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Do we / why do we want to develop an ASM?. Climate working group for WRF 2005 - workshop on model developments for climate studies with WRF (summary of workshop in BAMS) Develop WRF for high-res climate modeling (cloud resolving scale - 4km)
Do we / why do we want to develop an ASM? • Climate working group for WRF • 2005 - workshop on model developments for climate studies with WRF (summary of workshop in BAMS) • Develop WRF for high-res climate modeling (cloud resolving scale - 4km) • Evolve WRF towards regional climate system model - couple with ocean model (ROMS), include atmos chemistry • Use WRF for not only downscaling but also upscaling research - two-way coupling between WRF and global model (CCSM) - group at SUNY-Stonybrook • Address issue related to improvements in tropical simulations with higher resolution model - tropical channel model based on WRF • Goal to include new developments in standard release of WRF, encourages community development • Several efforts are already underway to build regional “physical” climate system model (atmos - ocean - ice - land) • Atmospheric chemistry - several Arctic “impacts” with this • Benefit of coordination between these existing efforts, but need to maintain reason for each effort • Stretched grid / time slice global models - run AGCM at higher resolution • Why do we want to develop an ASM? - see next slide
What science questions are best answered with coupled regional models? • Downscaling for impacts assessment • Is a system model needed for this? • Upscaling of Arctic processes to global climate • Ex. Arctic C fluxes, changes in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems, impact of aerosols on clouds • Small scale processes that have a climatic signifcance • Need to add other examples here • Abrupt climate change - rapid decline in sea ice, methane outgassing,… • Role of internal Arctic vs external forcing for change in climate • Paleoclimate studies • Glacial inception • Coastal erosion • Regional specific parameterizations • Resolve processes in regional model which are sub-grid scale in global models
What are the existing modeling and model validation efforts aimed towards answering these questions? • WRF Climate working group • SMHI, AWI-Potsdam, Jens Christensen European project • Coupled ARCMIP recently started • DAMOCLES - links to CARCMIP
What model and model validation projects are on the horizon aimed towards answering these questions? • See previous slide
What arctic science questions cannot be answered with limited area regional coupled Arctic models? • Stratospheric processes • Importance of stratosphere / troposphere coupling • Whole atmosphere processes - above stratosphere, space weather • Some processes are still too small scale to be resolved even with a regional model • Hydrology, ecosystem, other? • Could be addressed with multiple nested domains • Not all human interactions are / can be included in a system model • Meridional transport for one-way regional model • This can be addressed with nested regional model within global model • Very long time processes • Changes in deep ocean circ, ice sheet changes, ecosystem changes
What human systems are relevant to the physical systems being addressed? Are there existing models for these human systems? • Land use change / fire / insect outbreaks (C) • Hydrology (C) • River runoff temperature • Carbon sources / sinks • Nutrients / sediment • Permafrost (C) • Transportation issue / infrastructure • Physical changes - drying of lakes, altered sfc energy budget, • Coastal processes • Sources of aerosols • Industrial development / energy production (O) • Transportation (O)
What human systems are relevant to the physical systems being addressed? Are there existing models for these human systems? • Global politics / Militarization of the Arctic (O) • Fisheries (O) • Terrestrial ecosystems (C) • Oceanic ecosystems (C) • Human health (O) • Air quality, transportation of pollutants (airborne and water), disease vectors • Extreme events • Sea level rise (C) • Population growth / demographic change (O)
What human systems are relevant to the physical systems being addressed? Are there existing models for these human systems? • Which of these human system processes need to be dealt with interactively in an ASM and which can be modeled with offline effort? • Coupled processes • Fire - land change - atmos change • Offline processes
What are reasonable boundaries on the “Arctic system” for your area of research? • Storm tracks (or part of) should be included • How far south does this need to extend? • Topographic influence on storms - Greenland, Rockies • Size of domain depends on quality of lateral BCs that are available - reanalysis vs GCSMs • Use of upscaling to improve global simulation of atmos circulation • Include all land areas that drain into Arctic Ocean • Atmospheric differences between high latitudes (>60) and lower latitudes • Pronounced diurnal / seasonal cycle • Atmos. Stability • Different size domain for downscaling or upscaling studies • Ocean currents • Ocean convection regions