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DE 658 -VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Disbursements and Travel Services (DTS) Office disbursements.travel@utsa.edu 458-4213 See VP2 contacts on our website at “DTS Staff Duties Listing”: http://www.utsa.edu/travel/. VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher. Purpose:
DE 658 -VP2 Local Funds Payment VoucherDisbursements and Travel Services (DTS) Officedisbursements.travel@utsa.edu458-4213See VP2 contacts on our website at “DTS Staff Duties Listing”:http://www.utsa.edu/travel/
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Purpose: • The Payment Request voucher (VP2) is used to generate payments to vendors, individuals, and other institutions for goods or services. • The result of an approved voucher is a check or state warrant payable to the person or business specified.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher • The VP2 document can be used for the following types of expenses: • Membership Dues* • Applies to yearly memberships only. • Subscriptions • Registration Fees • Publications • Reimbursements, including Travel (i.e. mileage) • Entertainer Contracts • Service Agreements
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Things to know… • All payments must be supported an original invoice or receipt showing the date goods or services were received, a description of the purchase and the cost. • Reimbursements related to entertainment/hospitality require additional documentation • Refer to the Entertainment/Hospitality Guidelines located at: http://www.utsa.edu/financialaffairs/opguidelines/2.6.4.html • Departments should keep a copy of all documents used to support the VP2.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Things to know… • Sales tax normally will not be reimbursed for purchases of tangible goods. Except when dining in a restaurant or for catering (pick up and delivery). • To avoid paying sales tax, use the Tax Exempt form and present to the vendor at point of sale for tangible items. This form can be found in on the Financial Affairs website\Forms and Worksheets\Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate athttp://www.utsa.edu/financialaffairs/Forms/details.cfm?form_number=57.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Business Expense Form • Required for all meal and entertainment reimbursements. • Please refer to the 2.6.4 Entertainment/Hospitality Guidelines, including the Business Expense Form, was effective as of January 1, 2009.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Memberships • When paying or reimbursing membership dues or subscriptions, a statement explaining the benefit to the University is required on the payment voucher. • Proper internal control procedures require that an individual does not approve disbursements of funds to himself/herself.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher • A Dean, Director, or Department Chair should forward their Payment document to the person to whom he/she reports for approval or have their supervisor’s handwritten approval on the supporting paperwork. • If paying registrations, the VP2 must include the travel request number (RTA).
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher • Tips • Are normally reimbursable up to 15% of total purchase, however actual will be reimbursed, if reasonable, and supported by appropriate documentation (applies to local accounts only). • Service Agreements • Are required for certain types of services such as consultants not being paid on a purchase order. Visit http://www.utsa.edu/avpa/forms.html for templates and more information on the routing of documents.
VP2 Local Funds Payment Voucher Before you start, You will need… • Original Invoice: Make sure that the invoice is stamped with the date the invoice was received because the Invoice Received Date will be subject to audit review. • Goods/Service Received Date: This will be the date the goods or services were received. It is helpful if you know… • Electronic ID (EID) for the vendor: The EID address must match the invoice remit to address. To search for a EID, refer to command GG3 (name order) or GG4 (number order) for vendor information. • Object Class Code: This is a 4-digit code used to categorize transactions. To search for an object code, refer to command GG8 (code order) or GG9 (keyword order).
VP2 Screen Profile • There are two different views for the VP2 document. New users screen will default to Screen Type 1. This format is used by UT Austin. Currently, UTSA is using Screen Type 2. • To change your screen profile, press the F5 key on the keyboard; a new window will appear; type “2” in the Value column and press Enter twice. When you return to the cover sheet your screen will look like Screen Type 2. This process is only required once. S C R E E N T Y P E 1 S C R E E N T Y P E 2
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • To create a VP2 document: • Type New inthe Action field • Type 01 in the Format field • Type the appropriate code (C,F,P,T,U) in the Check Distributionfield and press Enter. • Check Distribution Code: This field determines how the check will be sent to the vendor. The following are recognized check distribution codes for our campus: • U US Mail/Direct Deposit. (Direct deposits must have a UTSA Non-Payroll Direct Deposit form on file.) See the Financial Affairs Forms website at: http://www.utsa.edu/financialaffairs/Forms/details.cfm?form_number=16. • C Campus Mail (Preferred method of distribution) • F Foreign Mail • P Pick Up – request for Check Pick-Up Form must be completed for anyone picking up a check • T Attachments to be mailed with the check
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • After pressing enter, the document status will become Created and a Document ID number isassigned. Write the Document ID number in the top right-hand corner of the invoice(s) or receipt(s).
