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Rome . Question 1: What do you call a block of apartments similar to apartments today?. Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia , 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula. Answer 1: Insula. Question 2 : What is a channel that brought water to rome ? .
Question 1: What do you call a block of apartments similar to apartments today? Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 2: What is a channel that brought water to rome? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 3: Roman foot soldiers are called _________. • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 4: What do you call an ordinary working citizen? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 5: What is a document that explains roman laws? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 6: What is another name for a roman army? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 7: What is it called when there is a break away or rise up against authority? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 8: what do you call a wealthy or powerful roman citizen? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 9: what people took control of the region and built the city of rome? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 10: what were foreigners that were a part of the roman army called? • Word Bank: Etruscans, Patrician, Revolt, Legion, Plebian, Aqueduct, Auxilia, 12 tables, Roman Infantry, Insula
Question 1: why was Pompeii an important archeological site?
Question 2: which volcano erupted that destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii?
Question 3: why did many residents of Pompeii die during the eruption of mount Vesuvius?
Question 4: when the celtsand romans fought the first time, why did the celtsfinally leave?
Question 5: the romans started training for how many years?Question 5: What did the romans do that made them so fit?
Question 6: why did the Celts win so easily the first time they fought the romans?
Question 8: What were the things a legionary were granted after 20 years of service?
Question 10: Did roman soldiers build the first straight roads?
answer 11: some were treated unfairly and beaten for anything; if one killed their master, they were all killed; shackled by their ankles; no voting rights; could buy their freedom in a special ceremony; built roads, worked in factories, and took care of people’s homes.
Question 14: why did crassus order 6,000 slaves to be crucified at the end of the revolt?