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Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

Learn about the characteristics, naming conventions, and stability of ionic compounds. Understand how to determine formulas and explore miscellaneous vocabulary related to ionic compounds.

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Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

  2. Stability

  3. Naming Ionic Compounds

  4. Formulas

  5. Miscellaneous

  6. Vocab

  7. Characteristics Stability Naming Formulas Misc Vocab $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  8. Salts have a (high/low) electronegativity difference?

  9. High

  10. Name 3 ways salts differ from metals.

  11. -contain nonmetals -brittle -strong attraction -non-conductive as solids -localized electrons -high EN difference

  12. Why are salts brittle?

  13. When force is applied, like charges align and repel.

  14. Why are salts conductive as liquids and in solution?

  15. There is a flow of ions. (not electrons)

  16. Explain hydration.

  17. Water surrounds ions.

  18. What is the most common charge for the strontium ion?

  19. +2

  20. Which family never forms compounds?

  21. Noble gases (already stable)

  22. The tungsten (W) ion is isoelectronic with which noble gas?

  23. Xenon

  24. Give the noble gas configuration of the tungsten ion.

  25. [Kr] 5s^2 4d^10 5p^6

  26. Given these lattice energies, which salt has stronger bonds? LiF = 1036kJ/mol LiCl = 853kJ/mol

  27. LiF

  28. When is a roman numeral used?

  29. when there's more than one possible charge on the cation

  30. Name this substance: P^-3

  31. Phosphide ion

  32. Which is named first, the cation or anion?

  33. cation

  34. Name this substance: PbI2

  35. lead (II) iodide

  36. Name this substance: Mg(HCO3)2

  37. magnesium hydrogen carbonate

  38. What does the roman numeral indicate in a formula?

  39. the charge on the cation

  40. Write the formula for the zinc atom, then the zinc ion.

  41. Zn Zn+2

  42. What is the formula for chromium(VI)oxide

  43. CrO3

  44. Which formula is possible? NiSO4 or Ni(SO4)2

  45. NiSO4

  46. Which contains a polyatomic cation and monatomic anion: NH4OH, NH4Cl, or NaOH

  47. NH4Cl

  48. What is the charge on the tungsten (W) ion?

  49. +6

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