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • The Separate Checkfield is currently not used by departments. Leave this field blank. • The Voucher Date fieldwill default to the current date. • Tab to the Invoice Received Date field, type the date in MMDDYY (ex: 090110) format and press Enter. The Invoice Received Date is the date the invoice was received on campus. • Tab to the UT EID field, type the vendor’s UT EID; tab tothe MC (Mail Code) field and type the vendor’s 3-digit mail code; and press Enter. The Vendor ID, Name and address will auto-fill. • If you do not have the UT EID or Mail Code for the vendor, you may access the VID help screen by typing a “?” in the UT EID field.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet What is a Vendor ID? • Identifies the payee • Vendor ID numbers are required on all payment vouchers. • The state requires the university to report expenditures by VID and not by name. • The University of Texas Electronic Identifier (UT EIDs) is assigned to vendors, students, employees, and prospective employees as well as others with business relationships with the university.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet What is a Vendor MC (Mail Code)? • The Vendor Identification numbers (VIDs) are UT EID’s assigned to each vendor. To locate a UT EID number, refer to command GG3 or GG4. The UT EID is assigned for each vendor paid by UTSA and based on mailing addresses for each location by vendor. • The Mail Code (e.g., 000, 001) indicates where the payment is being mailed or deposited. Mail Codes are assigned by the Disbursement & Travel Services (DTS) Office.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet Vendor Identification Lookup • Tab to the Name field, type the vendor’s name and press Enter. When searching for an individual or sole owner, type the Last Name, First Name (e.g., Gladstone, Gander); make sure to includea space between the comma and the First name. • Once you have located the payee, tab to the field to left of the vendor’s name and type an “A” (Addresses) and press Enter. A window will open displaying the vendor’s active addresses. • Note: If the UT EID does not exist or if the address is incorrect, usecommand GGV to request/setup a new or change an existing Vendor ID. Please contact the Disbursements and Travel Services (DTS) office at disbursements.travel@utsa.edu or ext. 4213 if you have any questions.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • As noted on the prior slide, tab to the appropriate address, type an “A” in the field to the left of the correct address and press Enter. When you return to the VP2 Cover Sheet, the Vendor ID, the UT EID, name and address will auto-fill.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • Tab to the Goods/Service Received field • Type the beginning and ending date for when the goods/service were received in MMDDYY format (ex: 092210). • Press Enter • Note: The service dates cannot span fiscal years. UTSA’s accounting cycle runs from Sept 1st through Aug 31st. If this occurs, you must enter the starting date of the Goods/Service in both the Beg and the End date field. Record the actual dates of the Goods/Service in the Voucher Description fieldor in “notes” on the VP2. • The Scheduled Date field will default to the date the check is scheduled to print. (This date will be displayed after final approval in the DTS office).
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • The Payment Due Date field will default to 30 days after the LATER of (1) Goods/Service Received End Date OR (2) Invoice Received Date. This is why it is important to date stamp/note on the invoice the date received. • State/Localfield will be left blank; it will be completed by the Disbursement and Travel Services Office. • (Optional field) Tab to the Requested Payment Date field and type a payment date. This field allows you to schedule payments earlier than the Scheduled Date.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • If a Requested Payment Date is entered, the document will require a reason for early payment. Enter a reason in the Req Payment Reason field ortype a “?” in this field to see a listing of reason codes. Checksare printed each day at 7:00 AM and at 12:00 PM (noon).
