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Atomic entangled states with BEC. A. Sorensen L. M. Duan P. Zoller J.I.C. (Nature, February 2001). KIAS, November 2001. SFB Coherent Control €U TMR. ª. =. '. '. :. :. :. '. j. i. 6. j. 1. i. . j. 2. i. . j. N. i. Entangled states of atoms. Motivation:.
Atomic entangled states with BEC A. Sorensen L. M. Duan P. Zoller J.I.C. (Nature, February 2001) KIAS, November 2001. SFB Coherent Control€U TMR
ª = ' ' : : : ' j i 6 j 1 i j 2 i j N i Entangled states of atoms Motivation: • Fundamental. • Applications:- Secret communication - Computation - Atomic clocks Experiments: • NIST: 4 ions entangled. • ENS: 3 neutral atoms entangled. 4 ' E 3 ' E This talk:Bose-Einstein condensate. 3 1 0 E '
Outline • Atomic clocks • Ramsey method • Spin squeezing • Spin squeezing with a BEC • Squeezing and atomic beams • Conclusions
1. Atomic clocks To measure time one needs a stable laser click The laser frequency must be the same for all clocks Innsbruck click Seoul click The laser frequency must be constant in time click
Solution:use atoms to lock a laser frequency fixed universal detector feed back In practice: Neutral atoms ions
Independent atoms: Entangled atoms: • N is limited by the density (collisions). • t is limited by the experiment/decoherence. • We would like to decrease the number of repetitions (total time of the experiment). Figure of merit: • To achieve the same uncertainity: We want 1 1 1 1 1
2. Ramsey method • Fast pulse: • Wait for a time T: • Fast pulse: • Measurement: single atom single atom single atom # of atoms in |1>
Independent atoms Number of atoms in state |1> according to the binomial distribution: where If we obtain n, we can then estimate The error will be If we repeat the procedure we will have: 1 1
Another way of looking at it Initial state: all atoms in |0> First Ramsey pulse: Free evolution: Measurement:
In general where the J‘s are angular momentum operators • Remarks: • We want • Optimal: • If then the atoms are entangled. That is, measures the entanglement between the atoms
3. Spin squeezing • Product states: No gain!
Spin squeezed states: (Wineland et al,1991) These states give better precission in atomic clocks
How to generate spin squeezed states? (Kitagawa and Ueda, 1993) 1) Hamiltonian: It is like a torsion
Explanation are like position and momentum operators Hamiltonian 1: Hamiltonian 2:
4. Spin squeezinig with a BEC A. Sorensen, L.M Duan, J.I. Cirac and P. Zoller, Nature 409, 63 (2001) • Weakly interacting two component BEC • Atomic configuration laser trap + laser interactions Lit: JILA, ENS, MIT ... • optical trap AC Stark shift via laser: no collisions FORT as focused laser beam
A toy model: two modes • we freeze the spatial wave function • Hamiltonian • Angular momentum representation • Schwinger representation spatial mode function
A more quantitative model ... including the motion • Beyond mean field: (Castin and Sinatra '00)wave function for a two-component condensatewith • Variational equations of motion • the variances now involve integrals over the spatial wave functions: decoherence • Particle loss
Time evolution of spin squeezing • Idealized vs. realistic model • Effects of particle loss
Can one reach the Heisenberg limit? We have the Hamiltonian: We would like to have: Idea: Use short laser pulses. short evolution short evolution short pulse short pulse Conditions:
Stopping the evolution Once this point is reached, we would like to supress the interaction The Hamiltonian is: Using short laser pulses, we have an effective Hamiltonian:
In practice: wait short pulse short pulses
5. Squeezing and entangled beams L.M Duan, A. Sorensen, I. Cirac and PZ, PRL '00 • Atom laser • Squeezed atomic beam • Limiting cases • squeezing • sequential pairs • atomic configurationcollisional Hamiltonian atoms pairs of atoms condensate as classical driving field
Equations ... • Hamiltonian:1D model • Heisenberg equations of motion: linear • Remark: analogous to Bogoliubov • Initial condition: all atoms in condensate
Case 1: squeezed beams • Configuration • Bogoliubov transformation • Squeezing parameter r • Exact solution in the steady state limit input: vaccum condensate output
Case 2: sequential pairs • Situation analogous to parametric downconversion • Setup: • State vector in perturbation theorywith wave function consisting of four pieces • After postselection "one atom left" and "one atom right" collisions symmetric potential
6. Conclusions • Entangled states may be useful in precission measurements. • Spin squeezed states can be generated with current technology. • - Collisions between atoms build up the entanglement.- One can achieve strongly spin squeezed states. • The generation can be accelerated by using short pulses. • The entanglement is very robust. • Atoms can be outcoupled: squeezed atomic beams.
