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2nd meeting of TEMTIS partners

2nd meeting of TEMTIS partners. 28.6.2007 Graz, Austria. Draft agenda. Opening (Alois Materna) Roll call of delegates and their introduction. Adoption of the agenda. Time organization – TU Graz – 28.-29.6.2007 Minutes from the 1st meeting. Check of activities of single WorkPackages

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2nd meeting of TEMTIS partners

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  1. 2nd meeting of TEMTIS partners 28.6.2007 Graz, Austria

  2. Draft agenda • Opening (Alois Materna) • Roll call of delegates and their introduction. • Adoption of the agenda. • Time organization – TU Graz – 28.-29.6.2007 • Minutes from the 1st meeting. • Check of activities of single WorkPackages 1) WP1 – economic and administrative issues – VSB-TU Ostrava 2) WP2 - IMK 3) WP3 – TU Graz 4) WP4 – CTU Prague (P1) 5) WP5 – seminar in Brno, seminar in Graz – CKAIT, TU Graz 6) WP6 – P1 7) WP7 – P1 8) WP8 – SKSI (P1) • Miscellaneous. • Subsequent meeting (in Opole in April 2008) – date specification. • Closure of the meeting (at 1:00 p.m.).

  3. 1st Minutes tasks • P1 – create a project website in English – term: 15.11.2006 • P1 – a link will be sent to project partners for approval – 15.11.2006 – one week for comments - OK • Local language versions of website functioning (Czech, Slovak, Polish, German) - term: 30.11.2006 - OK • P2 will create a project logo and send it to project partners for approval – term: 10.12.2006 – two weeks for comments - OK • P1 will prepare Project management plan – term: 15.11.2006 and send it to project partners - OK • P2 will prepare Project marketing and communication plan – term: 15.11.2006 - NO • P1 will prepare template for case studies and entries into the database – term: 15.11.2006 – OK (website) • Work on case studies start in November 2006 – P1, 2, 3,5, 6, 7, 9, 10 -partly • Dissemination on the project, its tasks and results start on the 1st day of the project duration. • WP leaders are responsible for actions and activities planned and realized in their WP to be going smoothly in harmony with the project work programme. • WP3 and WP4 leaders prepare 3 chapters of Handbook 1. Both leaders control and distribute work on these WPs among partners in accordance with the Characteristics of the partnership (D.2.) and Form D and decide who the chapters will be prepared by and till when.

  4. WP1 – Coordination and management • VAT declaration – P2 and P5 • Confirmation on obtaining grant from P1 – P2, 4, 5, 7 – important – must be attached to the Interim report in October 2007 • Information on activities from 11/2006-3/2007 – P2, 6, 8, 9, 11 – important for P1 – preparation for Interim report – 11/2007

  5. Interim report • Partners are advised to fill the fill the Interim report for their organizations. P1 will then put all the single reports in one and make a final version. • Financial part of Interim report: all partners fill the Self-calculating financial tables and send it with copies of receipts and a bank statement with actual exchange rate to P1. • At the time of sending Interim report it is important to spent 70% of the pre-financing payment. After it is spent P1 will send a Payment application to the National Agency of Leonardo da Vinci.

  6. Technical annex • It is an additional document to the project application. • It is important that the outputs at the time of the Interim report are in of the same extent as written in the Technical annex (i.e.: Handbook 1 – 70 A4 pages). • If we do not reach the desired number of pages, the project will obtain lower evaluation values.The Interim report should contain a comment with explanation.

  7. List of outputs-Interim report

  8. Budgetary issues (1) • In countries where EUR is not a national currency, please attach bank statements with actual exchange rates. • All partners must write a statement on credits on their bank accounts –for Final report in 2008. • It is possible to talk about shifts in the budget – from 1 partner to another as well as between items in a partner’s budget – discussion. • If a partner spends more money for some item (like subcontracts) those money will not be considered eligible if you do not ask partners for increase of his budget. • It is possible to make changes in the project budget, but please mind the rule of less then 10% of the total costs of a budget heading or 5 000 EUR. Changes can occur in the budget of one partner or between partners. It can be discussed at the meeting in Graz and then put into the Interim report with the revised budget.

  9. Staff costs and Subcontracts • Staff costs: All people working on the project should have work contracts. • estimation of rates must be in agreement with the internal regulations of the institution. The rates stated by EU Commission can not be exceeded. • Please keep in mind the difference between staff costs and subcontracts • Subcontracts – write an agreement • Experts with subcontracts can be paid travel and subsistence costs when giving lectures at seminars.