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet The Voucher Description field requires a brief explanation of the items being paid. Information typed in this field is for internal use only.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet If an additional line is needed for theVoucher Description: • Tab to the Comments/Ref field • Type an “X” to the right of this field • Press Enter. A new window will appear giving you one more line for the Voucher Description.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet The Comments section is required. • Information typed in this section will appear on thecheck stub and will provide additional information about the payment to the vendor. • If you have an attachment to the check or if the check should be picked-up (Check Distribution code T or P), you should enter the appropriate information in the check stub area for the DTS Office. Press Enter to update. • If you need more lines for the Comments section (check stub): • First you mustpress Enter to update the information in this section • Tab to the field titled “To page forward mark here +” • Type an “X” over the + (plus sign) • Press Enter to get additional lines.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet The following fields are used by the DTS Office only: Send USAS: __ Reimbursable: __ Doc Type: __ PCC Code: ___
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet Transaction Section Type the following information in the Transaction section: • Account: Type in the 10-digit Account Number to be charged in this field. • D/C: Type “D” (Debit entry) or “C” (Credit entry) • Amount: Type the dollar amount of the transaction in this field. • Invoice Nbr: Enter the Invoice number that is provided on the vendor invoice or if an invoice number is not available, type ameaningful description in this field. This field can either be alpha or numeric. • Press Enter to update.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet What is an Object Code? • An object code is a 4-digit code used to categorize transactions. • Tab to the Object Code field to search for a valid object code. • To search for an object code, type a “?” at the beginning of the field • Press Enter • Note: Theaccount number, the D/C (debit or credit), the amount and the invoice numbermust be entered and updatedbefore the object code help section will be displayed.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet To locate a valid object code: • Type a keyword in the Keyword field(e.g., Camera) and press Enter. Valid object codes for the account you are using will be shown with an asterisk *. • Once you have located the object code, type the corresponding number next to the object code in the Selection field and press Enter. When you press enter, the object code will carry into your VP2 document.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet • Note: When choosing an object code for meals and entertainment expenses (ex: 1323, 1324, 1327, etc.), the Business Expense Form must be completed and submitted with receipts.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet Transaction Section Type the following information in the Transaction section: • P.O. Nbr: Purchase Order numbers are not entered in this field. If a payment for a purchase order is necessary, this payment must be processed in command VP1 by the Disbursement’s Office. If payment is part of a Travel Request, then enter the RTA or TV07030945 number in the P.O number field. • DTN: Departmental Transaction Number. This is not a required field but can be used to track specific payments. • Interest Flag/Reason: At final approval, the system will determine if the payment due date is 31 days late. If so, interest will be automatically calculated and a transaction is added to the document. This area is a function of the DTS Office reviewed during final approval of the payment.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet Additional Transaction Line(s) • There are two transaction lines available on the cover sheet. • If additional transaction lines are needed, type an “X” in the field to the right of the Trans fieldand press Enter. You will be directed to a new window where additional transaction lines will be provided. Helpful Tip (Transaction Section) • If you need more transaction lineswhile in this section, press the F2 key.
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet Once you have completed your entries: • Press Enter to update the information • Enter again to return to the cover sheet
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet VP2 - Approval After you have completed all the required fields: • Type VER in the Action field,to check for any errors, then APP and press Enter. • The document is checked for valid entriesand, if correct, it will be sent to the next desk on the routingpath. • Your status line will now read Pending or Proposed. The message at the top of the screen will indicate where the document went. • If there are errors detected in your document, the document will not be forwarded. The error message will tell you what to correct. (Reference Command HH3 - Troubleshooting Error Messages)
VP2 Payment Voucher Coversheet VP2 Things to Remember: Review the VP2 document noted as ***Important*** on page 10. There are two daily check runs (7:00 am and noon). If extenuating circumstances exist in which items have to be rushed to our office, then those items should be in our office before 10:00 am to be included in the noon check run. VP2 screen print should be stapled to all supporting documentation (no paperclips). Write the Document ID on each of the supporting backup papers (i.e. invoice/receipts, etc.) in the event of separation. Ensure that hard copies of the VP2 are forwarded to the Disbursements and Travel Services (DTS) office at JPL 4.04.26. Make copies of the documents submitted for departmental reference. When the check distribution code is noted as “T”, a copy of the attachment should be attached to the original documents with the document ID noted.
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