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Marriage,. Divorce,. & Remarriage. D. I. V. O. R. C. E. Biblical Examinations Of An. Emotional & Controversial Subject. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God The “Biblical definition” of marriage Gen 2

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  1. Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage D I V O R C E Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject

  2. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • The “Biblical definition” of marriage Gen 2 • This text must be seen as the “primary defining” passage on marriage in all the Scripture • It is where the family has its beginning • It is the reference Jesus used in discussing the topic…alluding to “at the beginning” Mt 19:4 and “from the beginning” Mt 19:8

  3. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • The “Biblical definition” of marriage Gen 2 • This is important because efforts have long been underway & succeeding in “re-defining” marriage • Current social and political events point to this • It is seen in government acceptance when taxes are paid or a census is taken Ù co-habitation • God has other views about this Heb 13:4

  4. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • The “Biblical definition” of marriage Gen 2 • This “re-definition” is even more evident from the homosexual movement • Now, they are seeking (and succeeding) in states recognizing same sex marriages to legitimize their behavior and for them to gain access to monetary benefits reserved for “traditional” families

  5. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • The “Biblical definition” of marriage Gen 2 • This “re-definition” is even more evident from the homosexual movement • God has other views about this Gen 18:20 Jude 5-7 1 Cor 6:9-10 Rom 1:24-28 • The “Biblical family” must be respected and defended

  6. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship God takes very seriously • We must be impressed with how serious God views marriage • If we want our marriages to be successful and ones that God approves, our view of marriage must equal His and be as serious as His

  7. From Mal 2:14 & Mt 19:6b, 8b… …we learn God is a “witness” to the oath we take when we marry another and to the covenant we enter into.

  8. From Mal 2:14 & Mt 19:6b, 8b… …we learn God is a “witness” to the oath we take when we marry another and to the covenant we enter into. …we learn that “from the beginning” God expects man to marry a woman, and that He authorizes no man to “put asunder” what He alone joins.

  9. Despite God’s clearly understood views, man regularly shows his ignorance and disrespect for the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage. From the “strange” category…

  10. News From 11/13/07 • Indian man marries female dog in traditional Hindu ceremony • He stoned 2 dogs to death & hung their bodies from a tree 15 yrs. ago • Hindu astrologers convinced him this was the only way to rid himself of his curse

  11. Despite God’s clearly understood views, man regularly shows his ignorance and disrespect for the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage From the “strange” category… From the “common everyday” department…

  12. Nationally • Marriage & Divorce statistics have hovered around the 50% range for the last 4 decades (Divorce laws changed in the 1970’s… divorces became very easy to obtain) Source: U.S. Census Bureau Marriage & Divorce statistics suggest man does not view marriage as seriously as does God

  13. Nationally • Of those who are married, 42% of women and 46% of men have been married more than 1 time • On average, 1st marriages ending in divorce last about 8 years • Median time between divorce and a 2nd marriage is about 3½ years Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  14. Nationally • In recent years, there has been a slight decline nationally in the number of divorces • Marriage counselors herald this as an improvement • What it does is mask the growing number of people co-habiting Source: U.S. Census Bureau

  15. The Barna Research Group conducts primary research, produces media resources pertaining to spiritual development, and facilitates the healthy spiritual growth of leaders, children, families and Christian ministries. Located in Ventura, California, Barna has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors since 1984. Source: Barna Research Group www.barna.org

  16. Nationally • Co-habitation is becoming increasingly more popular • An increasing trend even among “born again Christians” • During their single years, 1 out of every 3 adults (33%) has lived with someone of the opposite sex Source: Barna Research Group www.barna.org

  17. Nationally • Co-habitation is much more common among men than women • Men - 39% Women - 28% • A person’s faith leanings are related to co-habitation statistics • Born again Christian 25% • Atheists 51% Source: Barna Research Group www.barna.org

  18. Nationally • People are entering marriage later in life…another indicator of the “co-habitation factor” • “Born again Christians” are just as likely to get a divorce as are non-born again adults • Born again Christians 33% • Non-born again adults 34% Source: Barna Research Group www.barna.org

  19. Nationally • Geography also is a factor in the divorce rate • The Northeast has the lowest rate • Northeast 28% • Midwest 32% • South 35% • West 38% Source: Barna Research Group www.barna.org

  20. Locally • Marriage & Divorce numbers are also not impressive in Athens and Limestone County • Through October, 2007 (10 mths.) • 522 marriage licenses applied for (Source: Limestone Co. Probate Judge) • Over 600 divorces filed for (Source: Limestone Co. Circuit Court Clerk)

  21. Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. Heb 13:4NASV What this reminds us of is that, on a wholesale level, man no longer agrees with God’s serious view about the marriage relationship He instituted long ago.

  22. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • How much preparation for a marriage license? • We require more training for secular careers than for life’s most important human relationship • Proper preparation for marriage on the part of both parents and children is necessary for successful marriages

  23. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • Parents are concerned whom their children will eventually marry cp. Gen 24:1-4 • Abraham arranged the marriage for Isaac • His did not want a daughter-in-law from among the Canaanite people…he desired a wife for Isaac from among his own people, relatives

  24. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • It is not recorded what Abraham’s concerns were • Our first thoughts would most likely be idolatry • However, there may have been other cultural indicators that made the patriarch worry about his son’s future marriage

  25. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • Even though parents today cannot arrange their children’s marriage, principles from Abraham’s actions certainly can be applied • It is not sinful, wrong for our children to marry unbelievers…“Canaanites” around them 1 Cor 7:12-13 1 Pet 3:1-2, 5

  26. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • However, marrying unbelievers is dangerous • Becoming “one” with such a spouse is quite often a recipe for disaster Mt 19:6a • Yet, the answer is not simply “Marry a Christian” • Some who have obeyed the gospel also would not make good marriage partners for our children

  27. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • Parents should help their children look for and date those with “honest and good hearts”… ones who will help them do right and share their goals • This “preparation” is not only spiritual…parents also have physical concerns Song of Sol 8:8-9

  28. The Alamo San Antonio, TX Parapet

  29. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • A relationship for which we should prepare • Parents should begin early teaching their children all these important principles for when their children eventually marry Song of Sol 8:2

  30. MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God • The importance of dating & courtship • Because parents do not arrange their children’s marriages, this is an extremely important and necessary topic to include in our discussion • Our children only know parental love during their growing up years • Then, hormones eventually “kick in”

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