  10. ICT - CDs can be used both for ICT or Production – it depends on the purpose or in which budgetary heading you have more money. • ICT – 3 groups of costs in the Excell table • Overheads – the real value spent for overheads must be calculated in the financial report. • Other costs – press releases, conference fees, purchase of books, information materials, catering costs for a meeting or seminar (not for project partners) • Bank fees are ineligible except the ones related to the transfer of funds (concerns P1). • VAT – ineligible, with the exception that a sum with VAT is a final sum, VAT can not be refundable then

  11. If invoices are presented in a language other than the working language of the project it might be useful to provide a shoprt description (1-2 lines) of the content of the invoice. • Where invoices are presented in a currency other tha EUR the method and rate of calculation should be added to the invoice. • Detailed information on financial issues are presented in the Administrative and financial handbook – 1st meeting, website, and in the PWP presentation prepared for the 1st meeting

  12. Dissemination activities • Great attention is paid to this activity – will be written in the Interim report for every partner • Keep records of dissemination activities – when where and how did you inform about the project - invitations, photos etc.

  13. Dissemination P1 • 13.11.2006 – seminar Dřevostavby od A po Z in Ostrava • 20.2.2007 – Press conference organized by MSDK – Moravian-Silesian timber cluster in Ostrava • 19.4.2007 – Czech Country seminar in Brno • 2/2007 article on the project in a technical magazine Materiály pro stavbu • 5/2007 article on the project in a magazine of VŠB-TUO called Akademik

  14. Partnership • If a partner does not cooperate on the life of the project and does not fulfil his duties and tasks he can be asked to leave the partnership. In this case the leaving partner has to agree with the leaving. His tasks and budget can be transferred to partners in the partnership or to a new partner. In both cases a Contract Amendment Request form must be sent to the National Leonardo agency. New partner signs Letter of Intent and a new contract.

  15. WP2 – Communication, promotion and marketing • P2 – IMK – WP leader • Project presentation at conferences • Media contact • Internal evaluation of WP2 – April 2007 – P1 and P4

  16. WP3 - Handbook 1 • WP leader P3 • Duration 01/2007-01/2008 • State of work ? • September – start of work on graphical design – possibility to shift the task to P3 (including money for subcontract-budget modification) • December 2007 – internal evaluation by all partners

  17. WP4 – Handbook 2 • WP leader P5 • Duration 01/2007-01/2008 • State of work ? • September – start of work on graphical design – possibility to shift the task to P5 (including money for subcontract-budget modification) • December 2007 – internal evaluation by all partners

  18. Handbook 2 - Contents

  19. WP5 – Seminars • 19.4.2007 – Brno - OK • 29.6.2007 – Graz - OK • April 2008 – Opole • June 2008 – Vitus Bering • Teaching seminar in August 2008 in Prague • P3,4,6 and 10 prepare evaluation of seminars

  20. Seminar in Brno 19.4.2007 • 82 registered • 60 participated • 15 students • 13 from TEMTIS project (partners+speakers) • About 90 participants all together • CD from the seminar is available (M.Zahnasova) • Evaluation received from 32 participants – will be evaluated by P4 – Seminar report will be posted on the project website

  21. WP6 – Case studies • WP leader – P1 • 1st set of case studies was to be finished till 30.3.2007 – 3 still missing • 2nd set should be prepared from 07/2007 till 12/2007 • After 6-month evaluation by all partners 1st set of case studies+part of the instruction manual will be placed on the public website – 10/2007 – for Interim report • Now case studies+Instructions manual are available at private part of the project website

  22. WP7 - Database • WP leader – P1 • From May 2007 – already delayed • Example of an entry into the database available at private website as Example 1 http://fast10.vsb.cz/temtis/en/ • Number of entries per partner? • After approval of the database by partners, a template will become available at public website. • Evaluation needed before Interim report • 5 entries till Interim report

  23. WP8 Products local transfer • WP leader – P11 • On programme from 05/2008

  24. Subsequent meeting and seminar • Opole – March or April 2008 – the date will be specified in summer months • Vitus Bering – May or June 2008 – will be specified

  25. Thank you for your attention! Prepared by Marcela Zahnašová Project coordinator: Alois Materna VŠB-TU Ostrava, Czech Republic Tel: +420 597 321 979 E-mail: marcela.zahnasova@vsb.cz

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