Quantum repeaters with atomic ensembles L. M. Duan M. Lukin P. Zoller J.I.C. (Nature, November 2001) SFB Coherent Control€U TMR €U EQUIP (IST)
Quantum communication: Classical communication: Quantum communication: Bob Bob Alice Alice Quantum Mechanics provides a secure way of secret communication Classical communication: Quantum communication: Bob Bob Alice Alice Eve Eve
In practice: photons. laser vertical polarization horizontal polarization photons optical fiber Problem: decoherence. 1. Photons are absorbed: 2. States are distorted: _ L = L P = e Probability a photon arrives: 0 ª j i ½ Alice Quantum communication is limited to short distances (< 50 Km). Bob We cannot know whether this is due to decoherence or to an eavesdropper.
Solution:Quantum repeaters. (Briegel et al, 1998). repeater laser ª ª ½ j i j i Questions: 1. Number of repetitions 2. High fidelity: 3. Secure against eavesdropping.
Outline • Quantum repeaters: • Implementations: • With trapped ions. • With atomic ensembles. • Conclusions
1. Quantum repeaters The goalis to establish entangled pairs: (i) Over long distances. (ii) With high fidelity. (iii) With a small number of trials. Once one has entangled states, one can use the Ekert protocol for secret communication. (Ekert, 1991)
Key ideas: 1. Entanglement creation: Establish pairs over a short distance Small number of trials 2. Connection: Connect repeaters Long distance 3. Pufication: Correct imperfections High fidelity 4. Quantum communication:
2. Implementation with trapped ions Entanglement creation: (Cabrillo et al, 1998) Internal states ion A ion A ion B laser ion B laser - Weak (short) laser pulse, so that the excitation probability is small. - If no detection, pump back and start again. - If detection, an entangled state is created.
Description: Initial state: ion A ion B After laser pulse: Evolution: Detection:
Repeater: Entanglement creation Gate operations: Connection Purification Entanglement creation
3 Implementation with atomic ensembles Atomic cell Internal states Atomic cell - Weak (short) laser pulse, so that few atoms are excited. - If no detection, pump back and start again. - If detection, an entangled state is created.
Description: Initial state: After laser pulse: Evolution: photons in several directions (but not towards the detectors) 1 photon towards the detectors and others in several directions 2 photon towards the detectors and others in several directions do not spoil the entanglement Detection: 1 photon towards the detectors and others in several directions 2 photon towards the detectors and others in several directions negligible
Atomic „collective“ operators: and similarly for b Photons emitted in the forward direction are the ones that excite this atomic „mode“. Photons emitted in other directions excite other (independent) atomic „modes“. Entanglement creation: Sample A Apply operator Sample B Measurement: Apply operator:
(A) Ideal scenareo A.1 Entanglement generation: Sample A After click: (1) Sample R After click: (2) Sample B Thus, we have the state:
A.2 Connection: If we detect a click, we must apply the operator: Otherwise, we discard it. We obtain the state:
A.3 Secret Communication: - Check that we have an entangled state: • Enconding a phase: • Measurement in A • Measurement in B: The probability of different outcomes +/- depends on One can use this method to send information.
(B) Imperfections: - Spontaneous emission in other modes: No effect, since they are not measured. - Detector efficiency, photon absorption in the fiber, etc: More repetitions. - Dark counts: More repetitions - Systematic phaseshifts, etc: Are directly purified
(C) Efficiency: Fix the final fidelity: F Number of repetitions: Example: Detector efficiency: 50% Length L=100 L0 6 Time T=10 T0 43 (to be compared with T=10 T0 for direct communication)
Advantages of atomic ensembles: 1. No need for trapping, cooling, high-Q cavities, etc. 2. More efficient than with single ions: the photons that change the collective mode go in the forward direction (this requires a high optical thickness). Photons connected to the collective mode. Photons connected to other modes. 3. Connection is built in. No need for gates. 4. Purification is built in.
4. Conclusions • Quantum repeaters allow to extend quantum communication over long distances. • They can be implemented with trapped ions or atomic ensembles. • The method proposed here is efficient and not too demanding: • No trapping/cooling is required. • No (high-Q) cavity is required. • Atomic collective effects make it more efficient. • No high efficiency detectors are required.
Institute for Theoretical Physics Postdocs: - L.M. Duan (*) - P. Fedichev - D. Jaksch - C. Menotti (*) - B. Paredes - G. Vidal - T. Calarco Ph D: - W. Dur (*) - G. Giedke (*) - B. Kraus - K. Schulze P. Zoller J. I. Cirac FWF SFB F015: „Control and Measurement of Coherent Quantum Systems“ EU networks:„Coherent Matter Waves“, „Quantum Information“ EU (IST): „EQUIP“ Austrian Industry: Institute for Quantum Information Ges.m.b.H. €