reproduce? • Sexual reproduction • Asexual reproduction • Do their “young” stay next to them? • No http://www.microlabgallery.com/gallery/images/SpongeSpicules.jpg
Sponges • What is the advantage of having their young swim away? • They will not be competing for resources with them • Facts! • Sponges are sessile – fused to the ground • Larval stage is free swimming • Radial symmetry helps them detect things all around themselves
http://reefguide.org/pix/thumb2/orangeballsponge1.jpg http://reefguide.org/pix/pinklumpysponge1.jpg
Cnidarians • Includes jellyfish, coral, and sea anemones • How do they move? • Slow swimming or don’t move at all • Do they chase their prey? • No, they move slowly they eat what they “bump” into
http://www.biologyeducation.net/wp-content/uploads/101.jpg Cnidarians • What do their use to kill or stun their prey? • Stinging cells • Cnidocytes – cell name • Nematocysts – harpoon like structure that they fire once to stun the prey
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lj8m4KSwTaY/TZ4vlIMzTBI/AAAAAAAAAXg/TlkHD1W2vI8/s1600/portuguese_man_o_war.jpghttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lj8m4KSwTaY/TZ4vlIMzTBI/AAAAAAAAAXg/TlkHD1W2vI8/s1600/portuguese_man_o_war.jpg Cnidarians http://www.aloha.com/~lifeguards/portjell.gif
Cnidarians http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFweStzZ-m_kRtcMFo3-BMhyr9OknogFDXvjTBha6q1RzQrMDBODCfmQRA http://www.tampabay.com/multimedia/archive/00024/a4s_manowar052308a_24572c.jpg
Cnidarians – Sea Anemone http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_fU7LdRkUMVM/TToEo0hGQxI/AAAAAAAADrM/5rKEwTwZyXM/s1600/Sea-Anemone.jpg
Cnidarians - Coral http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/About/General/2011/2/23/1298488013408/Coral-reef-near-Fiji-007.jpg
http://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/39/72139-035-550475BC.jpghttp://media.web.britannica.com/eb-media/39/72139-035-550475BC.jpg Cnidarians • What are the two body types that they can have? • Polyp (sessile) Asexual • Medusa (swimming or free-floating)Sexual
Cnidarians • What type of symmetry do they have? • Radial • They have a nerve net which they use to detect and sense what is around them • Where does the undigested food go? • Back through their mouth because they have only 1 opening.